I AM SO ANGRY, and I cant pipe down. We, as Americans, should be - TopicsExpress


I AM SO ANGRY, and I cant pipe down. We, as Americans, should be hanging our heads over the reality that the Obama administration (by either ineptitude or complicity, Im not sure which yet) has decimated our international reputation and invited tyranny to run rampant, wherever it exists. America has always been the champion of the underdog, the strong arm of justice, the most powerful restraining force in the earth. Neither I nor my friends voted for him so our consciences are clear; the elected leader of America is a celebrity-courting, Islam-sympathizing, anti-American, reverse racist communist, hell-bent on assaulting the foundational principles of this great nation. He has surrounded himself with court jesters who continually compliment his emperors new clothes, while hes devoid of moral rectitude, corrupt, and naked. So what have we now? BEHEADINGS OF AMERICANS? Our enemies have become so bold in our face, because they BELIEVE there is no one to stop them. Who will? Where are the men and women of this nation? Who is going to stand up and say NO? What happened to virtue, honor, and integrity? If were going to keep our soldiers over there, let them do their jobs, and make it swift and sure. Wipe them out, and dont leave one stone unturned. Use the drones and military capability we have to make a definitive statement against our and the worlds enemies instead of spying on our own citizens in a disgusting betrayal of public trust. Mr. Obama, humble yourself you prideful fool and hasten to the side of Israel...they have the finest intelligence network on the planet, not to mention the fact that God...The Holy One of Israel...favors their righteous cause, and blesses those who align themselves with Israel. Yes, I said GOD...and that would be Jesus...Who Is the same Conqueror and Lord for both Christians and Jews alike. If you have a problem with Jesus and Jehovah God, you earn the entirely sarcastic thanks a lot. Youre contributing to the reason America is suffering today. How painfully obvious does it need to be that the non-gods of the other nations are not really working out so well for them? Perhaps youd like to ask the people in the Middle East where there hope and safety lie right now as their children are being slaughtered before their eyes. My heart BREAKS for these people; they do not have OUR GOD...and their lives have played painfully out for hundreds of years because of this. I dont want to hear one word about how our presence over in the middle east is all about oil and blah blah blah, or how George Bush is responsible... again. Shut up. Its a war between good and evil, and it always has been and always will be The unfortunate presence of our soldiers over there is the best thing that could happen to their people. Yes, its a war. Our soldiers have to do their jobs. Those people have heard all their lives that Americans are the devil, yet every day our men and women in the military stationed there extend compassion and mercy to the hopeless of those lands and show them the difference that is America. Never hear about those stories, do you? We have been so blindly spoiled by Gods patient protection of us that weve thrown Him aside in our country, and now its time to stop. Our strength was in our collective faith; the strength of our borders is only as strong as the spiritual force of our people. We are no longer united, and we need to be once again. Without faith, we are weak; without righteous leadership, we are left defenseless. Its time to rally round our flag everyone, and if you havent called out to God lately, Id hit my knees if I were you. No time like the present. I dont care who you are; I dont care what you profess adamantly to be or not be. If someone was standing behind your loved ones neck with a knife, Im sure youd be singing a different song. Get yourself straight with God. He Is, and He always will Be, whether you agree with Him or not. I would say His Word carries more truth than your fleeting opinion. Cmon, be real. You know darn well Who God Is, and stop wasting time while America cries out and people die waiting for someone to take a stand. How selfish have we become? How petulant and petty? We are SO fortunate to live in this nation, and so blessed of God to still be the best nation on earth. People from other countries STILL want to come here, if you havent noticed, so shut your mouth if you have something negative to say about your homeland. Do us all a favor, and dont use the First Amendment to trash our nation. Youre just spoiled and ignorant, and weve all heard you loud and clear for way too long. Incidentally, youre also grossly in error, so spare us. Nobody cares about your feelings anymore; we care about the slaughter of our people and other innocents around the world while the elected leader of this country does NOTHING. Has anyone asked themselves WHY he does nothing? Hmmmm...gee...it isnt rocket science. Weve become a nation of idiots, so distracted by political correctness weve lost sight of what is truly important. I do believe weve compromised enough catering to the panty-waisted pansies of this nation...and thats how we ended up with this present mess of an administration. Mr. Obama, dont tell us youre uninformed; youre sacrificing the lives of our sons and daughters while you traipse around courting favor from inconsequential people...as if Beyonce and George Clooney are going to put a dent in ISIS. I want to know what happened to AMERICANS...and why are we not ANGRY? Why are we not calling for a new leader? Why are we not incensed at the cowardice displayed by our representative while the whole world watches? This is where the worlds bullies gain courage...when they know that the only country that truly stood in the way of evil has ceased rising to the urgent call. Where are the leaders of this nation, and what are we going to do as Americans about the state of our Republic? How can we let this be? There are men and women who are capable of restoring this country to its proper place as the beacon of what is right in the world, and we need them now. If you havent prayed for anything ever, please ask God to raise up those people now to national prominence. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY. Oh, and for the love of GOD, stop ignoring Him. The one constant thing in this whole life is that He loves YOU, and its about time you know it. Quit arguing about Jesus... because HE IS. When everything else crumbles, your only safety will be in Him. Please dont be foolish, because without Jesus, your life hangs in the balance, too. Id be entirely remiss if I didnt tell you that.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:37:07 +0000

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