I AM EARTH 5 Part Series: To Inspire, Empower & Uplift the - TopicsExpress


I AM EARTH 5 Part Series: To Inspire, Empower & Uplift the Children of the World! It is my pleasure to share that I have found ECKO Publishing to help me Self Publish ‘I AM EARTH’! *My plan is to self publish 25 copies. *Raise $1200 to get this project going, which can be completed in three weeks. *Share them with you! *Get some great forwards *Find a literary agent *Share my stories with all varieties of schools: home school programs, wilderness awareness programs, private as well as public school systems. And get feedback and support. *Then publish the magically illustrated version with a contract for the entire series. Those of you who supported my kickstarter project, I have so much gratitude for your excitement and encouragement. The project didn’t make the amount and so nothing was received toward the project. Please support this project! I need your help! As I am ready to make this a reality now! I am receiving support at PayPal for my publishing fund. My email is wholenessfromtheinsideout@yahoo I am Very Excited about this! Together you can help me share this message to the children of the world! Thank you for your love! Gratefully! Hailey Dawn Armstrong☺ Amelia @ ECKO Publishing received my manuscript 2 days ago. This was her reply: Hi Hailey, It is so lovely to speak with you! Your work is on an elevated level and so important to our next generation! So glad you are following your dream! I do see the Vision! It is life changing! Amelia Detailed Synopsis and Vision is provided below… Synopsis: “ I AM EARTH” Hailey Dawn Armstrong It is my pleasure and honor to present to you “I AM EARTH”. The first book of a five part children’s series, Gifted to me to inspire, uplift and empower the children of this world. “I AM EARTH” is a magical journey with a unique dialogue between a little girl and a mother nature. As she ventures through the pages with some curiosity and questions she discovers that mother nature has answers for her. “I AM EARTH” presents Engaging lessons through science, chemistry, physics, and nutrition that uncover the truth and facts about how we have more in common with Mother Earth than we might think. It comes with Interactive Yoga Poses and Affirmations accompanied with each element to integrate the qualities of nature and stimulate the body, mind and as well as the hearts of those who venture. “I AM EARTH” is one of a kind journey where a child gains greater awareness and appreciation for the Earth we live upon while coming to hear the voice of her own heart and connect to her inner wisdom. I am Hailey Dawn Armstrong with a very important message and gift. This book will Inspire, Uplift, Educate and Empower Children in a Fun and Magical way! Namaste Detailed Description of the complete “I AM EARTH” Series 1. Return: I AM Earth 2. Contrast: The Dance Between the Land of Light and Darkness 3. Entering the Cave: The Dance Within the Self 4. Boy Meets Girl: The Dance Continues 5. The Great Remembering: Return to Oneness Through this series one will discover in the first book, "I AM EARTH", how we are so much like Mother Earth and the power of creation. Book One: "I AM EARTH", A little girl discovers she is not alone in Nature and develops a dialogue that stimulates insights into the deeper aspects of Mother Earth while guiding her to discover the wisdom within her own heart. She learns how we are like Mother Earth. Book Two: "CONTRAST", We travel into the land of light and the land of darkness or love and fear and discover the creative power we have in our reality. The wisdom comes from the tiniest of all animals as a web between the two worlds is weaved pulling from each to create with empowered choice. Book Three: "The CAVE", is a journey into the inner landscape of the self discovering the feminine and masculine aspects and learning how to balance the two and find harmony without giving up the strength of either one, but integrating them into a greater whole. Book Four: "Boy Meets Girl", the dance continues in the interactions and relationship with another beyond our self and the lessons and insights learned here are very powerful and transforming. Insights are gained about mirroring and projecting as a tool and a teacher to look within. Book Five: "The Great Remembering; Return to Oneness", is in fact a remembering of how it feels to be in a state of LOVE and consciously choosing to do so because of the wisdom gained from the four previous books. Here we experience a Heaven on Earth and learn that its been possible all along within the home of each of our hearts. Once the inner landscape is at peace the outer will follow and we realize that we are all one. These books will be a powerful learning gift as well as a fun journey for the minds, bodies and hearts of those who venture. Namaste! WHAT IT TEACHES: Reading this will inspire, guide, and stretch your mind as well as your body as you gain a deeper relationship with your self through nature and mother earth remembering we are very connected. These children books will teach, inspire, and guide young children to see themselves, their life, their world and new light as well as a desire to discover their unique purpose from within. Throughout the series they will be taught the universal laws of nature, the deeper laws of attraction and conscious creation and manifesting. They will be able to journey through the lands of light and dark, speak with and learn about the feminine and masculine aspects of themselves and journey through the animals characters learning what it feels like to be disconnected, out of touch with the earth and ones self and then the contrast of being fully integrated into the fullness of who they are, being connected to source, to themselves, and the earth. WHY I WANT TO CREATE THIS PROJECT: I am truly passionate about empowering children with the awareness of what it means to truly co-create ones life! This is about providing every human being, every soul the freedom to choose and authentically create. This is done in a playful, inspiring, magnetic, way that teaches not only the children, but those reading to them. At the end of each book is interactive exercises-stickers, ideas, games etc. These books will literally transform the minds and hearts of all who read them; visually, verbally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. MY HOPE: As we each remember to connect with Nature, as we get out into nature, as we connect to our inner self and our higher source we literally become a bridge between heaven and earth and with full power to manifest and create a life that is in balance, in harmony and thriving we become extensions of this limitless life force that is all around us awaiting our consciousness to utilize it! And so it is… I Am Earth! With LOVE! Haiey Dawn Armstrong!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 05:03:27 +0000

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