Hurriyat conference denounced and termed Tossa Medan lease - TopicsExpress


Hurriyat conference denounced and termed Tossa Medan lease extension agreement unacceptable and said that any such move would add to agonies of locals and added that entire population of said area is facing tremendous problems and challenges due to presence of the armed forces and its artillery. SRINAGAR 28-08-13 : Hurriyat conference denounced and termed Tossa Medan lease extension agreement unacceptable and said that any such move would add to agonies of locals and added that entire population of said area is facing tremendous problems and challenges due to presence of the armed forces and its artillery. While criticizing role of a few pro-Indian politicians, Hurriyat blamed that they after accepting bribe are clandestinely supporting forces. Wednesday, Hurriyat Conference warned these politicians, who for their personal interests are pleading for extension in lease period and added that Hurriyat Conference through credible sources has received a list of those politicians who for this assignment have received bribe from intelligence agencies. Hurriyat said that it would expose these elements for their hostile attitude, and said that Hurriyat would expose these politicians in public. Offering its moral support to Tusmaidan Bachoa Committee and the people of the area, Hurriyat said that they have decided to provide every support to the people of said area. We are keeping a close vigil over the serious matter, said Hurriyat and added that while quoting woes, the locals face, Hurriyat said that people living there and adjoining areas are poor and belong to economically weaker section and added that presence of army and their continuous movement had added to their agonies and difficulties .Hurriyat said that if army shifts, the said area has the potential to be developed as tourist destination. “Due to presence of army nobody dares to visit the place, said Hurriyat. The said area is rich for its resources’ and would improve the economy and financial condition of local population. The area is rich and famous for its herbal plants and there are every possibility for promotion of industry related to medicine and added that Shup Nag in upper reaches of the Tosh Maidan serve as a source of drinking water for huge population in said area. While referring to large contingent of armed forces and the artillery exercises in the area, apprehended that the presence has created uncertainty regarding future of the water resources. Hurriyat said that presence of armed forces in civilian areas is serious matter and violation of basic human rights. From very first day the authorities in Delhi are hell-bent to turn the state into military garrison and where ever they get a chance they occupy the land for its military activities said Hurriyat Conference and added that as per survey Indian armies have seized and occupied 28 lakh Kanals of land in Jammu and Kashmir. While providing the details about the land possessed and occupied by Indian Forces, Hurriyat said that during past four years forces have seized and occupied 895 Kanals in Bijbehara, 200 Kanals in Shopian and 18 Kanals of vacant land in Hard Shewa Sopore
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 13:58:27 +0000

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