Hunters school (Decatur Christian School) puts out a little - TopicsExpress


Hunters school (Decatur Christian School) puts out a little newsletter. I felt like I needed to share this one that I received today. It put things into perspective for me. The first thought that came into my mind was Thank you God for a healthy child! If you have time please read. The Warrior Chronicles Sometimes the best lessons are taught - not by the teachers - but rather from the students. We have witnessed this truth over and over through the years, but recently we received another poignant lesson from one of our own. Silas Martin turned sixteen on August 3rd. For the past year and one-half he has been undergoing aggressive treatment for brain tumors. He was in the 1st grade (2004) when he was first diagnosed with neurofibromatosis Type 1. He underwent treatment and three years later his doctors pronounced that he was officially in remission. Remission. It is a word that all cancer survivors understand well. It means, Hold your breath and pray and pray ... until your next appointment, and if you get good news, you hold your breath and pray and pray some more. The dark cloud of uncertainty is difficult to dispel. And so it was with the Martins. A month went by, two months, six months, a year ... two years, then three. He had a setback with seizures, but that was resolved. Year four in remission and then year five. Finally, Silas and his family began to relax ... until his mom woke up one night and heard him throwing up. He was taken to St. Louis Childrens Hospital by ambulance and had surgery on November 6th. Doctors found a new brain tumor that is so rare, only three other cases have been recorded. More surgery ... more aggressive chemotherapy. I cannot imagine, as a parent, sitting beside a bedside praying, bargaining, pleading with God as the IV tubes drip non-stop fluids into my child. Nor the sleepless nights trying to trust in a loving God as I see my child suffering and not having the power to fix it, to remove the pain, to just kiss the hurt and make it better. And, through it all, Silas began teaching us powerful lessons. He started school again this fall - with a great attitude! He is all smiles, happy, upbeat, never complaining, working hard to absorb as much as he can. All those around him are amazed ... and blessed! Oh, and by the way, his cheerful disposition is in spite of the fact that they just found another white spot in his brain, indicative of perhaps another tumor. Silas knows that survival rates are not encouraging, but he ignores that pessimism. Im going to be in the minority, Silas said. He has a strong faith and told his mother that God is bigger than cancer! How many times do we look inward at our own circumstances and complain about trivial things? We whine about another work week, or about Mondays, or the weather, or politics .... It is a long list. Silas Martin is just happy to get up and enjoy each new day! He is the kind of student that teaches his teachers and everyone around him - lifes most important lessons! Thank you, Silas, for teaching us about perseverance, endurance, hope, faith, ... and so much more. And thank you, Father, for allowing us to be witnesses to Your Story as it continues to be written in this place! May Your Name be glorified through each of our lives! Thankful to be part of His Story, Randy Grigg Equipping Warriors for Victory through Excellence, Relationships, and Service
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:09:11 +0000

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