I’m not entirely sure whether Star Trek Into Darkness is an - TopicsExpress


I’m not entirely sure whether Star Trek Into Darkness is an objectively better film than the 2009 Star Trek reboot. It is arguably no better written than the last time around, with the film again coasting on its technical aspects and sheer chemistry of its cast over a story that makes little sense and feels rushed. And the picture is hobbled, especially in its second half, by an inexplicable choice to chain itself to the original mythology to its disservice as a new story. But it fixes a key flaw of the first film while telling a politically and socially relevant adventure tale that excites and amuses throughout. It may offend classic Star Trek purists, but it is mostly an entertaining and visually dazzling picture. If only it had the courage to truly chart its own course. J.J. Abrams has been explicit about keeping the film’s twists and turns secret, even to the point of hiding plot points that have little bearing on the story. The picture’s biggest twist is sadly the one involving the identity of a secondary character. Since pretty much everyone has known the scoop for two years, I was hoping that this was an Iron Man 3-style diversion, something painfully obvious to keep the fans off the scent of the film’s true secrets. But like Super 8, there are no real mysteries to be solved or jaw-dropping twists to be had in Abrams’s “mystery box”, only a relatively generic action-adventure buoyed by superb casting and quality set pieces. It is hardly fair to discuss a film’s marketing when discussing the final product, but the picture is pretty much as generic as its ‘dark sequel’ marketing implied, albeit with a lot less darkness. To the film’s benefit, the tone is perfectly balanced throughout, with humor and gravity dispersed where respectively appropriate. So while Star Trek Into Darkness is pretty much a standard second-go around, it’s an awfully entertaining one. Like the initial 2009 entry, the film unfolds in non-stop movement, even during most of the ‘people talking to each other’ moments. The sheer momentum once again allows us to temporarily gloss over the plot issues at least until after the credits roll, although careful viewers will find much to nitpick as the film unspools (certain climactic develops severely undercut the potential for peril in any future installments). The basic outline involves Kirk and his crew and their response to a terrorist campaign waged by Starfleet Officer John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch). Right off the bat, you’ll notice that the sense of cocky entitlement that harmed Pine’s take on Kirk has been severely softened, which by itself makes for a much more enjoyable movie this time. Also helping is a heaping helping of political subtext, as the film doesn’t just go for generic post-9/11 politics but specifically the morality of extra-judicial executions and preemptive warfare in the wake of high-casualty terrorist attacks (torpedoes = drones). The film doesn’t dwell on its subtext, but it’s there for anyone looking for it. The debates over militarizing the Enterprise and how to deal with new potential threats works both for its political content and as a parable for the push-pull over keeping Star Trek as it once was versus the desire to turn it into a more general audiences-pleasing and/or conventional hard-action science fiction franchise. For what it’s worth, the film does still mostly take place in deep space and the ambivalence of this ‘good guys versus bad guys’ approach is shared by several major characters. The murderous John Harrison is actually a pretty thin character, even when you learn his background, but Cumberbatch is such a dynamic performer that he is able to sell his ‘villain monologue 101′ boilerplate dialogue. So poorly defined is he that a supporting character actually chimes in late in the game to explain that he really is a bad-ass after all. The rest of the Enterprise crew shines per usual, although some have more to do than others. Everybody gets at least one shining moment (John Cho has a great bit of intimidation), although the focus is for the most part on Kirk, Spock, and Uhura. Urban gets somewhat shafted this go-around, as his Bones comic relief. Alice Eve shows up as a seemingly peripheral character and exists only for a gratuitous T&A shot and for a pointless tie to the old continuity. Ah, here we get to the film’s Achilles’ heel. While the first film basically created a kind of alternate universe to allow these new films to embark on their own missions unencumbered by decades of continuity, this second chapter feels the need to feel a part of not just the old-school Star Trek universe but specifically the portions of said universe that the most casual viewers would be familiar with (a tribble makes a cameo appearance). The intentional straight-jacketing on display will, especially in the film’s botched finale, remind people of Superman Returns in how it traps itself by pointlessly rehashing the most well-known portions of its most well-known adventures. What’s weirdest about the film’s callbacks is (aside from how botched they are) how they are arguably aimed at the very hardcore Star Trek fans who would be most put off by the film’s ‘stronger-faster-louder’ approach in the first place. Up until that final reel or two, the film mostly works, getting away with some poor characterization and iffy scripting via the sheer chemistry of its cast and the inventiveness of its action. Abrams shot portions of this on IMAX film, and those sequences are glorious to behold. The prologue is a delight, a bright and colorful mini-episode that both plays around with the Prime Directive problem as well as highlighting our heroes actually helping people in peril. There are a few too many action sequences, including a second act fist-fight/shoot-out that undermines what should be Saldana’s big moment, but Abrams again proves himself an accomplished director of big-scale action, and the 3D is good enough to allow me to recommend the IMAX version without hesitation. Taken as merely a big-scale summer blockbuster viewed by audiences with little emotional attachment to the world of Star Trek, it is pretty much a success and a more enjoyable film that the last go-around. The finale nearly kills the film, but there is enough to enjoy prior to those final beats to allow a recommendation.Since J.J. Abrams is now off doing Star Wars Episode VII, we have little clue of where the series will go from here. To Abrams’s credit, he leaves the door wide open to either continue in the “Star Trek to the Extreme!“ approach or dial it back a bit and return to stories of space exploration and what-have-you. But if the series is truly to survive, it needs to find its courage to truly seek out uncharted territories and/or undiscovered countries unchained to its prior mythology. From here on out, the stage is set for this new variation on Star Trek to truly and finally ‘boldly go where no one has gone before’. Box Office Take: The film has already opened to $31 million in seven territories, which amounts to a 70% uptick compared to those markets’ respective openings for the first Star Trek. The focus this time around has been in pulling in non-Trekkies from foreign markets, as the last film earned just $128 million overseas despite a massive (especially for this series) $255 million domestic. The film cost $185 million, not that much more than the last film’s alleged $150 million budget, so it doesn’t have to ‘pull a Dark Knight‘ to be profitable. Oddly enough, the domestic buzz is relatively cool compared to just after the first film opened four years ago, when pundits like me were predicting a huge opening weekend jump for the sequel due to audience goodwill. The tracking is around $95 million, which is pretty much the first film’s opening weekend of $79.5 million adjusted for inflation and the 3D price bump. The marketing has been painfully generic, trying desperately to sell the film as a ‘dark sequel’ along the lines of The Dark Knight or Skyfall. But in the end, the marketing is basically just offering ‘more of the same, but with a scary villain played by an actor who is only worshiped in the geek community’. This is similar to the marketing of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (which also only saw a token budget increase from $90 million to $120 million), which basically sold “more of the same, but with Jared Harris as Moriarty!” That film actually opened to far less than the first entry ($40 million vs. $62 million) and ended up making just $186 million in the US versus $209 million gross of Sherlock Holmes. But overseas made up the difference, and A Game of Shadows wound up eclipsing Sherlock Holmes worldwide. So while I no longer see Star Trek Into Darkness being the breakout sequel that we thought we were looking at a few years ago, a moderate uptick in overseas business should make up for any domestic slow-down, giving the film an overall upsurge in total worldwide box office.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:01:46 +0000

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