I AM A VIVEKANANDA , WHAT ABOUT YOU ? When I was a little child - TopicsExpress


I AM A VIVEKANANDA , WHAT ABOUT YOU ? When I was a little child about 3 ½ years old, I was taken by my mother to the local temple for praying to God. When we reached the temple, the temple was already closed. In front of the closed door, we stood to pray. She told me local deity is our God and so we should pray to her. Then I asked my mother how I should pray. Then she told me to ask God to show you the right path (May guide me to the right path !) t\Àhgnbn¡v \bnt¡Wta!. In my mind there was a feeling one boon only should be prayed and when she asked me to pray for the second boon “May inspire in me sad Budhi “ kZv_p²n tXmón¸nt¡Wta ! , I got a doubt and looked at my mother. Then I found she was in deep meditation closing her eyes and whispering as if God himself is talking through her. Next day I have gone early along with my father to see my God. I could see only Siva linga. Then I asked my father who is this God and where is local deity. My father told me this is Lord Siva and local deity is in the other side of the temple. If you want to pray to local deity you have to make one round around the temple. So I made one round around the temple and found local deity. I was having a feeling in my mind that there is only one God. Now I am seeing two God. What shall I do? Then solution came immediately to my mind. Address both by Eswar and ask for the same boon. When I grow old enough to travel by myself, my mother asked me to go to another temple 7 km away from my place where more people coming to pray thinking she is more powerful. Then I retorted that it will be displeasure to the local deity if I pray to another God. But for pleasing my mother I have gone there and addressed that God also by Eswar and asked for the same boon. Up to now whichever temple I have gone, I have addressed all by Eswar only and asked for the same boon only. When I got more knowledge, I have got a feeling that God did not approve caste system. So it should be removed from Hindus. So I started to read holy Quran to get some knowledge to help me to remove caste system from Hindus. Then I found that only one boon is given to Muslims and two boon to Hindus. That struck me and thereafter revelations came to my mind. So I am revealing to you, all people of the world, what I received from God. First revelation is that praying to God is for our benefit not for God. So how have we to show our gratitude to God? For that God suggested to me to read Bhagavad-Gita. Then I found that Bhagavad-Gita is the first book in the world disclosing to mankind that one and only one God exists for mankind. (11th chapter of Bhagavad-Gita). If you go through the 10th chapter of Bhagavad-Gita, you can generalize such that Among Jews, I am the Jesus and for the Mohammedans, I am the Gabriel. So Bhagavad-Gita supports all religions. So this is the one and only one book that supports all religions and God is shown as Creator of the Universe. So protection of Nature is our prime duty. By Mahabharata Vyasa Bhagawan tells us that God wants population to be diminished. That is the final outcome of Mahabharata. You can see that Lord Krishna did not have any children. Lord Vishnu had no children. For Lord Jesus no children. For Prophet Budha only one child. For Prophet Mohammed only one child. For Swamy Vivekananda no child. For Sree Narayana Guru no child. So when our revered ones did not like more children, then why should you encourage more children? Why don’t you be satisfied with one child? When I was about 40 years of age, I was interested in share market. How to get profit from share market? On that subject I thought continuously for 23 days (without sleeping). Then I got the answer. Along with that I got a fear also that somebody is following me to kill me. So my relatives took me to the hospital. Then I told my fear to the doctor so that it may be recorded in case sheet. He examined me and found that I am ok. But anyhow I have to take medicine for 10 days. As I have got some doubt, I thought I shall consult another doctor. Second doctor examined my eyes and told me that my brain is excited. That was correct, because when I got the correct answer, it struck me. He also prescribed the same medicine but reduced the dosage to 3/day from 4/day. Meanwhile I wrote a letter disclosing the man who was going to kill me and the reason for that. One copy I put in the bank locker and one copy always in my pocket. Then one month passed. Nothing happened. Only I got a strong feeling to commit suicide. Then I got the answer why majority of people taking medicine from Psychiatric doctors commit suicide. Then I have to attend a marriage 170 kms away from my house. Then after attending marriage I have travelled by bus to my mother’s house further 30kms away. Then my brain was telling me you are going to die. So I got a strong feeling that I should lie down for a happy death. So I asked the driver to stop the bus so that I can lie on the road side. Then my Mrs. told me that we can engage a taxi so that you can lie in the car. Then I agreed. When I lie in the car immediately my brain is telling me you are not going to die. Then I try to sit. When I sit immediately my brain is telling me you are going to die. Then I have to lie down. This is happening so many times; driver thought it is better to take me to a hospital. So he brought me to Uthradom Thirunal hospital in Trivandrum. The doctor himself checked my pressure and found that my pressure is oscillating between 150 and 