I AM SO AFRAID OF ALL THOSE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE MUSLIMS! Ask yourself how do you know that any terror plot was stopped in Belgium today. The news media told you right? They never lie do they? Are we really that stupid of people? i know that i am not. Your actions in believing everything they say will determine if your seriously dumb or if your even able to read between the lines OR NOT. These guys in these videos are nothing but indoctrinated mouth pieces and stupid ASS government whores! Theyd probably sell their own children for the ass kissing favors they get from the government to lie about this. Their ideology is what we must question and just because they may wear a suit and are well spoken does not give you an excuse to just believe everything these idiots spew out of their stupid little faces without out first independently checking on this information, which many of us are not even in a position to be able to carry out enough to gain truly empirical evidence!! We have to rely on the news medias and right now we all know that they are lying to us about many serious topics and that they are controlled by the rich elite and our government who have a reason to try and brain wash us. A financial reason that includes ripping all of us off with higher taxes and more control over the American people while they also take away our God-Given Rights and tell us its for our own good. It is NOT!! It is for their benefit so they can stay employed off of our tax dollars, NOT us!! GITMO is a Human Rights Abuse Center that tortures ALL of the people there and many of them are not guilty of anything but trying to defend their own damn Country from our wrongful and illegal invasion and where our Military was killing their children, their wives, grandparents and young men, who our government here in the corrupted United States calls terrorists even though they [in our own Gov] are the real terrorists....period!! Wouldnt you try and defend your own Country if someone came to kill you and your family members? The real terrorists is the United States Military and the evil dumb asses calling the shots in Washington along with all who back the Bankers and the Rich Elites who have killed over 2 MILLION men, women and children over in Iraq and Afghanistan [several 1000 miles away] ...so who is the real terrorists? Who should we actually fear? You can support this non-stop non-sense but i wont and that is for certain! Those kids our military killed? Terrorists right? Did they also deserve to have our military drop Depleted Uranium all over those two countries because they were terrorists? I THINK NOT, as for the fact that it causes birth defects and that it is just inhumane by any logical persons standards and our Military had known prior to doing this that this would be the outcome with birth defects and horrible suffering and still they went ahead and did it anyways! Is 2+ million people dead and murdered revenge for 911 or is this a form of Genocide against Muslims and clearly a depopulation agenda? Is shoving a tube up someones asshole [to feed them] or a tube down their throats humane? i think not! What about having prisoners cuddled up into a group all naked and being threatened by a military dog and an officer with a rifle pointed at them for what is being done to them for no other cause other that to instill fear and cause an abuse of authority?! These are PIGS who do these things, not our American soldiers! Any deluded housewife who is sitting in their nice suburbs and in their nice little world all worried about ISIS or imaginary Muslim Killers coming to cut off their heads and marry their daughters need to have their damn heads examined and first realize that it was our very own government that took down the Twin Towers and not Muslims at all. It was a Missile that was sent into the Pentagon by our own Military, not a plane and no bodies were ever at the flight 93 crash site in that field according to eye witnesses! Give me 30 minutes with any rational fair minded person [who is not purely stupid and indoctrinated] and i would have them convinced that it was our own Military who sent that missile into the Pentagon and who used Military grade Thermate to take down the Twin Towers. Well, that Military Grade Thermate has a code marker on it and it cant be lied about where it originated from!! Judicial watch had to fight the FBI for over a year [in our own courts] just to get the American people to be able to see the few frames of 70 different video cameras that were supposedly all that was left from the plane/Missile hitting the Pentagon...are we really this stupid to believe that all of this Muslim hatred was not born on 911 and that this is actually a covert plan to commit massive Genocide against the Muslims but also to mind control the American people into believing that we need to target and kill people from small 3rd world countries for depopulation? Its actually quite shameful if you ask me and many people need to start speaking out of they know what is going on! Its no longer cool to be on the wrong side of history like this and the world is hating the American people because of what our Government Elite are doing. Thats right...ultimately it falls back on the American people and we need to be the ones who put a stop to this all at once and by being united with a common cause.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 01:35:02 +0000

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