I AM NOT THE AUTHOR BUT WANTED TO SHARE: Day 445 of the house of Rothschild investors plan of slow extermination of 250 million Americans, by 2025, by aluminum phosphate contamination of their interstatial body fluid and lymphatic blockage due to higher viscosity. This contamination is being sprayed by private investor planes. Rented through the US airforce, maintained and operated out of US airforce bases, all added as additional tax debt. The powder is being purchased from the monsanto company, owned by the same investors. also as forced tax debt. An under the table Solar Resource Management scam of the house of rothschild investors, requiring the public to believe they are negating global warming, saving us all. A straight lie, they are contaminating the soil so only monsanto aluminum resistant GMO seeds, patented 2012, will survive, giving the monsanto investors a food monopoly. The same investors run the pharmaceutical directives and monsanto purchased the ebola virus patent april 2014. Now the presidential directive that all can be indefinitely detained for any respiratory malady. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where we are being driven by the house of rothschild investors directives, statutory death, for all competition and theft to their inbred descendents, judaism worshipping only, cartel. No thank you. All adherents to any group or religion which condones or promotes, murder and theft of others must be institutionalized, regardless of cost. The cost will be nothing compared to the damage this mental dissorder is doing to the planet we all exist on. Attention all Congress People Consider this notification To, 1. Arrest all dual passport holders in the US Congress for espionage, 2. Halt all Air-Force spraying of monsantos aluminum powder. 3. Arrest and remove from office all who seek to modify our Constitution in any manner. 4. Abolish the CFR, arrest all its members for conspiracy, espionage and tax evasion. 5. Arrest all at the CFR’s creations, the IMF, UN and CIA for operating under an illegal charter, a treasonous offense, only sovereign nations can be granted a charter, not groups, clubs, or people. 6. Remove the president from office and charge him with being a spy., under the UCMJ at 906.106 and a traitor under 18 USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381. Militia secure our borders
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:59:59 +0000

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