Hungary PM Orbán on Ukraine, Russia, and USA. Hungarys - TopicsExpress


Hungary PM Orbán on Ukraine, Russia, and USA. Hungarys Conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warm relations with Russia but very cold with USA. He has warned that Ukraine need from EU at least 15 Billion euro annually for many many years on top of 17 Billion already received. He also opposes USA-EU trade agrement because it endanger Hungarian sovereignty. Therefore, Senator John McCain has (faithful to his Vietnan war traumas and old age) said that Orban is a neo-Nazi. Obama administration again accuse Hungarian officials for corruption and put them on travel ban. Orban says that this is a USA cover story to rule and fiddle into Central European politics. The reason is USA:s selfish interest to overrule EU in trade and energy politics in the middle of USA-EU trade negotiations and Ukrainian crisis. Orban had cautioned against hasty judgement of the Russian crisis and its potential consequences. Russias currency reserves and military capabilities are extremely strong; the Russian economy can be reorganised; Russia remains an important power to be reckoned with, Orbán told the press last week in Brussels.. Russia is an important factor One should think twice before drawing hasty conclusions, Orbán said, arguing it would be a mistake to consider Russia as a fatally weakened country. Russia is an important factor, and will remain an important factor in the future, he noted. There are some countries... Orbáns press conference took place after an EU summit of presidents and prime ministers. He noted that compared with Hungary, some other EU countries have suffered losses on an even greater scale as a result of a setback in economic relations as the EU introduced sanctions against Russia in the Ukraine crisis. These countries are openly raising the issue that they deserve compensation for those losses before assistance to Ukraine is extended, Orbán argued. On top of the EUR 17 billion EU assistance approved earlier for Ukraine, the latter could use at least another EUR 15 billion, Orbán noted, adding that Ukraine will need assistance on a similar scale in the coming years, up until it recovers economically, which is completely uncertain at this point. On the EU-USA free trade agreement As regards the planned free trade agreement between the EU and the USA, Orbán said that political decisions were required. Such an isssue is that of sovereignty, of the question of how future legal disputes should be resolved. Hungary takes a stand in favour of the sovereignty of each countrys legal system, the Prime Minister said
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:56:17 +0000

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