I AM.......COVENANT....ONLY THE SON CAN BEAR THE NAME, DWELL IN THE HOUSE AND OWN THE STUFF.... PART ONE Genesis 15:1-4;After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram, I am your Shield your abundant compensation and your reward shall be exceedingly great. And Abram said, Lord God, what can You give me, since I am going on from this world childless and he who shall be the owner and heir of my house is this slave Eleizer of Damascus? And Abram continued, Look You have given me no child and a servant born in my house is my heir. And behold the word of the Lord came to him, saying, This man shall not be your heir, but he who shall come from your own body shall be your heir. Galatians 3:16; Now, the promises, the covenants, were decreed and made to Abraham and his Seed, his Heir. He does not say, And to seeds as if referring to many persons, but.........., And to your Seed, your Descendant, your Heir. Obviously referring to one individual, Who is none other than Christ the Messiah. So It has always been about a Son. Because only a Son can bear the name ........ occupy the house........ and own the stuff. HE MADE HIS WAYS KNOWN TO MOSES, HIS ACTS TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL In this book, much of what I have written has dealt with our time in a wilderness, that has been designed by Him. We have looked at the purpose of our being in this place and some of the results of His proving our heart. I have also written concerning the condition of His church. Much of the same sicknesses and diseases and maladies that plague the world, are prevalent in His church today, when according to His word we are to be His special treasure and above all the peoples of the earth. Since I have started to teach on this subject there have been the personal disagreements that have come from those that I have loved and have had deep respect for, especially when I started teaching that there is a place in Him where there is no sickness and disease or sin. I have been told that there has never been a man that has walked in this before. I have been told to look at my own life and see that I do not live up to this high and lofty ideal. Painfully, I must admit, that when it comes to my own life they are right!! However, there has been a man who walked the earth over 2000 years ago that walked in a divine realm, where there is no sickness or disease, and was with out sin, the man, Christ Jesus, who came to show man how to walk as God. This is not to say that we become God, we individually and collectively are created in His image and likeness, so we, as Jesus did, display Him in the earth. Through all of this, I have come to the place of understanding, that when you start digging beyond where people are comfortable, you start loosing friends, just as when you accepted Him as Savior, your circle of friends began to shrink considerably. With what I am going to write now, my circle of friends may continue to shrink even smaller. But as it has been said before, His word is like a fire shut up in my bones and if I do not say what I believe He has told me, the guilt will be upon me and those who He has spoken this to. (I do not believe for one minute that I am the only one). So here goes. I believe that the church as a whole is, and has been, in the wilderness, for far too long. I believe that the fault lies not only in those who have been believers for many years, but it lies primarily with the pastors and the worship leaders. Pastors have been charged by Him to not only feed His sheep but to lead the sheep to greener pastures. Not keeping them penned in, leading them around the same pasture year after year, eating the same thing day in and day out. Just about every service the same food is being offered. Teachings on salvation, the gifts, deliverance, the laying on of hands and so forth, and yet in Hebrews 6 we are encouraged by the writer to leave these elementary things behind and go on to advanced teaching. The apostle Paul told us to press onward and upward to the high calling in Christ Jesus. Praise and worship leaders are to lead us into His loving arms and not stop when we feel His breath on our necks. So often as the worship begins to go deeper the Praise and Worship leader will stop and declare that He is in the house. The Pastor will then step up and confirm what was said and then we stop seeking and pressing in to Him and go on about our church business. When my grand daughter, was an infant, she cried when she wanted something. Her parents as well as my wife and I would immediately come to answer her cry to be held or for food or to change a dirty diaper. When she began to crawl, then eventually began to try to walk, we laughed at the tumbles she took, but were excited at the changes that were taking place. When she began to walk, she staggered like a drunken sailor. It was cute, but all of it would have been tragic had these actions not changed. In other words, if there had been no growth, no changes, we all would have been going to the doctors and questioning what was wrong. I believe that is the condition of the majority of the church today. Stuck in protracted childhood, never changing or growing to full stature. And yet the Apostle Paul stated that he labored daily among the people until the fullness of Christ was formed in those that he had been given charge over. Today, a large number of churches are caught up in strange happenings, ie; acting as if drunk, laughing uncontrollably, chasing gold dust and jewels and the like. Going from one anointed service to another. Giving place to stories of the way the services made them feel, and how God showed up and showed off, knocking them to the floor where they stayed for hours just basking in His presence. Coming back with strange teachings concerning the angels in our midst etc. I have asked the Lord over and over why, if this is Him, why so many are not being made whole? In other words, if this was God then those who were participating in these services would have been changed for the better, not remain the same always searching for the next so called move of God. Blind eyes are not being opened and it seems that the word is being preached not in the power of the Holy Spirit but with good and very persuasive words. To my shame, that was me many years ago. I would go into a service and judge whether or not He showed up by how I felt. The heaviness of His presence during worship, the Holy Ghost goose bumps, during the altar ministry. I have to add that as a pastor and minister, that I looked for the very same things when I was ministering. It always seemed easier to minister if the praise and worship was great. Now, I am not saying that the feeling of His presence is wrong. It is not! However, we are not to follow feelings, we are to only follow the sound of His voice. We are told in 2Corithians 4:2, that we are not to walk by sight but by faith. And in John 10, we are told that His sheep hear His voice and another they will not follow. The church needs to know how to discern His voice above all others especially the voice of our own desires. People who are called by God and gifted with the ability to play instruments, write great praise and worship songs, and sing, are very important to the whole picture. They can charge the atmosphere and stimulate the emotions with their anointed praise and worship, but they are not the instrument by which people grow into mature saints. They can lead us to an increased awareness of His omnipresence but they can not prepare us for His face. In Exodus 24:1, Mose and Aaron, Aarons sons and the seventy elders, are instructed to come and worship at a distance. It is at a distance that we see a convincing manifestation of His presence. In vs 2 Moses is told to go all the way and the rest were not to come any closer than instructed, the people were to stay at the bottom of the mountain and worship. I believe that this is very significant. Moses is invited to go all the way into the full manifested presence of God where he hears the voice of God. Now bear with me for a second. Moses goes all the way, the priest, Aaron, His sons and elders only go so far and are aware only of a convincing manifestation. The people, who are further away, see Him only as a devouring fire atop of the mountain. Now, we know the rest of the story that the people come to Aaron, who had apparently come down and tells the people to get the earrings and gold jewelry and fashions a calf and the next day they hold a feast unto Elohim. Aaron did not know the fullness of God He only knew Him from a distance. The people only knew how He made them feel so they worshiped the god that they knew in Egypt. I believe that is the reason that so many innocent, sincere believers are caught up in these weird manifestations in the church today. They only know Him through feelings so they are led by feelings. A brother just stopped by and gave me the ending for this. (Thank you Miguel). We can go to the beach and step into the ocean. For all intense and purposes we are in the ocean. But there is yet a depth of God that we have not yet entered and that is to be Completely hidden in Him.......... we have to decrease so that He can completely manifested His fulness in us. This my brothers and sisters is the hundred fold spoken of in Mathew 13:23. In other words, full stature. That is the job of the pastor, to lead His sheep to the place of wanting...... and knowing that there is a depth that we have yet to enter. And then getting out of the way as we enter the fullness of Him where we will never return to who we use to be. Excerpts from my book; I AM COVENANT
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:04:44 +0000

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