Humble Bundle 6 makes its debut for Android - TopicsExpress


Humble Bundle 6 makes its debut for Android Nothing is free these days and the world is admittedly getting harder and harder to survive in. That’s why the creators of Humble Bundle 6 are asking you to donate some money (any money) to help support the Child’s Play Charity and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and in return you’ll get five cool games for your Android device. That’s not too much to ask, is it? Right now, the average donation is sitting at a measly $4.50, and if you match it, you get two extra games with your Humble Bundle 6 purchase; Broken Sword: Director’s Cut and Frozen Synapse. These two games join Aquaria, Fractal, Organ Trail: Directors Cut, Stealth Bastard Deluxe and Pulse with your purchase should you decide to break even. If you decide that the two extra’s aren’t worth it, you can just donate anything and enjoy your 5 new games. Humble Bundle was introduced in May 2010, and continues to support numerous charities worldwide. We dig that they’ve so far raised over $33 million to help causes that we ourselves would gladly support as well. Currently, Humble Bundle supports payment through PayPal, Amazon, Google Wallet and Bitcoin. As for the two charities your money will be going to, the first one (Child’s Play Charity) aims to help children who are in hospital with gifts of toys, books, and video games, to keep their spirits up and improve their living conditions away from home. The other charity (Electronic Frontier Foundation) aims to raise awareness about human speech and other such basic rights in the video game world. It looks like they have a few more quality games for all us Android fans. Find out more below! SOURCE: Humble Bundle Story Timeline Humble Bundle for Android 2 now includes Snuggle Truck Humble Bundle for Android 4 gets five new games Humble Bundle for Android 5 brings six games and five soundtracks Humble Bundle 5 for Android gets new games
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 23:02:12 +0000

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