I AM GOING TO WRITE SOMTHING THAT WILL GET A LOT OF PEOPLE ANGRY, but hear me out. The Hebrew roots movement and the Messianics are in a grave error that needs to be pointed out. They escaped the Frying pan of Pagan Christianity and landed in a Boiling Vat of Oil. But, how you say? there is a Sin that keeps repeating itself in the whole books of the Kings and Chronicles. It is always followed by the Saying The LORD sees the evil they have done in the SIGHT of the LORD. They followed in the WAY of JEROBOAM< they way of OMARs House, and KING AHABs House. Even Judahs Kings apoted their ways, and also did what is Evil in the Sight of the LORD. What was that EVIL? 2 Kings 17 explains in detail, but what happen was a Civil War after Solomons Death, and the Northern King Jeroboam, the House of Ephriam, the House of Yosef Joseph did not want the so called 10 northern tribes to celebrate in Jerusalem the Holy Days, because they might fall in love with them, and turn back to the Kings of Judah. So Jeroboam set up a PRIEST HOOD (which is exactly what these new faith churches are doing) he set up the golden calves from Bethel to Dan. Hence hes set up idolatry to Torah to follow their way not torah (Lot of these churches are picking and choosing laws to following, and setting up their own image of Torah. a HUGE GRAVE SIN, the MOST EVIL SIN OF THEM ALL.) Jeroboam goes ahead and changes the Holy Days to one month later o fit their northern harvest changing Rosh Shanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot in the month of BUL, or Chesvan which is one month later. This PISSED GOD SO OFF, HE CALLS IT THE ABOMINATION, THE ERROR, THE GREAT SIN, through all of Kings and Chronicles and every prophet. many say Daniel 7 means pagan Christianity and yes they are half right, but Daniel 7 is more of the Jeroboam resurrected falsehood that drove Israel into Assyrian slavery and was still plagueing Israel, but the tribe of BenYemen, Judah, and the Levites. so many believe they found the truth when infact they ran from Paganism and jumped in the sack with Jeroboam (a WORST SIN). Torah states only a Kohen Priest has the right to call the festival days, and no one else, not even a church that believes they found some no wisdom or understanding. If the priest are wrong, it falls on the priest, not you. you merely followed the priest instructions which God told us to do. you cant call the Holy Day, i dont care even if you are right. it is a bigger sin to mislead the directions of the Priest. It is a Double Sin and the Sin of Jeroboam. So to call it RABBICAL LAW, shows your lack of understanding of all TORAH LAW. I dont say that to be mean, but to wake you up from this GRAVE ERROR. there is no sin repeated in the bible more that pisses YHVH off more than any sin in the Tanakh (Old Testament). you dont have the right to overrule a Priest or a Judge, Torah states it is a death pentaly if you do. I KNOW I KNOW, I WILL GET MANY TEXT BACK SAYING I AM AN IDIOT, but before you make that comment, remember one thing for sure YHVH is watching and hears everything you are saying, so if you are unsure you better look into it before you speak. I gave all of yall the post we must follow their rulings before Yom Kippur and even where Yeshua says it as well. if you missed that you better scroll down and read it. What the church is doing ais a great thing to come to Torah, so dont get me wrong. it excites me, but to my great cry, like Ezra, when the priest married the canaanites, it makes me cry yall are not seeing you left paganism church and joined Jeroboams church, which is a church that got Israel exiled in 2 Kings 17. please wake up, I love all of yall. We must follow the direction of the priest, not your pastor. If the jews say it is this day and that day and they are getting their info from the Kohen, then you better be doing the same thing. if not you flung the Torah behind your back, and like Jeroboam created a look a like Faith that is an abomination to YHVH. AGAIN I LOVE YALL AND GLAD YOU ARE RETURNING TO TORAH. I AM SURE YHVH WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE GRACE YOU NEED TO MAKE THAT RETURN FULLY, BUT THERE IS A TRAP SET UP BY THE DEVIL MANY CAN NOT SEE, AND SO ITS MY GIFT IS TO POINT IT OUT FOR YOU. IF YOU ARE ANGRY WITH ME, ITS OKAY. I RATHER YOU GET PISSED OFF AT ME, THEN FALL INTO A BIGGER TRAP HARDER TO DETECT AND NEVER BE ABLE TO ESCAPE IT. PLEASE NOTE I CARE - THAT IS WHY I SPOKE IT. MANY PEOPLE DONT WANT TO HEAR THIS BECAUSE WE LIVE IN AMERICA AND THERE IS VERY FEW OF US, AND THE CHURCHES YOU ARE ENTERING ARE YOUR ONLY SOURCE LINE TO A REAL FAMILY, AND I GET IT, YOU DONT WANT TO BE ISOLATED. BUT DONT LOOK IT LIKE THAT. YES AT FIRST WE GET ISOLATED, BUT WE ARE BEING LIGHTS AND SOON, VERY SOON, EVERY MESSIANIC AND HEBREW MOVEMENT WILL SEE THIS ERROR AND WAKE UP AND GET A BETTER UNDERSTANDING, TO RETURN FULLY, NOT HALF WAY, AND NOT MAKING UP YOUR OWN DOCTRINE. YES YOUR OWN DOCTRINE. NEVER FORGET THE OLD SAYING, THE CLOSER YOU GET TO GOD, THEN HARDER SATAN COMES AT YOU. ANOTHER QUOTE, KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE BUT YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER. MANY BELIEVE THEY ARE WALKING OUT OF ERROR, NOT REALIZE THEY WALKED IN A TRAP FILLED WITH DEMONIC SPIRITS. THEY LOOK LIKE JEWS AND CALL THEMSELVES JEWS BUT ARE NOT, BUT A SYNAGOUE OF SATAN. I AM NOT SAYING THE PEOPLE IN THE CHURCH ARE DEMONIC, BUT THERE IS A Delusion, YES A DELUSION, IN THE CHURCH HARDER TO DETECT,TO DECIEVE EVEN THE ELECT IF THAT WERE POSSIBLE THE NEW TESTAMENT TELLS US, SO UNLESS SOMEONE CAN SEE IT FOR WHAT IT REALLY IS,. AND I AM TELLING YOU, I TESTED THE SPIRIT OF THIS CHURCH, AND IT IS IN THE ERROR OF JEROBOAM. I ONLY SPEAK IT TO SAVE YOU, NOT TO GET PEOPLE MAD. מיכאל גריפין I BELIEVE THE TORAH MOVEMENT WILL FIND THE WHOLE TRUTH, ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME. SO LIKE A CHILD, I UNDERSTAND YOU ARE JUST LEARNING, SO NOT MAD, JUST BREAKS MY HEART MANY CANT SEE THE TRAP
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 09:33:07 +0000

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