Humility and reverence should characterize the behavior of all who - TopicsExpress


Humility and reverence should characterize the behavior of all who come into the presence of God. In the name of Jesus we may come before Him with confidence, but we must not approach Him with boldness of presumption, as though He were on a level with ourselves. There are those who address the great and all-powerful and holy God, who dwells in light unapproachable, as they would address an equal, or even an inferior. There are those who conduct themselves in His house as they would not presume to do in the audience chamber of an earthly ruler. These should remember that they are in His sight whom seraphim adore, before whom angels veil their faces. God is greatly to be reverenced; all who truly realize His presence will bow in humility before Him and like Jacob beholding the vision of God, they will cry out, How dreadful is this place! This is none other than the house of God and this is the gate of Heaven.Thanks to my , my no , the lord Church . And thanks to the Angel of Church of All Nations Pastor Mark & Beth Boykin for that vision . Is there a right or wrong way to worship God in Church? Many Christians believe that you can worship God any way you like. But is this Biblical? Well, Jesus calls us to worship God in spirit and truth. So from that verse we can know that there is a true way to worship Him. And if there is a true way to worship God, then there must also be a false (wrong) way to worship. Psalm 89:7 ...God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. So first and foremost, God is to be feared and reverenced when we gather together to worship Him in church. Remember, this is the great Almighty Creator of the cosmos that we are worshiping, not a lifeless statue, but a living, breathing God whos power is unlimited and unfathomable. As Ive said above, many Christians will say that we can worship God any way we like and that He doesnt mind how we worship Him. But see the following Bible verses: Psalm 145:3 ...Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. Romans 11:33 ...O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! Psalm 139:6 ...Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Who are we to say what God does or doesnt mind! Who are we to say such things of the Almighty Creator? As it says in the above scripture, His greatness, judgement, knowledge and His ways are unsearchable, they are too high for us to attain. We have the Bible truth and we need to start living and worshiping according to that truth and stop second guessing our God. So, above in Psalm 89 it says that we must fear and reverence God when we worship Him. We need to prepare our hearts and minds before we go to church and empty all worldly thoughts out of our minds so that we can focus on giving total devotion to God and Christ Jesus our Saviour ... Psalm 51:10 ...Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. ... We need to have the right spirit, the right frame of mind to go to church and worship our Creator and Saviour. Ask God to renew His Spirit in you. Like our Pastor Boykin Preach today. Dont go to church feeling angry at someone, with an unforgiving heart or feeling rushed, but make sure you allow plenty of time to prepare yourself and humble yourself before your God. Thanks for The Preach today Pastor Boykin God Bless you. Psalm 10:17 ...LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear. James 4:10 ...Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. ... We will be unprepared for worship if we do not humble ourselves before God. Micah stated what true worship should be like ... Micah 6:8 ...He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? ... If we go to church to worship God being just towards others, showing mercy and humbling ourselves, then God will accept our worship of Him. On the other hand, if we have not shown forgiveness, holding a grudge against someone and are not humbling ourselves before our Creator, then He will not accept our worship and our worship will be useless. This is why our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus instituted the ceremony of washing the feet, because it is a symbol of a humble servant, which is what we are supposed to be. Is the day we go to church important to God? What kind of worship service should the church organize? Well, there should only be one reason why we go to church, and that is to worship God. So the service should be focused entirely on worshiping God. Unfortunately, many churches nowadays seem to focus more on making people happy and are putting the people before God. There are plenty of theatres and cinemas and concert halls in this world for people to go to during the week (which true Christians shouldnt be wasting their time with anyway). Churches should not be bringing these worldly pleasures into worship services. We shouldnt be going to church because they have a good band, or they have plays (sketches) or because they show a film or because the pastor is funny! Church isnt a social event to catch up with your friends either. Worshiping God is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly. Going to church is for the sole benefit of coming together with our brothers and sisters in Christ, to worship God, the Creator of the Universe ... 1 Chronicles 29:11 ...Thine, O LORD is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. ... What a glorious God we have, and He is to be exalted in our church services. So Be It.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:05:45 +0000

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