I AM A PROUD IRISH, ARYAN CELT, IE HYPERBOREAN PAGAN AND DRUID PRACTITIONER AND I WILL NOT CELEBRATE THE HORRID HOLIDAY OF ST PATRICKS DAY......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to decline from Celebrating St Patricks Day it was the Death of My People the Irish People it is nothing but a Story of Death, Destruction and needless Bloodshed I who is of Scots/Irish to Scottish and Irish will not Celebrate that Horrid Holiday of Death and Destruction. I am a Proud Irish Man and also a proud Aryan Celt and I therefore will not Celebrate a Holiday that centers around the Total Annihilation and Destruction of my Ancestors Spiritual Pagan Way of Life and. The Pagan Northern and Nordic / Ancient Irish Druidic Principles and Spiritual Way of Life and Ancient Philosophies that existed long before the time of PLATO and SOCRATES it was a total of the Suppression and the Wiping out of 9.000 to 10.000 Years of Life and History in the British Isles. I am not drinking any beer, Beer was introduced to my People by the Original Invaders of my People the Milesians when they came to destroy the Kingdom of the Tuatha De Danann. Since I am of Irish Linage and Descent I have to go according to my Spiritual Heritage and Traditions of my ANCIENT PEOPLE since long before the time of PLATO and SOCRATES ever existed. I only Recognize the TRUE IRELAND thats under the Direct Authority of the Tuatha De Danann RULE I do not Recognize the Current Illegal Establishment that is in Power Today I do not Acknowledge the ILLEGAL ESTABLISHMENT. There should be NO CHURCHES, SYNAGOGUES or MOSQUES in anywhere in IRELAND at all. Christianity, Judaism and Islam have no RIGHT being on Ireland or anywhere on any of the British Isles whats so ever it is time to RUN them out and clean Ireland and all of CELTIC BRITON of them. My People and Myself will take care of the Invaders of Our Lands and of Our Kingdoms those who come and hail from the line of Milesians and Scythians as well as Egyptians and Romans to that of the Anglo-Saxons. We will get rid of them all..!!!!!!!!!!!! I am Genetically Linked to my Ancient Homeland of Ireland just like I said I am Irish by Genetic Heritage and Genetic Ancestry I am Irish by Genetic Birth Irish is in my Genes it Irish who I am Genetically and in my DNA. I am Completely Irish through and through and a PROUD DRUID and a PAGAN. Its in my DNA my PAGAN DRUIDIC IRISH DNA. I AM PROUD OF MY PAGAN DRUIDIC IRISH HEATHEN DNA and GENETICS...........!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM PROUD TO BE A PAGAN AND A HEATHEN.!!!! Remember the day that St Patrick arrived in Ireland that was the Day that Men Women and Children were killed and murdered to Death and it was Bloody and Irish Blood was spilt on Irish Soil and it was a Bloody Mess. People Dying Everywhere, every which way. When the Arrival of Christianity came to Ireland Druids were killed and Murdered by the TERRORISTS, ST PATRICK killing the Irish Infidels, ie Pagan Druids of Ireland kill the Pagan Infidels they do not believe in OUR GOD.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pools and Pools and Pools of Blood everywhere Death and Destruction everywhere Fires Raging and Breaking Out everywhere Peoples Houses and Homes being burnt down to the Ground Peoples Livestock being Killed, Murdered and Stolen. ((I am a Proud Irish Man and I am not afraid to say I hate St Patrick the Tyrannical Hostile Vagrant ass-hole S-O-B..!!!!!!!)) They came with their Monotheistic Traditions and Religions and they came to Take Ireland to CONVERT IT OVER by force in order to spread their RELIGIOUS ORDER, they came and they came and Killed every Pagan, of Every Druid of every kind and went after and FORCIBLE CAME, and CONVERTED OTHERS in the Religion of the Terrorists. It is time for my Pleiadian Brothers and Sisters to wake and Realize that the Tuatha De Danann were a group of Earth Based Pleiadian Colonists many of our Pleiadian Brothers and Sisters are in the dark to the Ancient Earth Based Pleiadian Colonists who were also known as the Tuatha De Danann. It is time that we must not take any more of their Crap nor any more of their Lies and Deceit against Our People, Now it is the Time for us to Rise up and Rise up with such a Strong and Mighty Force once and for all. The Tuatha De Danann are non other then the Pleiadians I am connecting Irish Genealogy and Ancestry with that of the Pleiadians and how the Celts are Descended from the STARS. There is a very strong and Distinct correlating and collaborating evidence between the Tuatha De Danann and the Pleiadians and that the ARRIVAL of the Tuatha De Danann in Ireland was non other then the Pleiadian ARRIVAL in Ireland. The Earliest Irish People Early Pre-Celts were Pleiadians that came from Tir Na NOg ie the Pleiades Star System and that the Hyperboreans was a group of Humans that was a mixture of Lyrans and Pleiadians that founded the Civilization of Lemuria and Atlantis. Druidic Symbolism in Masonry and Judeo-Christianity From all these facts it appears that the population of Ireland came from the West, and not from Asia - that it was one of the many waves of population flowing out from the Island of Atlantis - and herein