Huge progress for Jennifer Mcbride this week in the gym. Jenny - TopicsExpress


Huge progress for Jennifer Mcbride this week in the gym. Jenny hasnt deadlifted for about 8 months, the movement pattern gives her pain so we have completely stayed away from it and worked in other areas. She has a warm up made up of dynamic stretches and correctives to try and tackle the issue and weve still smashed her lower body strength with things like cable pull throughs, partial squats, barbell glute bridges, hip thrusts, lunges and step ups... and we concentrated loads on core strength and breathing properly. The last time she barbell deadlifted months ago it was no heavier than a 20kg kettlebell off a high step. Tuesday night I trained alongside Jennifer and she deadlifted for the first time in ages. Warmed up with 40kg, then 60kg, then ripped up 80kg off the floor for sets of 5. Most importantly with zero pain during the session and zero backpain after it. This is the beauty of strength training. Deadlifting isnt the be all and end all. And just because I am personally interested in powerlifting doesnt mean I train my clients like powerlifters. At all. I have plenty of clients I dont have performing traditional powerlifting movements.. back squatting, benching or deadlifting because theyre just not ready yet or we still need to work on flexibility or mobility. But I believe the foundations of a good strength training programme should involve a squat pattern, a hip hinge pattern, pushing, pulling and core work. I believe in getting stronger. Progressive overload. Jennifer might not have went near a deadlift but she was getting personal bests on lunges, hip thrusts etc and getting STRONGER, which carried over when she tried deadlifting again. Getting stronger isnt always about testing your 1 rep max and lifting more weight. If you manage more reps than last time, if you manage more sets, if you manage to do it with less rest, with a heavier weight or with better technique.... this means you got stronger! Thats what training is about! Getting better than you were before. Wither thats doing traditional powerlifting exercises like deadlifting or benching.... or doing a kettlebell swing and a push up.... your aim is just to improve. Do what you enjoy.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:40:59 +0000

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