Hypocrite. I am going to explain the word in terms of the reptile - TopicsExpress


Hypocrite. I am going to explain the word in terms of the reptile mind. The mammal mind is mostly about thinking, memory, and logic. The reptile mind is about emotions and action. When something new gets into the mammal mind, it must seep down to the reptile mind before it is acted upon. The intermediate stage is called hypocrisy. A lot of things get left at this stage because there is no way to act on the knowledge. At least 90%+ of all knowledge is left with no action. This is neither bad nor good but just the facts. 99%+ of all the knowledge in script requires no action (in a physical sense). The teaching must be turned into sayings and repeated over and over until they enact a change in us. To change the heart (or reptile mind) is a very slow process. These changes are called principles and once in the heart they determine action. This process may seem easy but in truth to get a teaching to the heart level requires that a principle that is already there be removed. The heart is small and cannot hold but a few principles. Behavior modification is not something that happens over night. The more intense the training the better results you get. College degrees can take 4 years or more and this reflects all changes in the heart. To follow the personal teachings of Jesus Christ is way harder than getting a degree in college. I have been doing this since the age of 7 and I am still getting stuff that I never knew. God only has two rules 1 do what he says and 2 don’t whine. I am finding it much easier to do what he says than to stop whining. So what is a hypocrite under this foundation? The reptile brain has no morals and does not work in right and wrong. But does everything in extremes. Hypocrisy has another component and that is the level of commitment. The difference between a winning professional and a rank amateur is extremism. No one ever got anywhere by being a moderate. Everything in Jesus personal teaching is about extremism and nothing is about moderation. This kind of teaching is to get the reptile onboard. Since all action requires the cooperation of the reptile, the more radical you make it-the more unity you get between the reptile and the mammal brain. Grasping this concept is hard and it all came together for me this week. I had always considered radical extremism to be something for religious fundamentalists (like the islamists) but it gets the full cooperation of the reptile brain and that is a good thing. I think it scares me because you do not see it used except in violent situations. Anyway, that is all I have to say. Getting the reptile mind in sync with the mammal mind is critical to success and this is a method to get your action to agree with your words. Have a good day!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:25:42 +0000

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