we find the explanation of that problem which has puzzled the Aryan scholars. As Ireland is farther from the Punjab than Persia, Greece, Rome, or Scandinavia, it would follow that the Celtic wave of migration must have been the earliest sent out from the Sanskrit centre; but it is now asserted by Professor Schleicher and others that the Celtic tongue shows that it separated from the Sanskrit original tongue later than the others, and that it is more closely allied to the Latin than any other Aryan tongue. This is entirely inexplicable upon any theory of an Eastern origin of the Indo-European races, but very easily understood if we recognize the Aryan and Celtic migrations as going out about the same time from the Atlantean fountain-head. There are many points confirmatory of this belief. In the first place, the civilization of the Irish dates back to a vast antiquity - Ignatius Donnelly (Atlantis: The Ante-Diluvian Epoch, 1882) As we have shown throughout the Irish Origins of Civilization, the symbols and traditions we associate with Judaism, Christianity, Templarism and Masonry, originated in Ireland. They were first employed by the Druid Elders of the West, once known throughout the world as the Arya. The name Ireland was originally rendered Ari or Arya Land; one of the main connotations of the term being Western Land. Another was Land of the Pure or Noble Ones. Hard as it is for most modern men and women to comprehend, once-upon-a-time the little green land was home to the worlds original aristocracy. This fact has not been conceded by the vast majority of Celtic scholars who are for the most part in doubt about where the so-called Celts originally came from, and unaware the term Celt, as promulgated by Greek and Roman mythmongers, is both inaccurate and prejudicial. Our Thesis The Ten Commandments of the Druids were almost identical with those given by God to Moses - Richard Kelley Hoskins We began work on The Irish Origins of Civilization in 2005 and published both volumes of the book in November 2007. Our researches into Irelands role in world history commenced in 1981, after a preliminary study of ancient Irish mythology. As of this date few of our theories and assertions have been accepted by modern-day writers and researchers. Nor have they been deeply contemplated and correctly tackled by revisionists. Nevertheless, we are now in an age when the ideas we present are likely to be corroborated. Recent archaeological discoveries help to radically change what has hitherto been accepted about the history of the West. The lies and fallacies concealing the facts about our past are daily being compromised. In our text we assert the following controversial points which must be deeply considered by every unbiased historian and researcher: The elements of modern civilizations originated in prediluvian times, long before the official dates given for the advent of sophisticated human artifice. After the destruction of Atlantis and other prehistoric civilizations (approximately 13,500 years ago), surviving cultural elements were transported to Britain and Scandinavia. The preservers and disseminators of prediluvian knowledge were the priesthood known as the Druids. This word means Servant or Keeper of Truth. However, the Druids were a worldwide priesthood and were not confined to Western Europe. In Egypt they were known as Amenists. The cosmologies and pantheons of India, Egypt, Italy, Greece and other countries, were not autochthonous. They originated in Britain and Scandinavia. (Norway was once joined to Scotland via a great land bridge.) Ireland not Egypt was the post-diluvian cradle of the elements of civilization. It is from Britain and Scandinavia that these elements spread throughout the world. This controversial fact is persistently denied because it inevitably gives rise to speculation about Atlantis, the Age of Catastrophe and antiquity of advanced pre-Adamic humans. Revelations on these subjects devastate fundamental tenets of modern-day science and religion. Additionally, the facts about the widespread influence of British Druidism is largely unknown because of the wholesale destruction of the Druids and the prolonged and deliberate suppression and mutilation of their social traditions and religious leitmotifs. There were primordial connections between Britain and Egypt. Long before the first official dynasties (over 4,000 years ago), Western Arya migrated to the Middle and Far East establishing new civilizations and enriching existing ones. Their remains have been discovered in Upper Egypt and locations farther east. They were the original architects of the Giza Pyramids and many sacred temples along the Nile. They brought with them the worship of Amen Ra, Osiris, Horus and Isis (the Nordic Is). While in the East the Arya referred to their ancestral Western habitats as lands of the dead, due to the colossal devastation that occurred there. The many prehistoric and historic emigrations to the British Isles (of Iberians, Celts, Gaels, and so on) were for the most part returns. During the so-called Age of Catastrophe, titanic cataclysms (following on from those that destroyed Atlantis) displaced the original inhabitants