Human Development Index: Govt needs to give big thrust to - TopicsExpress


Human Development Index: Govt needs to give big thrust to education, health, social sectors According to 2014 Human Development Report, India ranks 135th on human development index among 185 nations in the world. Human development index of a nation is derived from life expectancy, education levels and incomes. The report on human development makes a telling commentary about the state of our nation on the above-mentioned parameters, more so when are counted among world’s top ten economies. The report says that about 1.5 billion people are afflicted with multi-dimensional poverty, that is, they suffer from overlapping deprivations in education, health and living standards. This slowdown in human development has been attributed to lingering global economic crisis that has caused a dip in income growth in Europe, Arab countries, and Central Asia. The expected number of years of schooling too is not growing adequately, with 43% primary students dropping out before completing primary education worldwide. Life expectancy growth has slowed down in Asia. In order to place India higher on the pedestal of human development index, the government needs to adopt multi-dimensional approaches to lift its economy and raise the income-level and living standard of the countrymen by creating more and more job opportunities and giving a bigger thrust on health, education and social sectors to raise academic standard and life expectancy of its people. According to report, India would need to spend just about 4% of its GDP to provide all this.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:12:56 +0000

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