Hvis Synnøve Fjellbakk Taftø, som er politisk fange, hadde fått - TopicsExpress


Hvis Synnøve Fjellbakk Taftø, som er politisk fange, hadde fått gjennomføre sin politikk bl.a. i.f.m. vårt forhold til kriminelle EU, EØS-avtalen, eller hvis vi hadde løsrevet oss fra den private mafiabanken Federal reserve, eller hvis vi hadde krevd pengene tilbake fra svindelen CO2-fondet, eller vi hadde innhentet alle norske statsborgeres skjulte formuer og skattlagt de, hadde vi minimum kunnet fjerne all form for fattigdom i landet med et knips i fingrene Octogon orders European Parliament and HR; Homeless Europeans live under the next Bridge youtube/watch?v=cNzSKTQW6II&list=PLqQQFOVUZBLgA7vyzoPU8uJUvCXcMkt_0 Quote: The Eurpean Parliament, the IRS and the US Government could have done something ages ago against criminal Switzerland and their Templar`s banks, who provoke this worldwide financial crisis; instead of that they do nothing, stall time, make empty promises, smile and lie - Octogon and the Nazi Templars run everything and rule the whole world. And Human Rights is a joke anyway, where the homeless sleep outside in winter right next to it under a bridge. Strange Dark Sinister Pharaonic House with Pharaoh`s Sunhieroglyphe and Pharaoh`s Svastika at 21" youtube/watch?v=0mB4HaKLcI0&list=PLqQQFOVUZBLgA7vyzoPU8uJUvCXcMkt_0 Quote: Some real strange energies were radiating from out of this peculiar building with foreign names on it; the Enemy Within is very real. User 11thhourreprieve did a very great and intelligent discovery, which I hadn`t seen: at 21" this pharaonic house shows the svastika. I have prooven in one of my films, that the svastika comes from a pyramid. Russian Pravda Message to Americans: "Do not give up your guns". False Flag Shootings. youtube/watch?v=E7qo6irE6_U&list=PLqQQFOVUZBLgA7vyzoPU8uJUvCXcMkt_0 Quote: Apparently the Americans have more friends in Russia than in their own government; article in the Pravda by Stanislav Mishin. All amok shootings were false flag operations with political objectives by the blue octogon army of the pharaonic enemy within. Hitchhiking to Corsica, birthplace of the gods (arabic); How to survive with little or no money + navigate3d.no/mbbs22/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1897&start=1 Viktigste nyheter, most important news navigate3d.no/mbbs22/forums/forum-view.asp?fid=102 "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, .." nyhetsspeilet.no/2013/05/nyhetsspeilets-artikkel-nr-1000/comment-page-2/#comment-102081
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 09:38:17 +0000

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