Husbands and Fathers, I am being led to ask if anyone wants the - TopicsExpress


Husbands and Fathers, I am being led to ask if anyone wants the saving knowledge of Jesus and wants a personal relationship with him who doesnt already. I have never been one to initiate it, but for an only son to be given up to evil men for the redemption and forgiveness of all who shall believe, IM IN. I thought about my only son and how hard it must have been, harder to fathom that the plan was in place at the foundation of the world because of GOD being all knowing. HE knew what was going to happen before it happened, still did it anyway. It shouldve never took so long for me to begin walking in his grace. It took the complete breaking down, renewal, and rededication to be a Man of Resolution and a Man of Courage for me to accept my task. To help men along with myself to return to the cross and the vows we took to our wives. We must be aware of what the vows mean and why we must have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. He created the vows. To stay completely in his will, total compliance will keep us in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with our partners for life. I WANT THAT. Im not saying we wont disagree at times or have struggles, but unconditional love will prevail. Peter, as all know denied knowing Jesus 3 times before the crucifixion. What most cant believe is how God used Peter after the resurrection. Jesus knew his heart was in the right place, but before Peter could be the rock he was called to be he had overcome his greatest weakness. FEAR. The rest was left up to the depth of his belief, and level of faith he had in Jesus. After the crucifixion, he had to learn to walk by faith alone. A final test must come to all who walk by faith. He had to learn to rely on him alone, trust in no other. He had to expect storms when doing HIS work. But because of his love for Jesus, friendship, and vow to do HIS work, the enemy will attack the strong hold not the desert wastes. Peter had to rely on the spirit that would be sent to him, to lead him where he couldnt see physically. MEN, we know how great Peter became. I want that for me, I want that for you. I want that strength for our marriages. We must relinquish our own will and FEAR of the unknown or of what could be. FEAR of what others may think. Stand our tallest...on our knees with lifted hands surrendering ourselves to our Creator. The author and finisher of our faith. Trusting in Him faithfully to revive and restore our marriages and relationships with our children, as long as we vow to maintain it. I got the relationship back with my children, so I know it can happen. If the Apostle Peter can be the foundation on which Jesus built his church, then the least of these can succeed in attempting to relight the flame in our marriages once restoration is given. If you desire this, I am here. Think hard because theres no turning back. If you decide its not for you, I have to keep going, and cant turn around again. If you change your mind again, youll have to run and catch up, but you can hop back on the journey. I dont know how much hurt and torment you can handle, but anymore than that I know I couldnt take. TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, SHANNON, I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. I want the joy and faith I have to shine through me, to envelop you, release you of ALL hurts even from childhood that neither of us know of. I hope and pray we reunite in a new love with a hotter flame than ever imagined by either one of us. Men, life is too short. Choose soon.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 06:30:08 +0000

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