Hujra. Hujra is a community club situated in each village, each - TopicsExpress


Hujra. Hujra is a community club situated in each village, each Khail (street) and some times owned by a well off family but shared by the whole community. Other than a place to accommodate collective ceremonies, male members of the community who hang out and associate like a larger family regularly attend hujra(s). Members of a Hujra are mostly close relatives but other people from neighborhood are also welcomed. Elderly people spend their day to enjoy hubble-bubble and chat over the tea, younger men in their spare time listen to the stories of elders and raise issues while the children keep playing around, waiting for a call from one of the elders to take a message or bring fresh tea. A guest house for male guests, Hujra also serves as a place to initiate Jirgas. Issues are put on the table, brainstormed and a consensus is developed before the issue can be put to the wider community. Hujra is considered to be a secular place but closely associated with Hujra is the role of mosque in the neighborhood. Although there are few similarities between a mosque and a Hujra, the role of mosque has gained more importance recently due to many national and regional settings tilted towards Islamization. Additionally, the role of Hujra is diminishing from community life because of the economic trends, and a faster pace of life which allows little leisure time with people to spare for community based activities. Decay in the institution of Hujra is definitely affecting the efficacy of Jirga, but this study tends not necessarily to argue for reinvigoration of Hujra; rather our focus will remain to find strengths and challenges for Jirga from where it is today and move forward. Melmastiya (hospitality) Openhearted hospitality, or Melmastiya, is one of the most cherished features of Pukhto. It is closely associated with the notion of asylum, as someone seeking hospitality is considered equal to someone invited by the host. Hospitality means not only the service of food and other needs, it also means automatic assurance of an environment of security and peace prevalent in the host’s household. There is quite some symbolism attached with the phenomenon of hospitality. When Pukhtoons are asked to name their social traits that distinguish them from other societies and cultures, hospitality takes number one. This level pride and its articulation leave little room for doubts on the intent of what Pukhtoons mean by Hospitality. The trait of hospitality is guarded by Pukhtoons on two grounds. Firstly, it is strongly promoted by Islam. Secondly, it is argued that hospitality is a traditional and cultural etho. Most of our interviewees justified the institution of hospitality first on the historical basis and later took support of religion to substantiate their argument. Nevertheless, the sanctity associated with the phrase of hospitality is all encompassing.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:53:28 +0000

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