Hung Tran ---- QUESTION: WHY WAS MICHAEL BROWN WEARING SANDALS IN THE LIQUOR STORE VIDEO AND MAGICALLY PUT ON SHOES 5 MINS LATER BEFORE BEING MURDERED, cuz the photos of him laying in the street shows that he has SHOES ON! Is that why the mainstream MEDIA STOPPED showing the mini mart video a couple days after? And BLURRED out his IMAGE as he was laying on the street? WHY? The fact that the police chief said he WAS NOT stopped for robbery suspicion and the fact that the ATTORNEY for the STORE said it wasnt him in the video... store management said the rioting had NOTHING to do with his store because HE NEVER called the cops for anything, THE MEDIA MADE THE FIRST 911 CALL, Plus Deleting MULTIPLE videos of valuable evidence on You Tube and other social media every day.. plus NO dashcameras on any St.Louis County high tech police car.. plus the fact that he was shot TWICE in the head with his ARMS UP.. with ZERO BULLET WOUNDS/HOLES on the back of his white T-shirt.. leads me to believe that this was an EXECUTION.. OR... another ZIONIST STAGED FABRICATED FALSE FLAG. How did Travon Martins LAWYER (circus crisis actor) end up representing The Michael Brown family??? DONT BELIEVE anything Im stating here? Do your own RESEARCH and please WAKE UP. OPEN YOUR EYES. This whole thing has been staged via CRISIS ACTORS(.ORG), WE ARE NOW IN THE 2ND HALF OF THE STAGED FALSE FLAG, A DRILL to allow the government to do a dry run on the MILITARIZATION of the police and the UPCOMING race war incited by the government... all of it is STAGED, even the riots, LOOTERS, and protests were staged by PAID PROVOCATEUR$$ who were bussed in as far as California. LAST NIGHT, HALF OF THE RIOTERS ROBBING & LOOTING, Destroying the shops ARENT EVEN FROM ST.LOUIS. THE HOTELS SAID THEY HAD A FLOOD OF INCOMING HOTEL RESERVATIONS A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE KILLING (although SOME people, not in on the operation, have JOINED IN cluelessly). This one police commander said he doesnt believe the people burning the city down are from St.louis. He said he thinks they are from out of town working on their own agenda. Its all the paid DHL crisis actors burning St.louis down. Now think about it, why are they burning St.Louis down? Did they hire any actors to loot the protest in LA, Oakland, Chicago, or NYC? NO. The DHL and the Zionist mainstream media practically turned the unincorporated town of Ferguson into a circus style staged atmosphere and flooded it with multiple DHL actors contracted through CRISISACTORS.ORG Did anyone loot during the first half of the trial period when Mike Brown was shot? NO. I see people on FB claiming that there are thousands of low life LOCALS looting robbing and stealing. Local as in WHERE? Here in LA? Last Night? NO! lol EVEN THE MEDIA said they were peaceful here in LA last night. Stop falling for these stupid false flags! ..Boston Marathon Bombing was another false flag operation, again designed to allow the government to test out the militarzation of its police, remember all the TANKS in BOSTON that one day and the manhunt that ensued? lots of rights violated. The ZIONIST media is only milking this situation and theyre the ones making the million$ cuz its boosting their ratings. YOU HAVE ALL BEEN PSY-OPED! MARTIAL LAW / POLICE STATE / NEW WORLD ORDER OPERATION [VIDEO]: https://youtube/watch?v=4BlVSinudhU... #Ferguson #FergusonFalseFlag #JusticeForMikeBrown #BlackLivesMatter
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:09:40 +0000

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