Humans are stupid creatures. Worse than dogs. No, its not because - TopicsExpress


Humans are stupid creatures. Worse than dogs. No, its not because of the uncle beating that man up, its because of the stupidity we have in this society. If the robber was beaten up by a bunch of Malay guys, no one would say anything and would agree that justice must be brought down before sending him off to the cops. If the robber was Chinese, Indian, foreign etc. and was beaten up by a malay group or everyone else for that instance, everyone would agree on it and say justice must be served before sending them off to the police. BUT.. If the perpetrator was a woman or a Malay being beaten up by race other than his, everyone would say it is immoral and inhuman to beat up a person before sending him off to the authorities. They would defend them and say its only fair to just let the police settle it and shouldnt take justice into hands because it is not right. Where is equality? Why are you so racist? Why are you so hypocritical? This guy deserved to be beaten up because the society said so. Dont defend him just because hes Malay or because the uncle is Chinese. He is still a robber, he still did wrong. People are stupid so please eat a dick.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:19:14 +0000

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