of Britain forced to flee to the Continent across land bridges now lost beneath the waves. The Druids were Aryans. This word has been deliberately misinterpreted to signify members of a race. However, the term truly refers to a spiritual caste. It is also the true name of Ireland, correctly rendered Ariland or Land of the Arya. The term can be correctly rendered Eri, signifying the earth goddess of the ancient Druids. Etymologically, ari and eri are found as roots in terms and names such as area, terra, Tara, Mary, Hera, Benares, Armenia, Aramaic, and aristocracy, etc. The Aryans Cities may burn, floods may destroy, pestilence may kill, and wars may ravage, yet a word may survive – Henry Binkley Stein (Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah) Although the priests of Aton were monotheistic, Atonism itself was a corrupt version of earlier sacred traditions. The theology of Atonism was built on the age old foundations of Amenism and Druidism. The facts about the Amenists and Druids have, however, been deliberately obscured by the ideological descendants of the Atonists who have funded and directed so-called historians to skew the facts about Egypt and Ireland and distort the meaning of many important terms and titles. One of the most misunderstood and misapplied titles is Aryan. Its origins are much more interesting than we might at first imagine. To this day Ireland is known by the Gaelic appellations Eire and Erin. But where do these terms come from? In fact, they refer directly to the primordial goddess Eri or Ari. Therefore, the syllables either denote or connote the goddess after whom Ireland was named. In many cases, wherever word roots such as ari, ara, eri, and so on, are found, they connote or denote the land of Ireland specifically or, alternatively, the Western hemisphere. They signify men of the West, their sacred land and beloved goddess. Goddesses permeated Ireland. Mountain, rivers, valleys, wells, all testified to her presence. Around the eleventh century, Ireland became known predominately as Eire, a name derived from the Goddess Eriu, one of the triple Goddesses: Eriu, Banba, and Fotla...Eriu makes it clear that anyone wishing to enter Ireland would have to revere the goddesses if they wished to prosper and be fruitful – Mary Condren (The Serpent and the Goddess) As to the original homeland of the Arya, we take the view of researchers Ignatius Donnelly, Anna Wilkes, Conor MacDari and Comyns Beaumont who stressed that the ancestral habitat of the Arya lay in the West. Donnelly specified the lost prediluvian continent of Atlantis, and we agree wholeheartedly with his assertion. The lands of the North-West - namely Britain, Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, and perhaps even the Arctic climes - are in our opinion remnants of lost Atlantis. There is ample evidence for this contention, even though the facts have long been suppressed by academics who would rather that vexatious questions about man and his true history are never sufficiently answered. ...the Aryans were autochthonous neither in Europe nor in Central Asia, but had their original home somewhere near the North Pole in the Paleolithic times, and that, they migrated from this place southwards in Asia and Europe, not by any “irresistible impulse,” but by unwelcome changes in the climatic conditions of their original home. The Avesta preserves traditions which fully support this view. But these have been treated as valueless by scholars, who worked up their theories at a time when man was regarded as post-glacial, and the Avestic traditions were, it was believed, not supported by any Vedic authority. But with the time-telescope of a wider range supplied to us by recent scientific discoveries it has become possible to demonstrate that the Avestic traditions represent a real historical fact and that they are fully supported by the testimony of the Vedas - L. B. G. Tilak (The Arctic Home in the Vedas) The North Pole is already considered by several eminent scientific men as the most likely place where plant and animal life first originated; and I believe it can be satisfactorily shown that there is enough positive evidence in the most ancient books of the Aryan race, the Vedas and the Avesta, to prove that the oldest home of the Aryan people was somewhere in regions round about the North Pole - ibid ...the strongly substantiated proof of the frequent travelling of Sagas from people to people, and their taking root among many different groups, shows that the majority of basic myths have a fixed point of radiation—their place of creation. Thus, in their outward form, they are only comprehensible on the basis of a completely distinct point of origin - Alfred Rosenberg (Myth of the Twentieth Century) The solar myth, with all its ramifications, did not arise spontaneously as a stage of general development, but was born where the appearance of the sun must have been a cosmic event of profoundest significance, that is, in the far north. Only there would the year be sharply divided into two halves, and only there would the sun represent a certainty in man’s innermost being of the life renewing, primal creative substance of the world. And