220. Then immediately he had given me valium injection which kept my pressure at 150. Then he asked me which medicine I was taking. I have shown him the medicine. Then he asked me two questions. When was your marriage? How many children have you got? When I answered, he told me this medicine is not for you, throw away the medicine. If anybody has forcefully tried to keep me down or to sit straight then brain hemorrhage should have happened My boss was getting 10 lakhs Rupees per month and another 10 lakhs by illegal means. I stopped the illegal means. So he got angry with me and engaged one powerful mafia king to kill me. He tried four times to kill me and God saved me all the times. Why God is trying to save me? How I have to repay him? By praising or giving money? Both are not useful to him. Then he is suggesting to me he is liking Arundhati Roy. So I searched in the web to know more about Arundhati Roy. Then I found Arundhati Roy has given all the money she got in Booker Prize for the protection of Nature. So God want protection of all animals and plants. How can we do it? Suppose you are planting a mango tree. First year only you take much care, and then afterwards it will grow by itself. When it is fully grown and mangos are fully ripe, birds can eat it. When they are happy, they are singing for you meaning you are their God. You are also feeling “Aham Brahmasmi” for all these birds and animals. When you understand this, God will be happy and he will bestow his blessings on you. So our Veda is right. Brahmins in kerala thought they can make so many God and they placed local God in all places. Their behavior towards other people were so bad that Swami Vivekananda called Kerala a mad place. So God was angry with them and they lost all their lands. I have found if we pray Gayathri Manthra then we will become a gentleman. But Brahmins were not allowing other people to recite Gayathri Manthra. So God thought Brahmins alone need not take the benefit. So he made them think that Gayathri Manthra should be recited only in Sanskrit not knowing the meaning. For making people casteless, now God suggested to me that we can include Gayathri Manthra also in our pray as third boon. The third one is “By awakening knowledge and sharpening my intelligence, inspire me to do good things !” Fónð Adnhpw _p²nbpw DWÀ¯n, \ñvXp sNbphm³ t{]cn¸nt¡Wta !. These three prayer you have to recite first you wake up, second before deepa in the evening, third while you are going to sleep. These can be recited in your own language any where any time. God knows all languages and he is present everywhere. You should know God can be called by any name.(He got sahasranama). These three prayer Christians should pray to Jesus, Mohammedans to Allah and Hindus to Eswar. If your child with these three prayer is growing up, then he should become Viswamanava who will tell Lokmatha ki jai instead of Bharatamatha ki jai. He will not have caste or communal feeling in his mind. So now our priest should have a fear that nobody will come to the temple to pray. But they will come to you for help. They will have so many doubts and so many choices to choose from. You will be the mediator between God and them. So you have to carefully listen to their problems and tell them you will give the answer after one week getting it from God. Meanwhile you have to contact Matha Amrithandamayi ,Sri Sri Ravishankerji,Sri Ramdev, Sri Anna Hazare, Sri Rajiv Eswar,Sri V.R.Krishna Iyer,etc,etc and me by email.There are so many People coming for your help. You are going to change the people around you and you are going to make them all happy. When I have read holy Quran, I have a doubt Muslims are not knowing holy Quran. When I met a group of 14 graduates of Pakistan, I asked them whether you have read holy Quran. They confessed to me that they have not read holy Quran in Urdu so that they are not knowing what is written in holy Quran. Only one Mr Anwar told me that he is knowing holy Quran because he is knowing Arabic very well. I have found him a perfect gentleman. He has no Satan in his mind. He was earlier working as captain in Pakistan army. He said to me Pakistan army is filling venom in the minds of soldiers against Indians As he could not tolerate this ,he had quit his job in Pakistan army. A learned man is translating holy Quran to Urdu is better than an ordinary man studying Arabic by himself and understanding holy Quran. So why Muslims are not allowed to read holy Quran in their own language? Then they will not support worshipping Black stone or throwing stones to drive away Satan because it is not going with the spirit of holy Quran. Actually God is not in our heart, only the prominent quality of God is in our heart where as Satan is in our heart not outside. So Muslims have to read holy Quran in their own language to throw away Satan and Christians to read Bible and Hindus to read Bhagavad-Gita to throw away or control Satan in their mind. I was watching who was purchasing shares and who was selling. One year back Nifty index has come down to 4750. Thereafter it steadily increased. Then I found our FI is selling shares and foreign FI is purchasing shares. At 5200 index Foreign FI purchased heavily and our institutions were selling. Then it steadily increased to 6300. All these time, our FIs were selling . After reaching 6300 it started to go down. Then our FI started to purchase and our Indian Rupee started to devalue. Within one month our rupee lost 10 with dollar. During this month 20,000 crores of stocks were purchased by our