I AM KRISHNA AS WELL AS MAHAVATAR BABAJI..... I am Babaji – - TopicsExpress


I AM KRISHNA AS WELL AS MAHAVATAR BABAJI..... I am Babaji – the vigilant companion, the most knowledgeable guide, the all-loving God, who carries mankind away across the thresholds of Light into Eternal Life. An insistent and unmistakable intention of Love moves everything and transforms all. MAHAVATAR BABAJI lichtweltverlag/de/blog/index.html WORLD MESSAGE FROM MAHAVATAR BABAJI MAHABHARATA I AM KRISHNA AS WELL AS MAHAVATAR BABAJI..... Transmitted from Mahavatar Babaji to Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama Mahavatar Babaji: “At times, henceforth, I will begin to sign my name on messages transmitted to you though Swamini VishwaLakshmiAnandama as -- Mahavatar Babaji Mahabharata. I choose at this point in the evolution of people of Earth and the evolution of the history and spirituality of India to reveal to the whole world . . . I Am Krishna as well as Mahavatar Babaji. I encourage everyone to read and study the Mahabharata, the epic story of Dharma and the history and evolution of spirituality in India. All spiritual traditions have their place in time and history, and all are valid paths to The Divine. I wish to draw the world’s attention, including those who attune to my vibration and the mission of Premavatar Swami Vishwananda, to the study of the Mahabharata. The evolution of spirituality in India is an example for the whole humanity to exemplify. (February 21, 2013) Mahavatar Babaji chose to live and immortalize Himself in this world. He will always be here to help humanity whenever it´s needed. Now it´s time for changes to happen. It´s time that humanity calls upon Him and receives His help. Sri Swami Vishwananda Transmitted from Mahavatar Babaji to Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot/2013/02/an-ocean-of-tears-for-mankind-mahavatar.html CHRIST-KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS Jagadguru Mahavatar Babaji From time since the beginning, that in essence truly is without beginning and without end, we have stood with humanity as you strive to reach THE HIGHLY ELUSIVE ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS. To reach Oneness and be aware of The All, Omniscience, and to know that you are a measure of the Infinite One as Divine Love, who survives and lives forever is the highest formula for living on Earth. This is universal and is not distinguished as exclusive for old or young, aware or unaware, tired or energetic, beautiful or not-so-beautiful, good and not-so-good, Enlightened Master or struggling and unemployed house-holder, or all of the duality contained in the World View of Consciousness. To the one who wrote a comment here asking for guidance as to the best way to live in this world: May I urge you to place action and commitment into your words and into your writing thoughts. To progress further on the spiritual path, one who actually is writing a true longing to progress spiritually, to grasp the greater truths must go within the Self, understand what one needs to do to accomplish what one seeks and then place that into life, into daily actions, thoughts, and words. Just begin! Let your mantra and prayer be: This day, Oh Lord of Life, help me to live what I long to become. Let me become, this day, the higher teachings in my life and in my being. Let me become Divine Love and express it to the All, all the time. May I be committed, and take responsibility, for my own progression into Light, now and forevermore! Amen, OM, OM, OM This is truth: None of your teachers or spiritual guides can create this Oneness Consciousness for you! We can help; we can freely give you Divine love from our hearts, spiritual teachings, and even high vibrational energy that you physically may feel. What you do with all this love and assistance is up to you, personally. So, take action, and move yourself forward. To all of you: Of course, all the above applies to everyone. Choose not to stay stopped or stagnated any longer. Take inventory, connect with the Divine Love in your Heart, and then take action to become the Light Being you truly are and always have been! —Babaji, One Who Is Eternal Light and Realizes That You Also Are Light virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot/2009/11/letter-from-mahavatar-babaji_07.html Walk on water like the Apostle Peter with the Christ. How does one do this? Your spiritual body[Golden Light Body] can do these things when you set it free and become conscious of this inherent ability. Let your Self out of Your self-made prison. --Mahavatar Babaji Transmitted from Mahavatar Babaji to Swaminivishwalakshmianandama SayGuru Sri Swami Vishwananda says: My tradition, is the tradition of Mahavatar Babaji, a great master who lives in India, I was initiated by him. Mahavatar Babaji is in this world, but he is not accessible to everybody. Other masters came also through his tradition”. He is the same Mahavatar Babaji