so today the long derived hypotheses becomes a probability, namely that from a northern centre of creation which, without postulating an actual submerged Atlantic continent, we may call Atlantis, swarms of warriors once fanned out in obedience to the ever renewed and incarnate Nordic longing for distance to conquer and space to shape. These currents of Atlantic men moved by water in their swan and dragon ships into the Mediterranean - ibid The Druids Druid colleges existed in many regions due to the guardian role of the Celtic race all across Europa. Druids, or Hibernian Gnostics as they might be called, were known to be fluent in several languages - John Lamb Lash (Not in His Image) The high priests of Ireland - the original Arya or Aryans - were commonly known as Druids. In Volume One we analyzed this word and discussed the beliefs and relevance of this ancient priesthood. We showed just how many insidious falsehoods have been deliberately disseminated about their origin and beliefs. Fortunately, the truth about this mysterious pre-Celtic priesthood is slowly coming to light: The true Celts were a tall, fair race, warlike and masterful...who spread their dominion both by conquest and by peaceful infiltration over Mid-Europe, Gaul, Spain, and the British Isles. They did not exterminate the original prehistoric inhabitants of these regions...but they imposed on them their language, their arts, and their tradition, taking, no doubt, a good deal from them in return, especially in the important matter of religion. Among these races the true Celts formed an aristocratic class - T. W. Rolleston (Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, 1911) Although the term Druid is local, their religion was of deep root, and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian Magi, the Chaldeans of Assyria, and the Brahmins of Hindustan. It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion-that of Noah, and the children of men before the flood - W. Windwood Reade (Veil of Isis) For, without the Druids, the Kings may neither do nor consult anything; so that in reality they are the Druids who reign – John Chrysostom (fifth century Christian Bishop of Constantinople) ...it is they who command, and kings on thrones of gold, dwelling in splendid palaces, are but their ministers, and the servants of their thought - Dion Chrysostom (Greek Philosopher, on the Druids) The Druids are men of penetrating and subtle spirit, and acquired the highest renown by their speculations, which were at once subtle and profound. Both Caesar and Mela plainly intimate that they were conversant with most sublime speculations in geometry and in measuring the magnitude of the earth - Ammianus Marscellus (Historian 350 AD) ...the Druids or Derwydd...were the sublime and intellectual philosophers who directed the machineries of the state and the priesthood, and presided over the dark mysteries of the consecrated groves - W. Windwood Reade (The Veil of Isis) ...follow me to a corner of the world where, at least for many ages religion was preserved in its pristine purity, and whose priests...were received as martyrs in heaven before they had learned to be knaves upon earth. It was an isolated spot unknown to the world in the earlier ages of vice. It is now a kingdom renowned for its power and for its luxuries from hemisphere to hemisphere. It was encircled by the blue waters of the German and Atlantic Seas, and abounded in the choicest gifts of nature. It was called The White Island from those cliffs which still frown so coldly upon Gaul, and The Land of Green Hills from its verdant mountains. Come with me to its shores, and I will show you its priests in their white robes, and its warriors in the blue paint of war, and its virgins with their long and glossy yellow hair. But first I will lead you back into the past, and relate to you why this land was called Albion, and why Britain - ibid Ages of Catastrophe At the end of the Pleistocene about 10,000 years ago, there was an extinction event that decimated the large terrestrial mammalian herbivores and carnivores of North America, South America and Australia. In North America alone, more than thirty two genera of mammals became extinct…The cause of this extinction is debatable - R. W. Graham (Evolution of New Ecosystems at the End of the Pleistocene) The world is unaware of the existence of prediluvian civilizations for the simple reason that they no longer exist. As the majority of myths and legends tell us, the continents that housed them were destroyed in a violent cataclysm. And this premise is now scientifically confirmable. Evidence exists to show that between 10,000 and 13,500 years BC our planet was wrecked by a natural cataclysm of unimaginable proportions. The devastating catastrophe was recorded by numerous tribes and nations, and is mentioned in the earliest Irish legends. Due to its disruptive geospheric effects, the earth suffered subsequent upheavals. Significant disasters (tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes) shook the world at 8,000, 6,000, and 3,000 years BC. The Mycenaean Drought, eruption of Thera in the Aegean, Storegga Tsunami of Scandinavia, rise of aridity throughout