Hurd Update Thursday (4/10/2014): I went to my regularly - TopicsExpress


Hurd Update Thursday (4/10/2014): I went to my regularly scheduled prosthetist appointment on Wednesday morning. We worked on getting the prosthesis to allow me to kneel on one leg, and alternate legs on stairs that were higher and narrower (like those at home). Leah also modified my orthotic in my right shoe to alleviate some pain in the heel. Leah said that we are really close to making my first final socket—it will be lighter, thinner, and stronger (made of acrylics). She ordered what she believes will be my permanent foot. I get to try it on and see if I like better than my current foot. It’s a carbon foot that helps transfer energy back into my step. I quipped that “I thought everyone was trying to lower their carbon footprint.” She said the foot costs $4,000. Wow! I’ve gotten into an expensive hobby! Jon was at the house working on David’s car, so I brought lunch home for us and we ate together. Jon went out to continue working on the car; and I went to my office to work for the afternoon. I had a good time chatting with the ladies at White Cross before settling down. There was a package left on my desk that was addressed to me. I didn’t remember ordering anything so I wondered what was inside? A book? A DVD? I opened the box and there was a stuffed parrot! I’ve been teased a bunch for becoming a pirate—peg leg with my prosthesis and wearing an eye patch after eye surgery, so a friend purchased a parrot for me and had it sent to me. He says that I have to wear the eye patch and the parrot on my shoulder at church this Sunday morning. I might just do it for a little fun. Thanks Dan and Eva for the good laugh! Here is a very short video clip of me and the bird At church, Randy V. has had a number of contractors come out to work out some bids on possible small additions that we are considering. I had been told by my physical therapist that I was ready for a little “off road adventure” so I should try walking in the yard. When the guy came to locate where the phone lines were, I walked around the outside of the church building with him. I made it without a problem but I really felt it in my right hip and I was breathing harder when I was done. Who would think that walking in the grass could be such hard work? So it was a successful stroll into new territory; but it showed me once again how much work I have to do to regain what I have lost. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other—taking one step at a time. If I keep that up I know that I will eventually arrive at my goal. I stopped by the Fall Creek Police department and chatted with the Chief. I got his approval to start riding along with the officers again. So I scheduled some rides over the next month and a half. I’ve been looking forward to spending time with the men and women on duty again. I am so grateful that I can resume this part of my life as a chaplain to the department. Two of my sons, Jon and David, helped me get my 16-foot long trailer out of storage in the afternoon. Karen needs my assistance loading scenery into the theatre on Friday afternoon for next week’s Easter drama. Getting the trailer out usually requires 2-3 guys. They were able to get it out with minimal help from me. Friday evening, I’ll play the part of a Teamster and let the other people do all the heavy lifting (I’ll drive; they’ll load and unload) as we get scenery from the University and Banbury Place and take it to the State Theatre. After dinner with Karen, I took my prosthetic leg off, watched a little TV, did about 45 minutes of exercise, and then it was time to tuck myself into bed.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 16:07:28 +0000

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