Hughs reflection on the readings for Sunday, August 10, 2014 1 - TopicsExpress


Hughs reflection on the readings for Sunday, August 10, 2014 1 Kings 19:9,11-13 Psalm 85:9-14 Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 14:22-23 It comes as no surprise to anyone that life is tumultuous. We find we are happy and content one day and at the brink of despair the next. Since it is like this, one could wonder if this is part of God’s design. Could it be it is a part of the plan of God for our discovery of Him in our lives? Why? I believe there is good reason to think this way. Ignatian Spirituality (as well as the Philosopher) knew that a key to happiness is to “know thyself” because our experiences are our story, the important story of God in our lives. I think we need to remember that Jesus lived that journey too. The story of Jesus walking on the water comes after a long day of curing the sick. We may have missed it last week, but when Jesus heard of the death of John the Baptist, he tried to go away to a deserted place to absorb the trauma of losing John, but the crowds found him and would not leave him alone. He even ends up feeding them in the end. Finally, he doesn’t simply get in a boat with his disciples and make his way across the sea; he sends them ahead of him and finds his way up a mountain to pray. He had lost his friend, cousin and great prophet and needed to be with his Father. He needed to grieve, just like we do when those in our lives are taken by death and He wanted to be with the one person he trusted, his Father. It has been said that Jesus experienced all we have or ever will experience. He knows our pain because he had pain in his life. Loosing John was probably one of those times. I once wondered if he also felt fear…because we do too. I believe the night in Gethsemani he knew fear too. We can loose our way easily amidst trial, get angry (sometimes even at God) or become fearful of what may happen next to us. I think Jesus knows this because he has been there. Elijah hid his face in fear before God. The disciples feared for their lives in the boat and Paul “feared” for his fellow Jews. Jesus’ found the cure for his fear in trusting his fate to his Father. We can too. Jesus meets his disciples by walking across the water to them during the tempest on the sea. They were afraid, yes, but Peter found courage by trusting Jesus and stepped out into the sea. He faltered but for a time he stood on top of the waves. Perhaps trusting God is a little like walking on the water…find out what it feels like this week. Take your fears to Him and get out of the boat. Write your thoughts, prayers and petitions in your Bible. Trust Jesus is listening. God Bless Hugh
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 10:33:20 +0000

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