Humans are capable of ecocide are you aware, engaged To - TopicsExpress


Humans are capable of ecocide are you aware, engaged To President Barack Obama Humans are capable of crimes against Humanity, genocide, war crimes and ecocide the extensive damage to our environment, the web of life Some of our political representatives are incompetent, acting with gross negligence to the threats posed by criminal socio ecopath capitalist committing acts that have be recognized by conscious ethical people as ecocide What values did you use when made aware of the Ecocide Law campaign? What actions did you take ? Will our children admire it ? The media is also failing us again Hiding from the realization criminal socio ecopath people are capable of extensive environmental damage, of ecocide, destroying the web of life on our planet. How many sharks, dolphins, seals, whales,birds, people were killed and are being killed by the negligence of the leadership of the British Petroleum Corporation in the Gulf of Mexico Did they get away with ecocide. How many acts of ecocide will it take for citizens and leaders to act. Extensive damage to fish, forests, water, soil, species, ocean and terrestrial ecosystem, to our planets atmospere is immoral, criminal, threatening our future, are acts that must be recognized as ecocide. If we intend to survive The U.S environmental leadership has yet to enter the debate. What values are they using. What values are you using . Critical questiond that must be asked Do you Barack Obama support the Law of Ecocide?
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:01:58 +0000

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