Hush the baker Part 100 Hush - TopicsExpress


Hush the baker Part 100 Hush opens one eye surprise surprise he calls out happy birthday Julie its all been a set up. Julie gasps in disbelief you mean this has been a set up I dont believe it. Yes and Eric the brad Pitt lookalike is not who you think he is Fiona tells her. And Gordon is not who he says he is Denise looks shocked at whats going on. Hush stands up this is the only way we could get you and your to long lost brothers together again. Denise scratches her head she thought this story was coming to a end. And what about the elephant that bob put to sleep with his darts you all forgot about Peter. Steve explains sorry I am not in the story yet. Karen looks at Eric the brad Pitt lookalike you mean you are really Julies brother. I can explain Eric tells her me and Gordon have been searching for years for you. Fiona pops up so Gordon is not the father of Denise Gordon says sorry. Fiona is heartbroken to think you led me on Denise with tears streaming down her face asks who is my father and is he still alive. Fiona comforts her dont worry he is out there somewhere. Eric and Gordon reveal them selfs to Julie its to much of a shock she falls to the floor. Fiona puts her arm round Denise come on lets go outside Dennis overhears this and follows. Julie is now sitting in a chair drinking a brandy looking at her to brothers. How many years has it been she asks as she drinks the last drop from the glass. 33 years and 2 months since the last time we where altogether on the platform at brean train station. Eric the brad Pitt lookalike tells her about Karen and how he hopes to marry her one day. Karen walks over to be your wife one day is something woman only dream about. Dennis is outside listening to Fiona and Denise who asks her why Everyman she goes out with she thinks is her father. Dennis makes his move I will adopt you and you can call me daddy if Fiona will marry me
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:26:44 +0000

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