Humble Yourself and Win But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he - TopicsExpress


Humble Yourself and Win But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. James 4:6 (KJV) One of the challenges of man today is arrogance. Pride, the adage says, goes before a fall. Many carry on with so much pride that they forget that where they are today is simply by grace. Beloved, I want to urge you to get rid of pride in every form or shape. Being proud is one thing God cannot contend with. When you are proud, it is not the devil that resists you, it is God Himself and if God resists you how can you escape? When the believer faces a challenge, he runs to God knowing that God is the final authority. You bind the devil in Jesus name. You exercise your authority as a believer in the name of Jesus. So what happens when God resists you? Can you afford that price? The answer is NO. No man on earth can successfully withstand God because He is God and you are not. He created you and the creation cannot successfully challenge the creator. So why then do you want to position yourself in a place where God will resist you? Dont just gloss through this devotional, check yourself: are you proud? Are you carrying on as if you no longer need God? Have you gone beyond correction that no one, not even your Pastor, can call you to order? Do you get offended when issues are discussed and the people do not carry your position? Are you there sitting at the edge of the bench refusing to get involved in any activity in your local church because you think no one there is at your level? Are you smiling and laughing, yet inside you, you are filled with anger? Beloved, if you are proud, make a turnaround today, humble yourself and God will lift you up.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:44:14 +0000

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