I AM POSTING THIS BECAUSE WE HAVE A CRABBY PANTS IN THE HOUSE STARTING THIS BULL ABOUT HIPPIES AND BIRTHDATES & COMPLAINING ABOUT HEARING RECOVERING STORIES: Some of us 30 something hippies like myself were raised by Woodstock hippie parents, were the next generation. I was infused the greatness and as for the younger then myself hippies whos to say they werent raised by their hippie grandparents, be open-minded and less judgmental and maybe your chronic pain will go away, your mindset will keep you sick brother. I may be 35 but I am a wise woman with a 1000 year old soul and all the landscaping over the years to go with it. Some food for thought, your pain is only as bad as your attitude. I shouldnt be able to walk but I do and I dont complain about it, there are dying cancer survivors out running marathons through chemo. I know I do every cancer walk I can, so sir fellow hippie what makes you so hippy. What are you fighting for an lending a hand in.................................... Be happy through your pain and everything will be alright. Pete Regan Sr this is a hippie commune not a negative thread starting commune, make a group for your kind if you dont want to hear about people in recovery, or see hippies of all ages thats rude dude!!! we are hear to share and care not piss and moan, we all are going through something in our life. We dont need negative vibes here this is our happy place. Peace Out dont let the door hit you in your crabby ass brother.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:20:32 +0000

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