the Sahara region of North Africa, rise of the waters of the Mediterranean, dwindling of the vast Saraswati River in the Indus Valley in Pakistan, and prolonged Bronze Age famine of Britain are just a few of the super-catastrophes known to have occurred at different periods after the original global Age of Catastrophe. Legends from all over the world, which tell of the fall of the prehistoric continents Atlantis and Lemuria, record a real and exceptionally traumatizing episode in humankinds history. We dealt with the great catastrophe and subsequent trauma to consciousness in Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation. The Flood, to the world generally a vague and nebulous tradition, really conceals the most appalling visitation and its ravages in the British Isles and Scandinavian lands may be retraced to more considerable extent by the effects of what geologists term the “Drift” Age. It was no mere ice drift. It was sudden and terribly swift and violent - Comyns Beaumont Old World Disorder Concerning the Sphinx...Another inscription shows that it was consecrated to the god Ra Atum, or the Sun in the West, thereby connecting it with the lands toward the setting sun, with the place of the dead, and with the country of their ancestors origin - Edward F. Malkowski (Before the Pharaohs) In The Irish Origins of Civilization we covered the aftermath of global cataclysm and showed that natures fury was particularly devastating to Britain and Scandinavia. These land were so smitten they were referred to as Lands of the Dead. So horrific was the onslaught that Western elders were, along with the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain and Scandinavia, forced to vacate their homelands for new territories in Europe and Asia. Wherever the elders traveled they were received as veritable gods. They and their people have been referred to by most historians as Celts. They are, however, properly distinguished by the following more accurate titles: Aryans (Arya, Aryo, Ari, etc) Goths (Gots, Guts, Gets, etc) Nordics Indo-Europeans Caucasians Gaels, Iberians and Scythians were descendants of these illustrious Megalithic ancestors. The Druids were members of the worlds forgotten Stellar, Solar and Lunar Cults, and there was not a savant of antiquity who did not know of the existence and significance of these Western elders: ...a caste incorporating all the learned professions. The caste not only consisted of those who had a religious function but also comprised philosophers, judges, teachers, historians, poets, musicians, physicians, astronomers, prophets and political advisers or counselors – Peter Berresford Ellis (The Druids) The elder race excelled in sciences such as geometry, astronomy and navigation, and also in metasciences such as astrology and geomancy. In European and Asian history the original Megalithic elders appear as the following: Shemsu Hor (Disciples of Horus) Phoenicians (Arcadians) Sumerians (Sum Ari) Chaldeans (The Magi) Cabiri (or Kab Ari) Amenists Simply substitute Irish or Scots-Irish for Phoenician and the webs of deception spun by mythmongers melt leaving the truth about world history to brightly shine forth. As we explain in the introduction of Volume One, we do not regard the term Celtic as an accurate description either of the Megalithic Irish or of their European descendants. Recent scientific research strongly supports our contention that the term was merely the concoction of propagandists and mythmongers. As one perceptive commentator said, the Irish were Celticized. We find ourselves in complete agreement with this statement and cannot forget that the inaccurate history of the early Irish was concocted by their destroyers and colonizers: What makes it difficult, however, to measure the extent of this influence, as well as the mythico-religious significance of the monuments themselves, is the fact that the liturgy and mythology which constituted their frame of reference are almost wholly missing. The druids did not commit their teaching to writing, and consequently the whole of their sacred literature perished with the eventual extinction of their language – Otto Hermann (The Celts) After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the pre-eminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, “Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth” – Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History) The two invasions of Ireland by King Henry were bloody and ruthless culminating in the complete and utter dismantling of Tara to bare Earth and the final destruction of almost all remaining non-Christian Irish texts - None of the Celtic source literature is by druids...In Ireland, the amount of poetic/druidic material in manuscripts...is substantial...the bulk of the source material is unpublished, and still untranslated – R. J. Stewart (Celtic Bards, Celtic Druids) The earliest Christian missionaries found the native religion extinct, and themselves took the name of Culdees from inhabiting the Druids empty cells – Prof Todd (Quoted in Bonwicks Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 00:52:16 +0000

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