I AM SO MOTIVATED BY THIS, WHAT OF YOU? The Imam of our Jumat - TopicsExpress


I AM SO MOTIVATED BY THIS, WHAT OF YOU? The Imam of our Jumat masjid and my trainer for Hifzul Quran, told me about a Hadith yesterday after Ishah. He said there was a day the prophet(SAW) sat in the company of some Sahabahs, He then told them that someone will soon go outside now, and that person has gurantee of Al-janah from Allah. Then,one person(who did not hear the statement) left the mosque. The following day, the same thing happened, then the third day the same thing happened and surprisingly enough, it was the same man that was always leaving the masjid and that person was Abdullah Ibnu Umar. Then one Sahabah went to meet him secretly and took his permission that He would like to come and stay in his house for three days. Ibnu Umar quickly granted the request. Then after three days, He was leaving and now told Ibnu Umar that; By Allah, the prophet(SAW) has told us of a Man of Al-jannah that will be the first to leave the masjid on three occasions and you were always the one. So, I planned to come and live in your house for three days to know the secret Ibaadah of your success, but I realised that you were not doing anything spectacular, I even wake up in the night to do Ibadah when you sleep sometimes.But how come have you deserved this great favour from Allah? Ibnu Umar replied By Allah I dont do any Ibaadah more than my peers, but the only thing I know and suspect that might have qualified me is that; I have vowed that in my life, I will never hold grudges against anyone no matter how deeply they offend me and I dedicated that vow for the sake of Allah alone My dear Muslims, walahi we dont know may be only a little thing will be considered so mighty by Allah and He will declare to the angels that we are loved by him. Who knows what will earn us Al-jannah. The prophet(SAW) once said that the all the deeds of his ummah was shown to him and He said He saw that taking an injurious material of the road is among the rewardable acts and spitting Sputum/phlegm in the masjid is among the punishable acts. And you also remember of a day the prophet(SAW) and the Sahabahs passed by a graves site and the camels were jerking up as if they were so terrified. People could not understand what came over the camels, but the prophet(SAW) quickly said see those two graves over there, the two people are being severely tormented inside, and they are not being tormented except for two things, one of them used urinate and will not be warry of cleaning up completely that streaks of urine would later drop in his pant, the other person used to walk on earth with Gossips, He went ahead by saying that ,if not because you will be afraid to bury your dead ones henceforth, I would have call on Allah to let you hear the sounds from the grave Please dedicate one thing today for the sake of Allah.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 11:22:00 +0000

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