I AM SO PROUD OF MY CHILDREN TODAY!!!!! After seeing a news story about an 18 year old girl suing her parents for support , I am sure that im not even close to the worst parent on the planet. (Although I sometimes feel like that), Not only is this girl the biggest spoiled brat on the planet , her Police officer father, claims he was a liberal parent, so maybe this is partially his fault, That she is so spoiled!!??!! MAYBE????---- YA THINK????? SHE IS JUST ONE OF A LONG , LONG, LINE OF ENTITLED PEOPLE, LOOKING FOR A FREE RIDE. I have been accused of being the strictest parent since Adolf Hitler, even though I let my Kids do things most parents wont. Like have a job , Know the value of money, learn the good feeling that comes from hard work, and a job done right. Race motorcycles , Play sports that arent school related. Even allowing them to not participate in every school function if they chose not to, OR discover who they are as a person without me forcing them to be who I want them to be. They were not allowed to quit things , just because something got difficult. They did not EXPECT ANYTHING. And if they did , it was a bad day for them! When some , other parents, heard that I made my kids get a job in high School , and help pay for their first car, They would cringe or frown, or make excuses why their child cant do these things. We didnt do this because we were mean or poor, we did this so they knew how difficult , EARNING YOUR WAY IN LIFE CAN BE. This Girl from NEW Jersey needs a good , old fashioned, dose of TOUGH LOVE, But ill bet it wont happen. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA ! TOO MANY SELF IMPORTANT, SELF RIGHTEOUS , ENTITLED, PEOPLE, WHO ARE TOO LAZY TO EARN WHAT THEY WANT OR HAVE. Levi Gaswint , and Kiera Gaswint. I am so proud of you both, Love , the Meanest Father In The World
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 22:48:25 +0000

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