Human Diploid Cells (aborted fetal tissue) provide the “Cell - TopicsExpress


Human Diploid Cells (aborted fetal tissue) provide the “Cell culture” in which vaccine formulas are often grown or nurtured. Current vaccines in circulation which contain aborted fetal tissue include: 1. Polio vaccine (inactivated/IPV) & Oral Polio (live virus) drops 2. Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/MMR (Rubella component) 3. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis vaccine (DTaP/TdP) 4. Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine & Shingles (zoster) vaccine 5. Hepatitis A vaccine 6. Rabies vaccine ‘Some vaccines—rubella, HepA, RAB-HDC, VAR, ZOS, and one form of IPV (the Poliovax contained in Pentacel)—are grown in cultured human embryo fibroblast cell lines (WI-38 or MRC-5) because these are the only cells that replicate the viruses in high enough titer for mass production (the rubella vaccine strain itself was originally isolated from an aborted fetus with intrauterine infection).‘ Monthly Prescribing Reference (MPR) – Medical Industry Reference Journal ‘Today, more than 23 vaccines are contaminated by the use of aborted fetal cells. There is no law that requires that consumers be informed that some vaccines are made using aborted fetal cells and contain residual aborted fetal DNA. While newer vaccines produced using aborted fetal cells do inform consumers, in their package inserts, that the vaccines contain contaminating DNA from the cell used to produce the vaccine, they do not identify the cells as being derived from electively aborted human fetuses.‘ Dr. Theresa A. Deisher, Ph.D. ‘Not only damaged human cells, but also healthy human cells can take up foreign DNA spontaneously. Foreign human DNA taken up by human cells will be transported into nuclei and be integrated into host genome, which will cause phenotype change. Hence, residual human fetal DNA fragments in vaccine can be one of causes of autism spectrum disorder in children through vaccination.‘ Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host – Dr. Genome K. Koyama, Dr. Theresa. A. Deisher Ph.D. Study findings: ‘In addition to the ingredients listed on the package insert for Meruvax II® (Rubella virus vaccine live), we detected significant levels of human ssDNA (142 ± 8 ng/vial) as well as dsDNA (35 ± 10 ng/vial) fragmented to -215 base pairs in length. The MMR II® package insert discloses the presence of human fetal residuals nor how much cell substrate dsDNA (double-stranded DNA) or ssDNA (single-stranded DNA) contaminates each dose.‘ Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 09/2014 Note: ng = nanogram (one billionth of a gram) ‘The children vaccinated with MMRII, Varicella and Hepatitis A vaccines varied from 19 to 35 months of age at the time of vaccination. Autistic disorder birth year change-points (sudden spike in cases) were identified as 1980.9, 1988.4 and 1996 for the US, 1987 for the UK, 1990.4 for Western Australia, and 1987.5 for Denmark. Change points in these countries corresponded to introduction of or increased doses of human fetal cell line-manufactured vaccines…Further, linear regression revealed that Varicella and Hepatitis A immunization coverage was significantly correlated to autistic disorder cases.’ Note: ‘Autistic disorder change points years are coincident with introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines, containing fetal and retroviral contaminants, into childhood vaccine regimens. Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines.‘ Excerpt from VRM: Vaccines Do Contain Aborted Human Fetal Tissue
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:35:59 +0000

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