Hungry Jacks....yep thats right folks Ive started this update with - TopicsExpress


Hungry Jacks....yep thats right folks Ive started this update with those two words!!! Hungry Jacks are seeking planning approval to open on BRIGHTON ROAD, BRIGHTON (corner Edward St/Brighton Rd opposite Foodland, Brighton).....including a 24 hour drive through. You could say that I am a little frustrated/concerned by this news and plan to fight it!!! I know that many of you will be with me on this one :) I am appalled that our council will even consider this however after a meeting with a council planning officer this morning it seems that as long as HJs meets planning criteria they will be approved. Anyone who lives in close proximity was notified by council and had the right to send feedback back to council BUT if (like me) you dont live in close proximity you really have no right (from the planning point of view) to a comment. I work closely with the councils environmental health team and healthy Holdfast team to support our community to make positive choices and changes about environment (organic, sustainable, local) and health (own, family, others, planet). This seems like SUCH a slap in the face to all of those people working so hard to support positive change. A HJs in our small, unique council will increase traffic (congestion, emissions, safety), rubbish (so close to the beach). It will cause a loss in residential privacy; smoke emissions and smell will impact on our environment and residents; it will change the aesthetics/street scape on Edward St; it could effect housing prices. And then theres the negative health factors associated with HJs which will be in very close proximity to primary schools, high schools, kindys, child care centres. The fact that Hungry Jacks uses genetically modified ingredients/foods, caged eggs, the lack of nutritional value... the list goes on.... SO where to from here... a Development Assessment Panel will meet to discuss and decide on the proposal. This meeting is due to go ahead at council on Jetty Rd, Brighton on March 26 at 7pm. Public are welcome to attend but do not have the right to voice an opinion. The proposal may not make this meeting so will be pushed onto the April meeting. I was advised to call Craig Watson - Team Leader of Developmental Assessment (8229 9955) late next week to confirm the proposal will be lodged at the March 26 meeting. I would encourage you to also ring Craig to check the meeting date/time and attend the meeting. So although Development Assessment at council wont listen to community concerns, my hope is that local media, local MPs and other areas of council will. I am putting together a petition today which will be available to sign/collect at market tomorrow. If anyone has any other ideas, contacts, comments, suggestions please comment below, PM me or email [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 00:53:20 +0000

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