described by Paramahansa Yogananda in his book Autobiography of a Yogi (1946). Paramahansa Yogananda, in his Autobiography, describes Babaji’s role on earth:”Mahavatar Babaji is ageless and in constant communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. The work of these two fully-illumined masters is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism ”. test Lahiri Mahasaya wrote in his diary that Mahavatar Babaji was also Lord Krishna. About this, Swami Vishwananda says, “That is why Babaji appeared on Earth just after Krishna left this planet. Approximately 5000 years ago, Babaji manifested himself on Earth, later he decided to stay here with his body. In the year 300 after JC, as he wanted to leave Earth, his sister Mataji (who is also immortal) asked him:” Why do you want to go from this place? For you it is the same, it makes no difference to be here or there, because you transcended the dual limitation of the matter of this universe. Why not be here?” So for the sake of this world Babaji decided to stay on Earth”. Babaji is present on Earth in his light-body and aware of the trend of the modern times and the influence of Western civilization on the whole world; Babaji began through his disciples the spreading of Kriya-yoga for the spiritual upliftment and the self-realization of mankind. For more about Babaji: om-healing.org/ , atmakriya.org/swami-vishwananda and vishwananda-talks.blogspot/ Swami Vishwananda says:” Babajis message is a message of love and unity. Its a message of reconciling ones self, ones mind, with ones true self, the message of self-realization. His message is very simple, its a message that show you, how you can apply the universal love in your daily life in whatever you are doing. When you fall at the feet of Babaji, think of Babaji and pray to him. If you could create this big palace, if you are the source of everything, why will I need just a palace? Isnt it better than I take you completely? You are the ultimate. You are the goal of all life. Let me have you! Sri Swami Vishwananda has a loving veneration for Babaji and suggest us: Do not waste your time in wanting things that you know have their limit. Desire the ultimate, and you shall have it! Remember always the Divine Love, the Divine help, the Divinity ultimately within yourself. You are an instrument of this Love, and instrument of this joy and bliss and happiness. You have to reflect it, and for you to want to reflect it, you have to really want that reflection. The following is an excerpt from the book Unity with the Divine the book Unity with the Divine Mahavatar Babaji speaks through scribe Utpalavati (Jean Peterson):”In this age, the Kali Yuga is ascending from its long, dark descent and is now rising into the New Age of Golden Light. We encourage you to hold the hand of an enlightened Master, your teacher or your Satguru, and take the steps necessary to evolve yourselves into higher consciousness. We aim to lay out the steps to enlightenment, one by one, in the Unity with the Divine. I say to those of you reading these Epistles, ÒTake the hand of your teacher, your guru, your Satguru; take my hand and let us walk together into the light, the life-force of The Divine. Inside all of you exists the seed crystals of Prema, (love), Sathya (truth), Dharma (right action), Shanti (peace), Unity (oneness) and Ahimsa (non-violence). Let yourselves be aware of all these in every thought, word and deed. And you will be free. “ Babaji speaking about Sri Swami Vishwananda says:”Sri Swami Vishwananda is a different kind of Spiritual Teacher. Once he taught within the traditional structure of the Guru Disciple Relationship wherein the disciple surrenders to the Guru, body, mind and soul. I tell you truly from the heart of Babaji, even then, Swami Vishwananda knew what He was doing! He, in Divine Truth, was teaching His diciples, through life experience and a great challenge, a different kind of lesson than that of surrendering body, mind and soul to the Guru of the past! About his way of teaching, Sri Swami Vishwananda; says: I dont teach the way a normal teacher will teach you. I teach you through life, through experience, through challenges. Thats how you will build up your spiritual strength. If you are not strong enough you will not be able to make it, because to get self-realization, to get God-realization you cant be weak. You have to be very, very strong to get it, thats how life is. We refer you to Swami Vishwanandas website for information on the Guru Disciple and Teacher Student Relationship as He teaches and relates to his disciples and students. And, in truth, this has been Swami Vishwanandas New Way of teaching from His beginning! swamivishwananda.net/ and virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot/ Be wise with your teacher Swami Vishwananda[SatGuru Sri Swami Vishwananda] and follow his teachings. I tell you truly; He can take you Home, which in your Heart you do