FI. Who told them to purchase these much shares? And also when they are seeing our rupee is losing value, Why have they not stopped purchase? Because somebody at the top wanted to save foreign FI from heavy loss. Now the loss has come to our FI and our rupee. We want a thorough enquiry to find out who the culprit is and how much money he has got in his foreign account from foreign financial institutions for looting India. Onetime when I have gone to Kanjiramattom, I have seen one dove early in the morning when I wake up . The dove waited up to the time I have seen the dove and afterwards it fly away. What it has to say to me? Then I found out it is hungry. Now no cultivation. So it is not getting any grain. It is living on leaves and grass. Nobody cares. In our Veda it is written “Aham Brahmasmi” for all animals and birds. So we have to cultivate the land which is now kept unutilized. As it is not profitable, Govt has to take over all the fertile land for cultivation and profit if any has to be given to the owner. I have first thought Aham Brahmasmi as Eswar in my heart.Then gone to my friend Mr Jagadeesan Nair to show my findings.Then Mr.Nair told me it is not correct. Who told you to take in that way? Then I told Mr.K.Damodaran in “Indian thoughts” has written like that. Mr Nair told me that the correct meaning is I am Eswar Then it struck me that Jesus is right. The entire world is wrong. People now also think Jesus has lied. If you are saying Jesus as son of God then you are admitting Jesus has lied. If you consider Jesus as Avatar of God (God’s incarnation) then Jesus has not lied. If you read 10th chapter of Bhagavad-Gita, you will consider him as Avatar of God and who is that God? You will get the answer in 11th chapter. God is shown as creator of Universe. so you have to protect Nature. So you should not support Mr. P.C. George (Kerala MLA ) who wants to snatch away 25 acres of forest land for his friend. If he is getting then Raman will come and ask for 50 acres. If he is also getting then Rahim will come and ask for 100 acres. Then our poor Chief Minister has to give him also 100 acres, otherwise he will be pulled down. Now only very little forest land is there and very little animals is there in jungle. At least we have to protect them. 711 crores of people is sufficient for God. He has to protect other creations also. God does not like only one creation totally engulfing the whole world endangering many species of his creation. God only brought AIDS to kill the people. he is also trying to kill people by cancer and dengue fever. Because he wants to reduce the population. He has suggested to me that cure for AIDS is in Aurveda. So I searched and found out. It will be cured within one week. But the money we get should be utilized for the welfare of animals and birds. If any registered medical practioner is coming agreeing to this condition, then I shall pass on to him that secret. Now the govt has come up with food security. First I thought food security is only for minorities. Now I know it is for all people to get their votes. Very huge amount of money is required for this. !0% of that amount only is required for solving the problem of beggars. But they have no vote. Also we want all essential items through ration shop. Without providing this, allowing the traders to take huge profit on these essential items, food security is going to be retaliation. Central Govt is going to lose. Next Govt coming should not go for food security. Instead they have to provide all essential items through ration shop. Also solve the problem of beggars by giving them job ! One beggar has to care for 100 trees which we are going to plant on both sides of the road throughout India. Majority teakwood trees,rosewood,chandan,anjali,mango, vep, etc useful trees. There are two types of people. One is Hindu people and another is Hindu caste people. Hindu caste people like their own caste only and Hindu people care for other castes also. Then Hindu caste people claim that they are superior to Hindu people because they are not communal. If you have no love for other caste people, how can you love other religion people? Among the Muslims also there is a feeling that Muslims in Muslim League is superior to Muslims in congress. Who is less communal? This govt is supporting caste system and all divisive policies. God is not approving caste system or any division among people. So we have to change our reservation policy. 1st child of all family has to get the job. Reservation only for 2nd child that also 50% economical reservation only not considering caste or community. Sree Narayana Guru advocated one caste, one religion, one God. Now his own people are thinking one caste he told is their caste only. They are not moving in the direction of caste removal from Hindus. They want caste system to remain forever because they are getting reservation. What a tragedy for a noble idea? In Kerala minority people are actually majority people. Hindus are minority. Minority people in Kerala are controlling about 80% economy in Kerala. Then why the people of Kerala are not objecting to the central govt policies. Because the answer is given by one caste organization recently, Congress has agreed to him that one of his men will be given a minister ship. These policies are followed everywhere in India by Congress. Final part of my article will be published later. My email address is kuttykanjiramattom@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:22:46 +0000

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