Humankind is NOT responsible for causing the problems of this - TopicsExpress


Humankind is NOT responsible for causing the problems of this planet! Only a very few evil Luciferians in secret societies, created everything wrong on purpose, to blame, tax, subdue & murder our populations. They own everything, so they are the only ones to blame for creating everything out of all the wrong materials on purpose! Hemp was used to create plastic and fuel by Henry Ford. DuPont, Hearst, Mellon and the rest of that coup crew, chose to make our nation use petroleum instead, and that is a crime against all nature! They chose to frack the most dangerous chemicals, into our groundwater. Only parasitic minds would inject ecoli, pesticides and invasive foreign dna proven to make us less human, into the cellular membranes of our food and kill off the bees. They chose deforestation over utilizing hemp too. They chose to suppress free energy technologies and keep them for themselves to use against US, as they probably did on 9/11. They chose to engage in endless wars we the people did NOT vote to enter. They are the ones employing the think tanks and assigning handlers to all the lying puppets they set in place to fool the public through propaganda. They are the ones who set up an illegal banking system based upon debt. Only a few hundred parasitic minded billionaires, are the cause of ALL the problems, reactions and solutions being presented to the public & its all based upon lies. They desire to be kings and rule over a world of slaves. We the people cannot continue to fall for supporting them, or we will be at fault!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 23:28:08 +0000

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