I AM COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET (although Im not sure I was ever - TopicsExpress


I AM COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET (although Im not sure I was ever really in one) I am not ashamed to say the Holy Spirit reveals pivotal truth to me on a frequent basis, including my understanding of Scripture. What on earth kind of Bible teacher would say their doctrine was not largely derived from interactions with the Holy Spirit?! Sure we dont need to jam archaic and arrogant thus sayeth the Lords down peoples spiritual throats. In fact, we dont need to jam anything down anybodys throat. And we certainly need to be sensitive regarding the Christian verbiage we use, particularly around those unfamiliar with such terminology. But, if we cant attribute, even amongst the brethren in our own household of faith, that those truths which our heart hangs its hope on are mainly (or even ideally) derived from continual interactions the Holy Spirit, then there is something tragically flawed in our thinking. Nothing is more important for our walk than being indwelt, inspired, and instructed by the Holy Spirit-- nothing, nothing, nothing! The Sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God, and led and led and led. Romans 8:14. The Holy Spirit is to lead us into ALL truth. John 16:13. The Apostles were humble enough to say, before making important doctrinal decisions, It seems good to the Holy Spirit and us.Acts 15:28. We all have access to SUPERNATURAL gifts, fruits and enablements-- ALL entirely derived from the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12-13; Galatians 5:22-25. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of this Romans 8:9. And yet, if you mention the Holy Spirits dominant role in establishing your beliefs, then the eyes will roll, the snickers will come, the pigeonholing will begin. You will be called a crazy charismatic, a misled gnostic, a superstitious primitive, and many other such things. But as pirate Jack Sparrow said with an inebriated smile, Sticks and stones luv, sticks and stones. I am a lawyer trained in reason, but reason isnt the primary source my convictions, although reason frequently enhances, bolsters and confirms those convictions. I have a masters of practical theology, but that theological training isnt from where my core belief system derives, although what I learned there often helps me better align and express what I believe. What I DO believe comes from what I am convinced are, as Martin Luther called them, influxes of the Holy Spirit. I am not ashamed of the Holy Spirit. I actually prefer the term Holy Ghost because it sounds cheekier and spunkier. To be ashamed of the Holy Ghost is to be ashamed of Jesus. Jesus even implied it might be worse. So, if my pneumatolgy (theology of the Holy Ghost) offends you, then GO TO HEAVEN (about it). And if, in the final scheme of things, I am wrong and the Holy Spirit has not illuminated and confirmed the truths I have adopted and shared, I will take it on the chin and rise or fall to Abba about it. I am no longer interested in bickering about the shifting opinions theories of men, my own most of all. Im looking, rather, to continually trade up and in for better, deeper, and higher revelation. I want to interact with Holy Ghost men and women, whose glowing faces confirm they have been in the vibrant presence of a happy God. I can honestly say the men who discipled and taught me were the most joyful men I have ever known. I think the BIGGEST mistake men make is automatically equating their own natural thinking and opinions with the HOLY SPIRITS thinking and opinions. They have no real concept of the vibrant otherness of the Spirit. They presume their own thinking IS the Holy Spirits thinking. There is no dynamic dialogical heart-connection going on. And that is a pity. My ideal is simply this. I want what I think and believe to be BOTH Spirit-given AND Spirit-driven. Im not claiming to be there yet, but that IS the high calling of the sons of God. And, if we would stop B-slapping the Bible so much in favor of jumpstarting Holy Ghost communion, how much MORE would we manifest as sons of God, sons of light, sons of power, and sons of love!!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 22:03:10 +0000

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