Hugo Kristinsson Here it is. Sunday, September 29, 2013 7:00pm - TopicsExpress


Hugo Kristinsson Here it is. Sunday, September 29, 2013 7:00pm Shirley Boys High These are the 6 questions that will be answered in writing by participation candidates. 1. With recent changes to the Building Act our Building Consent Authority can ignore the land conditions when it comes to building consents. Low Risk, Simple consent and exemption from building consent avoid all consideration of the land damage. The land in TC3 is suspect. What will you commit to do to prevent these practices? 2. What would you do as a mayor to ensure transparency and Accountability and engagement of the communities? 3. How would you improve cooperation between EQC, CERA and CCC so that the needs of the worst affected residents are taken care of? 4. What would you do to ensure sustainability of the recovery So the earthquake damage does not generate significant problems for the next generation? 5. What would be your preferred option for Christchurch to raise funds for maintenance on the Orion network? a. Borrowing the money and Christchurch ratepayers cover the cost of the borrowing. b. Raising prices so other clients using the services would carry 75% of the cost? 6. What is your vision for the main tourist attraction for Christchurch in 10 years time?
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 01:25:22 +0000

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