I - Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam explicitly - TopicsExpress


I - Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam explicitly mentioned in the Quran al-Kareem 1. Muhammad: Praised One. 2. Ahmad: Most Deserving of Praise. 3. al-Ahsan: The Most Beautiful. The Best. 4. Udhun khayr: Friendly Ear. 5. al-A`la: The Highest (in all creation). 6. al-Imam: The Leader. 7. al-Amin: The Dependable. 8. al-Nabi: The Prophet. 9. al-Ummi: Literate without being taught by a Teacher -or- Base / Foundation of the Universe - or- the First & the Foremost.. 10. Anfas al-`arab: The Most Precious of the Arabs. 11. Ayatullah: The Sign of Allah. 12. Alif lam mim ra: A-L-M-R. 13. Alif lam mim sad: A-L-M-S 14. al-Burhan: The Proof. 15. al-Bashir: The Bringer of Good Tidings. 16. al-Baligh: The Very Eloquent One. 17. al-Bayyina: The Exposition. 18. Thani ithnayn: The Second of Two. 19. al-Harîs: The Insistent One. 20. al-Haqq: The Truth Itself. 21. Ha Mim: H-M. 22. Ha Mim `Ayn Sîn Qaf: H-M- ` -S-Q. 23. al-Hanif: The One of Primordial Religion. 24. Khatim al-nabiyyin: The Seal of Prophets. 25. al-Khabir: The Knowledgeable One. 26. al-Da`i: The Summoner. 27. Dhu al-quwwa: The Strong One. 28. Rahmatun li al-`alamin: A Mercy for the Worlds. 29. al-Rauf: The Gentle One. 30. al-Rahim: The Compassionate One. 31. al-Rasul: The Messenger. 32. Sabil Allah: The Path to Allah. 33. al-Siraj al-munir: The Light-Giving Lamp. 34. al-Shâhid: The Eyewitness. 35. al-Shahîd: The Giver of Testimony. 36. al-Sâhib: The Companion. 37. al-Sidq: Truthfulness Itself. 38. al-Sirat al-mustaqim: The Straight Way. 39. Tah Sîn: T-S. 40. Tah Sîn Mim: T-S-M. 41. Tah Ha: T-H. 42. al-`Amil: The Worker. 43. al-`Abd: The Slave. 44. `Abd Allah: Allahs Slave. 45. al-`Urwat al-wuthqa: The Sure Rope. 46. al-`Aziz: The Mighty One. The Dearest One. 47. al-Fajr: The Dawn. 48. Fadl Allah: Allahs Grace. 49. Qadamu Sidq: Truthful Ground. 50. al-Karim: The Generous One. 51. Kaf Ha Ya `Ayn Sad: K-H-Y- ` - S 52. al-Lisan: Language Itself. 53. al-Mubashshir: The Harbinger of Goodness. 54. al-Mubîn: The Manifest. 55. al-Muddaththir: The Cloaked One. 56. al-Muzzammil: The Enshrouded One. 57. al-Mudhakkir: The Reminder. 58. al-Mursal: The Envoy. 59. al-Muslim: The One Who Submits. 60. al-Mashhud: The One Witnessed To. 61. al-Musaddiq: The Confirmer. 62. al-Muta`: The One Who Is Obeyed. 63. al-Makîn: The Staunch One. 64. al-Munadi: The Crier. 65. al-Mundhir: The Admonisher. 66. al-Mizan: The Balance. 67. al-Nas: Humanity. 68. al-Najm: The Star. 69. al-Thaqib: The Sharp-Witted One. 70. al-Nadhîr: The Warner. 71. Ni`mat Allah: Allahs Great Favor. 72. al-Nur: The Light. 73. Nun: N. 74. al-Hadi: Guidance Itself. 75. al-Wali: The Ally. 76. al-Yatim: The Orphan. The Unique One. 77. Ya Sîn: I-S. II- Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam mentioned in the Quran as verbs 078. âkhidh al-sadaqat: The Collector of Alms. 079. al-âmir: The Commander. 080. al-Nâhi: The Forbidder. 081. al-Tâli: The Successor. 082. al-Hâkim: The Arbitrator. 083. al-Dhakir: The Rememberer. 084. al-Râdi: The Acquiescent. 085. al-Râghib: The Keen. 086. al-Wâdi`: The Deposer. 087. Rafî` al-dhikr: The One of Exalted Fame. 088. Rafî` al-darajât: The One of The Exalted Ranks. 089. al-Sâjid: The Prostrate. 090. al-Sâbir: The Long-Suffering. 091. al-Sâdi`: The Conqueror of Obstacles. 092. al-Safuh: The Oft-Forgiving. 093. al-`âbid: The Worshipful. 094. al-`âlim: The Knower. 