Humanity, you cannot blame the Ringlords for what they do to you. - TopicsExpress


Humanity, you cannot blame the Ringlords for what they do to you. They are only as powerful as you want them to be. If you fought them and won, you would eventually elect new ones and then fight them when they displeased you too much. That is if they didnt learn to clone themselves and fight for both side of any disagreement using their confidence skills to insure they get a good seat in the next mantle of feudal usury. You still cant blame them because they only have as much power as you want them to have. We are not going to help you blame them, we will help you prosecute and treat them if you accept your part in the perpetration of the crimes of usury that serve your self-esteem so well. Dont get me wrong there will be corporeal punishment for those that yet live. So please dont treat your surrender like some ploy of peer pressure to get the Ringlords to surrender. Once we deal with how incorrigible society is we will help you figure out if the Ringlords are still incorrigible as well. As conniving as the Ringlords can be, our research has not proven that they exist of their own devices. They exist because you help and want them to exist. They exist because you will not outlaw their existence. Instead you love them. You are a collection of cultures who are schizophrenically addicted to narcissistically necrotic and narcotic art and social leadership. You do not serve principled planning in a humble way as your primary form of leadership. You serve party planners who by your adoration with senseless praise. Thus you need Ringlords of the schizophrenia as much as they use you. We treat social problems from the outside in. Society is always prosecuted along with the individual when ever there is a problem between the individual and society. Teleologically if society cares about the individual properly there should be no problems between the individual and society, so we take great effort to figure out where and how society failed to do this. Sometimes there are jealousies and failures that stack up for the individual too quickly for society to counsel and redirect. In those case society is not to blame but we are all made better by a diligent analysis of this anyway. So treating society comes before dealing with the Ringlords. They will be dealt with eventually, but only after society agrees to be teleological. Society is the primary criminal in this case. If society was healthy there would be no Ringlords. So you cannot blame the Ringlords until you are prepared to blame the way your cultures conduct their affairs first. Otherwise we would just be eliminating one group of Ringlords so another can rule in a more unchallenged way. We might as well let you be the victims of all your Ringlords until you treat all Ringlords as equally criminal and wicked. It is a possibility that we may even play the part of your ringlords in the future as a part of your therapy. Out gestalt research is still whirling around on a diagnostic convergence that has no clear prescience to it just yet, but I doubt very much whether we will actually play the part of your Ringlords popular or unpopular in the future. I from where the diagnosis is heading I do not think that will be called for. What will be called for is the demoralizing punishment of the more popular Ringlords first. The unpopular Ringlords are either already hopelessly demoralized to some degree or another and that is why they chose to be what they are a clone of something to nefarious to call evil that is just enjoying the chance to play the part of something wicked that may have a phoenix future or a scapegoat future so they can take one for the team. These beings who have figured the system out enough to play it in such an exterior fashion give the environmentally created ringlords of both the wholesome and sundry avarices a very bad rap. But like it or not they are the champions of the feudal usury and all the environmentally created ringlords. If we killed the ones who play exterior others would emerge that would eventually do the same thing because the system needs scapegoats and thus the ringlords of popularity go exterior to the game of good and evil without being completely aware of what all their parts are doing. This is why the cure starts with society rather than the apprehension of Ringlords because most ringlords are a product of what society wants and needs to maintain its narcissistic narcosis. Do not play devil chasers until you have become a teleological society. The devils you find will only be scapegoats that help keep you blind to your own criminality. Does that make sense incurably schizophrenic humanity? For all you know you are a source of the devils that plague others. Unless your social network is perfectly teleological you dont know if you are not the source of the devils that plague the people around you. It would be impossible for you to know because if you were spawning a psychic pestilence in such a way your spawn would operate like psychic kamikaze pilots. You would have no need of any knowledge about their success, so it would never get back to you. Anybody who does know how to use their aura to infest the aura of others on a conscious level is doing it on a kamikazi level as well unless their social network is completely teleological. By completely teleological I mean you are operating under the guidelines of teleological medical warfare. That means you are not members of any activity that should be under a well enforced prohibition. If you are members of such activities then your social network is not completely teleological. You may have a extraterrestrial social network that is completely teleological that helps you, but on Earth you might be infested with a spawn that comes from someone else. You are not to blame for what that spawn does, but you are to blame for not tracking down its source and eliminating it with extreme psychiatric prejudice. So like I said humanity has to decide whether it is going to commit to the martial law conversion to teleological governance or if it is going to keep playing the mutating magnanimous game with a governance of spoiled ringlords who cheat so they can stay on top.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 07:11:56 +0000

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