Hush the baker Part - TopicsExpress


Hush the baker Part 104 The next morning Karen wakes early she has a idea in her head. As she makes a cup of tea val and Fiona walk into the kitchen Karen pours the milk into the cup. Val sits down and lights a cigarette she asks Karen for a cup of tea. All three of them are now talking about how they can get the show back on the road. Karen tells them about the idea she has if only hush would agree. Val and Fiona tell her thats a great leave it up to us. Meanwhile Peter is cleaning out the elephant stable he is singing to bob who is helping him. Bob asks him to shut up as there are people still sleeping. Peter agrees and makes his way to the canteen with bob but first they stop and wash there hands in the staff toilets. The toilet flushes out pops Dennis he tells them give it ten minutes and let it clear. All three of them wash there hands and dry them on the paper towels. The canteen is empty the kitchen staff have gone on strike led by mad Mary the Cook. Dennis phones hush to tell him but there is no answer the phone keeps ringing. Peter thinks this is strange that nobody is about and theres no noise bob looks outside. Peter Dennis come quick and look at this a strange mist is engulfing the circus camp. Peter quickly shuts the window and tells them they must save the girls they run to there caravan the door is open. Peter looks in he tells them to close all the windows and lock them bob and Dennis are now in the caravan and lock the door. Peter tells them to sit down as Julie and Denise get up Peter tells them to sit down. Peter tells them about the mist and the terror that it holds and the dead that awake. Denise makes her way to Fiona dont worry I will protect you I am your mother. Fiona puts her arm around Denise and they await the forthcoming terror that awaits them all
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 10:54:25 +0000

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