095. al-`Alîm: The Deeply Aware. 096. al-`Afuw: The Grantor of Pardon. 097. al-Ghâlib: The Victor. 098. al-Ghani: The Free From Want. 099. al-Muballigh: The Bearer of News. 100. al-Muttaba`: He Who Is Followed. 101. al-Mutabattil: The Utter Devotee. 102. al-Mutarabbis: The Expectant One. 103. al-Muhallil: The Dispenser of Permissions. 104. al-Muharrim: The Mandator of Prohibitions. 105. al-Murattil: The Articulate. 106. al-Muzakki: The Purifier. 107. al-Musabbih: The Lauder. 108. al-Musta`îdh: The Seeker of Refuge. 109. al-Mustaghfir: The Seeker of Forgiveness. 110. al-Mumin: The Believer. The Grantor of Safety. 111. al-Mushâwir: The Consultant. 112. al-Musalli: The Prayerful. 113. al-Mu`azzaz: The Strengthened One. 114. al-Muwaqqar: Held in Awe. 115. al-Ma`sum: Immune. 116. al-Mansur: The One With Divine Help. 117. al-Mawla: The Master of Favors and Help. 118. al-Muayyad: The Recipient of Support. 119. al-Nâsib: The One Who Makes Great Effort. 120. al-Hâdi: The Guide. 121. al-Wâ`izh: The Exhorter. III- Names of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam in the Hadith and the Ancient Books 122. Ajîr: The Saved One. 123. Uhyad: The Dissuader. 124. Ahhad: The Peerless One. 125. Akhumakh: Of Sound Submission. 126. al-Atqa: The Most Godwary. 127. al-Abarr: The Most Righteous One. The Most Pious One. 128. al-Abyad: The Fairest One. 129. al-Agharr: The Most Radiant One. 130. al-Anfar: The One With the Largest Assembly. 131. al-Asdaq: The Most Truthful. 132. al-Ajwad: The Most Bounteous. 133. Ashja` al-Nas: The Most Courageous of Humanity. 134. al-âkhidh bi al-hujuzât: The Grasper of Waist-Knots. 135. Arjah al-nas `aqlan: The Foremost in Humankind in Intellect. 136. al-A`lamu billah: The Foremost in Knowledge of Allah. 137. al-Akhsha lillah: The Foremost in Fear of Allah. 138. Afsah al-`arab: The Most Articulate of the Arabs. 139. Aktharu al-anbiyai tabi`an: The Prophet With The Largest Following. 140. al-Akram: The One Held in Highest Honor. 141. al-Iklil: The Diadem. 142. Imam al-nabiyyin: The Leader of Prophets. 143. Imam al-muttaqin: The Leader of the Godwary. 144. Imam al-nas: The Leader of Humankind. 145. Imam al-khayr: The Good Leader. 146. al-Amân: The Safeguard. 147. Amanatu as-habih: (The Keeper of) His Companionss Trust. 148. al-Awwal: The First. 149. al-âkhir: The Last. 140: Ukhrâya: The Last (of the Prophets). His name in the Torah. 141: al-Awwâh: The One Who Cries Ah. 142: al-Abtahi: The One from Bitah between Mecca and Mina. 143. al-Bâriqlît, al-Barqalîtos: The Paraclete. The Spirit of Holiness. The Innocent One. 144. al-Bâtin: The Hidden One (in his station). 145. Bimudhmaudh: One of his names in the Torah. 146. al-Bayan: The Exposition. 147. al-Taqi: The One Who Guards Himself. 148. al-Tihami: The One from Tihama (the lowland of the Hijaz). 149. al-Thimal: The Protector. 150. al-Jabbar: The Fierce One. 151. al-Khatim: The Sealer. 152. al-Hâshir: The Gatherer. 153. Hât Hât: His name in the Psalms. 154. al-Hâfizh: The Preserver. 155. Hâmid: Praiseful. 156. Hâmil liwa al-hamd: Bearer of the Flag of Praise. 157: Habib Allah: Allahs Beloved. 158. Habib al-Rahman: The Beloved of the Merciful. 159. Habîtan: His name in the Injil. 160. al-Hujja: The Proof. 162. Hirzan li al-`ayn: A Barrier Against The Evil Eye. 163. al-Hasîb: The Sufficient One. The Highborn One. 164. al-Hafîzh: The Keeper and Guardian. 165. al-Hakîm: The Wise One. 166. al-Halîm: The Meek One. 167. Hammitâya: Guardian of Sanctity. 