I AM FILLED WITH COMPASSION FOR THESE PEOPLE... (Mt 15:29-37) Jesus went to the shore of Lake Galilee, and then went up into the hills where He sat down. Great crowds came to Him, bringing the dumb, the blind, the lame, the crippled and many with other infirmities. The people carried them to the feet of Jesus, and He healed them. All were astonished when they saw the dumb speaking, the lame walking, the crippled healed and the blind able to see; so they glorified the God of Israel. Jesus called His disciples and said to them, I am filled with compassion for these people; they have already followed me for three days and now have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away fasting, or they may faint on the way. His disciples said to Him. and where shall we find enough bread in this wilderness to feed such a crowd? Jesus said to them, How many loaves do you have? They answered, Seven, and a few small fish and gave thanks to God. He broke them and gave them to His disciples, and distributed them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the leftover all ate and sere satisfied, and the left-over broken pieces filled will sever wicker basters. Jesus shows us that if we are with Him, (by remaining sinless and faithful) . There is healing, eating and Divine teaching. Are you sinful or sinless,? How? To become sinless, worry free and Holy, is to have a prayerful life or make prayer a way of life. For it is through it that we are strengthened. And to avoid the occasions of sin is to make prayer a way of life. Prayer is the source of our healing, courage and strength. And strong enough to overcome temptations. If food gives nourishment to our body, so as prayer gives life to our soul. And if we want to always be with Him and remain in Him is to deny ourselves, embrace our crosses and follow Him. And to be holy is something we should look forward to and work hard for. Because it is written that pleasure is short but punishment is lasting; sacrifices are light but glory is for all eternity.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 15:58:05 +0000

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