remember. Mahavatar Babaji Transmitted to Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot/2012/09/mahavatar-babaji-tells-story-today.html When you go on your spiritual path with full force, this is the power which will remove all negative things. If you dont let the negativity take control, if you dont concentrate on the negativity, but you concentrate on moving forward on your spiritual path – that strength will erase everything. There is not much to do, really, just one thing: have confidence, have trust and the rest He will take care of. SatGuru Swami Vishwananda swamivishwananda-info.blogspot/ Krishna explains that He is the Over-Self of all beings. God is the origin of everything Nobody can know the real nature of Reality Everything is a manifestation of the Absolute The manifest creation is a very small fraction of the Absolute. So here Bhagavan is talking about Himself, ‘I am Krishna among the Vrishnis.’ He is talking about His own Self, the Lord who establishes the identity between the manifestation of God, and God Himself. He said, ‘I brought Myself into being, into this body as Vasudev Krishna, but I Myself am the Lord of Lords. I am Myself, Narayana Krishna.’ So the intention is to show that He’s Supreme, Supreme as Himself, more than the creator Brahma. He’s the unborn, the Immortal, the Almighty Lord Himself. Lord over all creation, He Himself is the son of Vasudev. The Lord is not just a normal ordinary person, even if He appears very human by being there among the people, by being in the battlefield, in the Kurukshetra. Everybody could see him just like normal, but in reality, He is God Himself. He said, ‘Among the Pandavas, I am Arjuna.’ Here it’s funny, you know, to see that within the Pandavas – among the Pancha Pandava, who was the eldest? Yudhisthira was the eldest of the Pandavas. He was a very highly virtuous soul, very dharmic, a great devotee of the Lord. He was very great, but Krishna here is saying that among the Pandavas, ‘I am Arjuna’. Arjuna listening at that moment probably got shocked. So, He said, ‘Arjuna, among the Pandavas, I am you, Arjuna’. He’s declaring that there’s no difference between the Lord and Arjuna. Like I said, few days ago, here He is playing different roles: Bhagavan Himself is playing the role as the Guru and Bhagavan Himself is playing the role as the disciple. SatGuru Swami Vishwananda swamivishwananda-info.blogspot/2014/08/chapter-10-bhagavad-gita-course-with.html The Supreme Lord said: I consider the best yogis to be those who are (desirous for being) forever united with me, who have supreme faith, and who worship me, and who focus their minds on me. General topics covered in the Chapter: Should one worship a personal or an impersonal God? Reasons for worshiping a personal form of God The four paths to God Karma Yoga is the best way The attributes of a devotee Excerpt commentary from Swamiji: 2 mayyāveśya mano ye māṃ nitya-yuktā upāsate śraddhayā parayopetās-te me yuktatamā matāḥ Those who found their mind in Me and by constant union, possessed of a supreme faith, seek after Me, I hold to be the most perfectly in union of Yoga. Here Bhagavan is saying, the ultimate and the most perfect form of Yoga is to have this longing for the Lord, to have this Love for the Lord, to have this reverence for Him. Through that one finds great delight in hearing the glory of Him, remembering Him through japam, continuous chanting of his Divine Names and through that faith grows. It’s like the food for the faith and the mind gets dwelled and absorbed (in the Divine). You see to hold one’s own effort is very difficult, its not that easy, you have to be very strong for that. But if one dwells and surrenders to the Lord and trusts in him, He looks after the welfare of the bhakta and carries him. SatGuru Swami Vishwananda WE HAVE TO RISE TO THE HIGHER FORM OF LOVE... RAGA BHAKTI. YOU DONT NEED ANYTHING!.... YOU JUST NEED TO LOVE. youtube/watch?v=BKL6uPoAmgg PURITY OF LOVE[FOR GOD] youtube/watch?v=i1rsUWHiM8Y DIFFERENCE BEWTWEEN SELF REALISATION AND GOD REALISATION youtube/watch?v=vleZHJxO9BU HOW DO I SEE GOD youtube/watch?v=nx0HB2AGpRg I DONT NEED ANYTHING FROM ANYBODY. I HAVE COME TO HELP ONLY. I AM NOTHING. GO DIRECLTY TO PARAMATMAN. UNTIL YOU ATTAINED UNCONDITIONAL LOVE[CHRIST-KRISHNA] CONSCIOUSNESS - YOU HAVE ACHIEVED NOTHING. MAHAVATAR BABAJI IS THE GURU OF ALL THE GURUS. THE HIGHEST DEITY IN MY OPINION IS LOVE. WHEN ALL DISSOLVES ONLY LOVE STAYS... AND THAT LOVE IS NARAYANA[KRISHNA]. NARAYANA IS WITH FORM AND WITHOUT FORM. SatGuru Swami Vishwananda ATTACH TO THE TEACHINGS AND NOT TO THE TEACHER. JAGADGURU MAHAVATAR BABAJI In the depth of THE ESSENCE OF WHO YOU ARE IN REALITY, in the depth of the Essence of Your Soul, in the depth of the Spirit, IN THE EYES OF GOD -- ALL ARE ONE. SatGuru Sri Vishwananda BLOG lichtweltverlag
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:00:28 +0000

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