I AM ABOUT TO ENTER THE JUROR PROTECTION PROGRAM AND YOU DO NOT KNOW ME Imagine for a few seconds (and I say seconds because that’s just about the span of time I guess you’ll be able to bear the pressure) that you are one of the jurors in the murder case against George Zimmerman. As the defense winds up their arguments and the lead defense attorney is about to rest the case, the immeasurable amount of pressure the jurors are starting to feel is enough to fuel a rocket to Mars and back. You sit there wondering how in the name of everything that is Holy and the Continental Congress will you be able to live your life safely after all of this. The pressure mounts and the thoughts of threats being made against you and your family because you “dared” to find Zimmerman NOT GUILTY invade every fiber of your physical self. It’s self-preservation time (and family preservation time, too) and you begin to weigh, very carefully, what exactly is there to lose by sending Zimmerman to prison—perhaps for life—if your (and your family’s) safety and future peaceful life can be preserved. I mean, what’s Zimmerman to you, really? One little digression in the pursuit of justice can be easily overlooked, right? Right? And besides, Zimmerman had it coming, right? And despite your sequestration, you know and have heard for months that the New Black Panthers and Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and the rest of the race baiters will riot, loot or even worse, come after you and your loved ones. What do you do? How would you decide? Are you that committed to justice that you are willing to sacrifice your future and your family’s future for one George Zimmerman who only a year and a half ago meant absolutely nothing, nothing to you? Unfortunately, this is the state of what we call justice in the United States today. Even if you have not been following the case on television, or have only glimpsed at the newspaper headlines enough to know that the prosecution is not doing a very good job of proving Zimmerman is a racist murderer acting as a bloody vigilante the night he shot Treyvon Martin, you know they have not proven BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that Zimmerman acted with murderous intent that night. What should we do? Retroactively change the “Stand Your Ground” law and then apply it to a man who simply followed the law itself? How about replace the Chief of Police and the Judge in the case? How about push the case through a Grand Jury even though the police investigation found NO unlawful action? Many people who agree with the law have expressed concern for George Zimmerman’s behavior that night based on what they heard on his 911 call before the incident took place. Yet, should we take into consideration (or would even the jurors have access to the information) that NBC edited and manipulated the recording to make Zimmerman sound racist? What about the media slew of coverage months after the incident (because it wasn’t a criminal case then) had taken place and the pressure from “civil rights leaders” on the media? If you were a juror in the murder case against George Zimmerman, and all of these questions and unresolved issues came up and dictated to you that the prosecution has no basis to convict this man, would you still find him guilty? Isn’t it about time we stood up to the racial opportunists who are ruining this country for self-promotion and aggrandizement? Every time Al Sharpton opens his mouth about this case he does not do so with the intent of bringing justice to the so-called “boy wearing only a hoodie and with a pocket full of Skittles.” Al Sharpton is out for himself and those who follow him are out there “protesting” to make themselves “feel good,” and justified that they live under such an “unfair” system. The New Black Panthers party has already begun to “mobilize” for massive protest (read: riot) and jump into the media light they so much covet. Perhaps the “Opportunist-in-Chief” who was quick to proclaim Treyvon as the son he never had will go on television to plead calm and order as the hypocrite he is, looking for more opportunism to look like a leader. Even the Sheriff of Sanford, Florida has issued a video promotion (which sounds more like a begging call) advocating for a peaceful resolve if the verdict is NOT GUILTY. When exactly did Americans decide to become absolute cowards who bow under the pressure of such racist asshattery? When will the good citizens of this nation rise up and demand an end to this blackmailing travesty of judicial process? Just recently, a white man was beaten by a black mob after he protested to the crowd in front of his house that they were making too much noise. The mob assaulted the man on his porch, beat him with just about everything they could get their hands on, and declared defiantly that the beating was “Justice for Trayvon.” And this is not an isolated case. There have been numerous cases of black on white violence in the last couple of months and the mainstream media continues to ignore it. In Chicago, a white street performer was beaten by a black crowd after they considered her “too white” to be playing Jazz. Is this what we are expected to absorb as the new normal? Will there be riots and looting if George Zimmerman is found guilty? I suspect that white-hispanic folks are perhaps too busy trying to put food on the table and providing for their families to get involved in shit like this. Or perhaps the effort by the mainstream media to portray Zimmerman as a “White-Hispanic” (as opposed to simply Hispanic or White or, just like Obama, mixed race?) successfully displaced him as being part of any significant group in this country. Both of O.J. Simpson’s victims were white, yet white people didn’t loot or riot simply because he was found not guilty despite the mounting evidence against the verdict. If Zimmerman’s case ended today, and the jurors took to deliberations for however long, could they find him guilty? According to the presentation of the case and the facts offered by the prosecution, I dare say no. However, considering the amount of pressure they are under, Zimmerman already has one foot inside the Big House. What would you do if you were in their shoes? God Save the Republic
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:41:45 +0000

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