Hunters shot a deer on the property adjacent to where Butter and I - TopicsExpress


Hunters shot a deer on the property adjacent to where Butter and I live and spend so much of our time out doors. Butter found it on our property and I dragged it into the Tennis Court so predators like Coyote and Bear didnt show up to feed on it.. Just after I took these pictures these hunters showed up, asking if Id seen it and I pointed down to my feet.. They told me one of them had shot it in the stomach at 6:30 this morning, then had to go to work so they came looking for it about 3:30 this afternoon. The thing is we were right at this same spot in the morning at 9-9:40 and there was no deer so this poor thing lived for hours because these douches didnt pursue it to finish it off and put it out of its misery, the guy who shot it had knee replacements so there was no way he could track and finish it off.. I had to let them take it but they rubbed me the wrong way, especially one of the and he claimed the absentee owner gave him permission to hunt there, but there was no hunting right alongside our property last season and now I have to worry big time about Butter being shot, and or myself by Rifle Fire.. The people who live on that property are only renters so who knows if these clowns really do have permission, and even if so I hate the idea of non residents coming here to hunt so close with no real oversight or supervision..they dont care about people living here, its no skin off their nose if something happens..
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:27:42 +0000

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