168. al-Humayd: The Praised One. 169. al-Hamîd: The Praised One. 170. al-Hayy: The Living One. 171. Khâzin mal Allah: Allahs Treasurer. 172. al-Khâshi`: The Fearful One. 173. al-Khâdi`: The Submissive One. 174. Khatîb al-nabiyyin: The Orator Among the Prophets. 175. Khalil Allah: Allahs Close Friend. 176. Khalifat Allah: Allahs Deputy. 177. Khayr al-`alamin: The Greatest Goodness in the Worlds. 178. Khayru khalq Allah: The Greatest Good in Allahs Creation. 179. Khayru hadhihi al-umma: The Best of This Community. 180. Dar al-hikma: The House of Wisdom. 181. al-Dâmigh: The Refuter (of Falsehoods). 182. al-Dhikr: The Remembrance. 183. al-Dhakkar: The One Who Remembers Much. 184. al-Râfi`: The Exalter. 185. Râkib al-buraq: The Rider of the Buraq. 186. Râkib al-jamal: The Rider of the Camel. 187. Rahmatun muhdat: Mercy Bestowed. 188. Rasul al-rahma: The Emissary of Mercy. 189. Rasul al-raha: The Emissary of Relief. 190. Rasul / Nabi al-malahim: The Emissary / Prophet of Battles. 191. Rukn al-mutawadi`in: The Pillar of the Humble Ones. 192. al-Rahhab: The Most Fearful. 193. Ruh al-haqq: The Spirit of Truth. 194. Ruh al-qudus: The Spirit of Holiness. 195. al-Zahid: The One Who Does-Without. 196. al-Zaki: The Pure One. 197. al-Zamzami: The Heir of Zamzam. 198. Zaynu man wâfa al-qiyama: The Ornament of All Present on the Day of Judgment. 199. Sabiq: Foremost. 200. Sarkhatilos: Paraclete (in Syriac). 201. Sa`id: Felicitous. 202. al-Salam: Peace. 203. Sayyid al-nas: The Master of Humanity. 204. Sayyid walad Adam: The Master of the Children of Adam. 205. Sayf Allah: Allahs Sword. 206. al-Shâri`: The Law-Giver. 207. al-Shâfi`: The Intercessor. 208. al-Shafî`: The Constant Intercessor. 209. al-Mushaffa`: The One Granted Intercession. 210. al-Shâkir: The Thankful One. 211. al-Shakkâr: The One Who Thanks Much. 212. al-Shakur: The Ever-Thankful. 213. Sâhib al-taj: The Wearer of the Crown. 214. Sâhib al-hujja: The Bringer of The Proof. 215. Sâhib al-hawd: The Owner of the Pond. 216. Sâhib al-kawthar: The Owner of the River of Kawthar. 217. Sâhib al-hatîm: The Lord of the Court Before the Ka`ba. 218. Sâhib al-khâtim: The Owner of the Seal. 219. Sâhibu Zamzam: The Owner of Zamzam. 220. Sâhib al-sultan: The Possessor of Authority. 221: Sâhib al-sayf: The Bearer of the Sword. 222. Sâhib al-shafa`at al-kubra: The Great Intercessor. 223. Sâhib al-qadib: The Bearer of the Rod. 224. Sâhib al-liwa: The Carrier of the Flag. 225. Sâhib al-mahshar: The Lord of the Gathering. 226. Sâhib al-mudarra`a: The Wearer of Armor. 227. Sâhib al-mash`ar: The Owner of the Landmark. 228. Sâhib al-mi`raj: The One Who Ascended. 229. Sâhib al-maqam al-mahmud: The One of Glorified Station. 230. Sâhib al-minbar: The Owner of the Pulpit. 231. Sâhib al-na`layn: The Wearer of Sandals. 232. Sâhib al-hirâwa: The Bearer of the Cane. 233. Sâhib al-wasila: The Possessor of the Means. 234. Sâhib la ilaha illallah: The Teacher of There is no god but Allah. 235. al-Sadiq: The Truthful. 236. al-Masduq: The Confirmed. 237. al-Sâlih: The righteous one. 238. al-Dâbit: The One Given Mastery. 239. al-Dahuk: The Cheerful One. 240. al-Tahir: The (Ritually) Pure One. 241. Tâb Tâb: Of Blessed Memory. His Name in the Torah. 242. al-Tayyib: The Salutary One. The Fragrant One. 243. al-Zhahir: The Prevailer. 244. al-`âqib: The Last in Succession. 245. al-`Adl: The Just. 246. al-`Arabi: The Arabian. The Speaker of Arabic. 