I AM SAD!!!!! If you are one of those who complain about racial - TopicsExpress


I AM SAD!!!!! If you are one of those who complain about racial discrimination or kick against racial utterances from the white western Europeans and Americans you are fighting a useless war. I bet you, you are the greatest hypocrite of our time, especially if you are an African. Yes, the white may have discriminated against the black Africans for years. They say we are barbaric, wicked, lack souls, conscienceless, wild animals, illiterates, uneducated, uncivilized, poor, idiots, lazy, name it. I know some people who will carry clogs and machetes to fight anybody who will accuse the Africans of being self-deceptive in their fight against racism. But I tell you, that is the level of ignorance that leads to perdition. Until we realize this we are not going anywhere. Now I ask these freedom fighters. Are you all still alive today? Do you listen to news and read papers about today’s happenstances in the same Africa you claim you love? If yes, have you been rendered dumb by one African god or goddess? Sorry, I mean, that charm or juju in your villages have inflicted you with one deadly disease that you cannot write or speak out again. How we have exposed that our barbaric nature, lack of soul, wickedness, etc! Now not to the white that we used to think are enemies but to ourselves, to our own brothers, to our own children. How we have, with our own hands, buried ourselves in the graves we dug. Listen! Who can accuse the white of being unfair in their judgment? I mean if you were to be in their shoes wont you be scared or even terrified to associate yourself with these kind of race. I want to refer you to how, since after independence, we and our leaders have destroyed every good thing about Africa that could have counterfeited this bad impression about us. From Nigeria to Mali, Sudan, Congo, Central African Republic, Egypt, Libya, etc, you will witness heavy crises rocking these African nations. What annoys me is that we are not fighting over one nuclear invention, scientific threat, or some economic crisis but over no-thing. Mind you, NO-THING. Look at the Africa that her leaders will rise up against their citizens, rubbing them, killing them, unleashing threats on the younger generation, impoverishing them, in fact promoting a state of nihilism in their various countries just to assert their selfishness. My take on Nigeria! The largest economy so far in Africa. In Nigeria today, there is no trace of any Nigerian president, military or civilian, who has shown patriotism, love and care for the welfare of the citizens, or determined to lead the nation to the Promised Land. Please I take a stand here to say, Thanks to Late President Musa Yaradua of blessed memories, the only exception but did not last. This is the Nigeria, where a President had all it takes to correct all the mistakes of the past military heads of state but spent his time in the office instituting corruption, looting, and fighting for a third term. That typical African leaders’ tendency to remain in power forever! Thanks to those who stripped the nation off his hand. The same man who parades himself as a harbinger of peace maker in different African nations and the globe but fails to bring peace in his own house on fire and divided. Who is that man who answers a peacemaker in the neighboring community but becomes a mischievous Papa sowing seeds of discord in his own family? Let me use the words of the white for such Africans: wicked, conscienceless, uncivilized, Hypocrisy. This is a Nigerian where the military will win wars in other nations of the world, keeping peace in neighboring African countries but lacks morale, intelligence, power, infrastructures, and all it takes to keep peace in their own country. Not even to win a rat-racing Boko harammic war. Shame!! Still the same illiterates, uneducated, dishonest, and uncivilized Africans. Do you want to talk about the politicians and those who called themselves our parliamentarians? I know only one agenda and that’s all they have in their manifesto: to impoverish the nation and enrich their families, to loot the nation’s reserve and disappear into the moon with all their loots while leaving the rest of the citizens in the dungeon of perpetual poverty. Still the whites may be right to say we are wicked, barbaric, conscienceless, uneducated, unintelligent, senseless, and idiots. I am talking of the citizens themselves. Instead of rallying together to fight bad government or the common enemy which is poverty, they have resorted to killing and butchering themselves for no reasons. I keep asking myself. Why would a sane youth carry gun or machete to butcher or kidnap a fellow youth, innocent citizens or children who have nothing to do with their frustrated lives? While would some group of citizens gang up only to unleash terror to fellow citizens, their own brothers and sisters in the name of fighting religion, government, or an ethnic group? This wild cannibalistic tendency proves the white right of our barbarism, wickedness, poverty, mediocrity, soullessness, conscienceless, illiteracy, and what have you. I repeat, we fight for NO-THING. The insecurity predicament is symptomatic of the fact that corruption has so degraded this nation to the extent of forgetting the sanctity of life, one would say. When they say Africa is a jungle, do we have to wait until an Angel comes from heaven to tell us this is the truth? It is in Africa that a human being will be sentenced to death by hanging just because she married a man from another religion. The kind of story that bleeds the ears!!! Still in the same Africa where over 270 female school children will be kidnapped, raped, and forced into slavery. DISGUSTING!!! Stories of a father killing his daughter for eating his rice!! Things that happen in the animal kingdom!!! Africa where the police threaten, extort, and manhandle the citizens they are sent to protect!!! Barbarism!!! When will our Moses come? Unless Moses comes to lead us to the Promised Land we will still remain in “Egypt”, now not under Pharaoh’s slavery but under our ignorance and self-deception.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 05:36:45 +0000

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