247. `Ismatullah: Allahs Protection. 248. al-`Azhim: The Tremendous One. 249. al-`Afif: The Chaste One. 250. al-`Ali: The High One. 251. al-Ghafur: The Frequent and Abundant Forgiver. 252. al-Ghayth: Rain. Help (esp. in the elements). 253. al-Fâtih: The Conqueror. 254. al-Fâriq: The Separator Between Good and Bad. 255. Fârqilîta: The Paraclete. 256. Fartt: The Scout. 257. al-Fasîh: The Highly Articulate One. 258. Falâh: Felicity. 259. Fiat al-muslimin: The Main Body of the Muslims. 260. al-Qaim: The One Who Stands and Warns. The Establisher. 261. Qâsim: The Distributer. 262. Qaid al-khayr: The Leader Who Guides to Goodness. 263. Qaid al-ghurr al-muhajjalîn: Leader of the Bright-Limbed Ones. 264. al-Qattal: The Dauntless Fighter. 265. Qutham: Of Perfect Character. Gifted With Every Merit. 266. Qudmâya: The First (of the Prophets). His name in the Torah. 267. al-Qurashi: The One From Quraysh. 268. al-Qarîb: The Near One. 269. al-Qayyim: The Righteous Straightener (of the Community). 270. al-Kâff: The One Who Puts a Stop (to Disobedience). 271. al-Mâjid: The Glorifier. 272. al-Mâhi: The Eraser (of Disbelief). 273. al-Mamun: The One Devoid of Harm. 274. al-Mubarak: The Blessed One. 275. al-Muttaqi: The Godwary One. 276. al-Mutamakkin: Made Firm and Established. 277. al-Mutawakkil: Completely Dependent Upon Allah. 278. al-Mujtaba: The Elect One. 279. al-Mukhbit: The Humble Before Allah. 280. al-Mukhbir: The Bringer of News. 281. al-Mukhtar: The Chosen One. 282. al-Mukhlis: The Perfectly Sincere One. 283. al-Murtaja: The Much Anticipated One. 284. al-Murshid: The Guide. 285. Marhama: General Amnesty. 286. Malhama: Great Battle. 287. Marghama: Greater Force. 288. al-Musaddad: Made Righteous. 289. al-Mas`ud: The Fortunate. 290. al-Masîh: The Anointed. 291. al-Mashfu`: Granted Intercession. 292. Mushaqqah / Mushaffah: Praised One. 293. al-Mustafa: The One Chosen and Purified. 294. al-Muslih: The Reformer. 295. al-Mutahhir / al-Mutahhar: The Purifier / The Purified One. 296. al-Muti`: The Obedient One. 297. al-Mu`ti: The Giver. 298. al-Mu`aqqib: The One Who Comes Last in Succession. 299. al-Mu`allim: The Teacher. 300. al-Mifdal: The Most Generous. 301. al-Mufaddal: Favored Above All Others. 302. al-Muqaddas: The One Held Sacred. 303. Muqim al-Sunna: The Founder of The Way. 304. al-Mukrim: The One Who Honored Others. 305. al-Makki: The Meccan One. 306. al-Madani: The Madinan One. 307. al-Muntakhab: The Chosen One. 308. al-Munhaminna: The Praised One (in Syriac). 309. al-Munsif: The Equitable One. 310. al-Munib: The Oft-Repentant One. 311. al-Muhajir: The Emigrant. 312. al-Mahdi: The Well-Guided One. 313. al-Muhaymin: The Watcher. 314. al-Mutamin: The One Given the Trust. 315. Mûsal: Mercied. (In the Torah.) 316. Mâdh Mâdh / Mûdh Mûdh / Mîdh Mîdh: Of Blessed Memory. 317. al-Nâsikh: The Abrogator. 318. al-Nâshir: The Proclaimer. 319. al-Nâsih: The Most Sincere Adviser. 320. al-Nâsir: The Helper. 321. Nabi al-marhama: The Prophet of General Amnesty. 322. al-Nasîb: The One of High Lineage. 323. al-Naqiy: The Limpid One. 324. al-Naqîb: Trustee. Guarantor. 325. al-Hâshimi: The One of Hâshims Line. 326. al-Wâsit: Central in Relation To All The Noble Families. 327. al-Wâ`id: The Harbinger of Terrible News. 328. al-Wasîla: The Means. 329. al-Wafi: Holder of His Promise. 330. Abu al-Qasim: Father of Qasim. 331. Abu Ibrahim: Father of Ibrahim. 332. Abu al-Muminin: Father of the Believers. 333. Abu al-Arâmil: Father of Widows. IV- Additional Names of Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam From Al-Jazulis (d. 870) Dalail al-Khayrat 334. Wahîd: Unique One. 335. Sayyid: Master. 336. Jâmi`: Unifier. 337. Muqtafi: Imitated One. 338. Kâmil: Perfect One. 339. Safi Allah: Allahs Chosen and Purified One. 340. Naji Allah: Allahs Intimate Friend. 341. Kalîm Allah: Conversant With Allah. 342. Muhyin: Giver of Life. 343. Munajji: Savior. 344. Ma`lum: Of Known Position. 345. Shahîr: Famous. 346. Mashhud: Visible. 347. Misbâh: Lamp. 348. Mad`uw: Called upon. 349. Mujib: Responsive to Requests. 350. Mujab: Whose Request is Granted. 351. Hafiy: Affectionate and Kind. 352. Mukarram: Highly Honored. 353. Matîn: Steadfast. 354. Muammil: Rouser of Hope. 355. Wasûl: Conveyer? 356. Dhu hurma: Sacrosanct. 357. Dhu makâna: Of Eminent Station. 358. Dhu `izz: Endowed With Might. 359. Dhu Fadl: Pre-Eminent. 360. Ghawth: Helper. 361. Ghayyath: Prompt and Frequent Helper. 362. Hadiyyatullah: Allahs Gift. 363. Sirât Allah: The Way to Allah. 364. Dhikrullah: The Remembrance of Allah. 365. Hizbullah: The Party of Allah. 366. Muntaqa: Carefully Selected. 367. Abu al-Tahir: Father of Tahir. 368. Barr: Pious. Dutiful. 369. Mubirr: Who Overcomes. 370. Wajîh: Distinguished In Allahs Sight. 371. Nasîh: One Who Excels At Sincere Advice. 372. Wakîl: Trustee. Dependable. 373. Kafîl: Guarantor. Guardian. 374. Shafîq: Solicitous. Tender. 375. Ruh al-qist: The Spirit of Justice. 376. Muktafi: Does With Little. 377. Bâligh: One Who Has Reached His Goal. 378. Shâfi: Healer. 379. Wâsil: One Who has Reached His Goal. 380. Mawsûl: Connected. 381. Sâiq: (Mindful) Conductor. 382. Muhdi: Guide. 383. Muqaddam: Pre-eminent One. 384. Fâdil: Most Excellent One. 385. Miftâh: Key. 386. Miftâh al-rahma: The Key to Mercy. 387. Miftâh al-janna: The Key to Paradise. 388. `Alam al-iman: The Standard of Belief. 389. `Alam al-yaqîn: The Standard of Certainty. 390. Dalîl al-khayrât: The Guide to Good Things. 391. Musahhih al-hasanât: The Ratifier of Good Deeds. 392. Muqîl al-`atharât: The Dismisser of Private Faults. 393. Safûh `an al-zallât: The One Who Disregards Lapses. 394. Sâhib al-qadam: Possessor of The Foothold. 395. Makhsûs bi al-`izz: Alone to Be Granted Might. 396. Makhsûs bi al-majd: Alone to Be Granted Glory. 397. Makhsûs bi al-sharaf: Alone to Be Granted Honor. 398. Sâhib al-fadîla: Possessor of Greatest Pre- Eminence. 399. Sâhib al-izâr: The Wearer of the Loin-wrap. 400. Sâhib al-rida: The Wearer of the Cloak. 401. Sâhib al-daraja al-rafî`a: Possessor of the Highest Degree. 402. Sâhib al-mighfar: Possessor of the Helmet. 403. Sâhib al-bayân: The Spokesman. 404. Mutahhar al-janân: Purified of Heart. 405. Sahîh al-islam: Completer of Islam. 406. Sayyid al-kawnayn: Master of Humanity and Jinn. 407. `Ayn al-na`îm: Spring of Bliss. Bliss Itself. 408. `Ayn al-ghurr: Spring of the Radiant Ones. Radiance Itself. 409. Sa`dullah: Felicity Bestowed by Allah. 410. Sa`d al-khalq: Felicited Bestowed Upon Creation. 411. Khatîb al-umam: The Orator to the Nations. 412. `Alam al-huda: Flag of Guidance. 413. Kâshif al-kurab: Remover of Adversities. 414. Râfi` al-rutab: The Raiser of Ranks. 415. `Izz al-`arab: Might and Glory of the Arabs. 416. Sâhib al-faraj: Bringer of Deliverance. [SallAllahu Taala Alaihi wa Aalihi wa SaHbihi wa Baaraka wa Sallam]
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 20:48:48 +0000

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