I AM SO STOKED Things are going smoooth, Grande Prairie is - TopicsExpress


I AM SO STOKED Things are going smoooth, Grande Prairie is treating me oh so fine, my job is rad, and I have an awesome community to hang out with!! I am so excited about the site Im at, its a place where theyre showcasing innovations in industry practices, partnered with the dept. of Sustainable Resource Development and COSIA((!!!)), and its about changing the status quo in industry. The resource assurance specialist in charge of the project brings out the big kids to take a look at innovations (TransCan pipelines, Alberta Technology Futures...Devon already uses one Innovative Pipeline Strategy shown off here exclusively). I bring out the little kids! Fourth graders are impressed, intrigued, and sometimes confused or ADD about the site, and theyre happy to be out of school and in the forest. A big beautiful crew from the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute is here at GP College res with me - we play kickball, volleyball, football, frisbee, go slack lining, climbing, make puzzles, party!, bbq, talk about plants, and sleep on docks by the wetland Muskoseepi park, while birds whistle at us all night and we wake up to a sunrise in the cattails with warm breezes and crescent moon cuddles. Im basically at summer camp but no one works after dinner or sleeps in tipis with kids. AND NEXT MONTH, Im off to the Yukon again! These paddling trips keep falling into my lap - Ill be going with three other people to the Peel watershed to do the Wind River, for all of July. Well be hiking and canoeing in one of Canadas last enormous, intact wilderness areas. Its unspoiled, and was just opened up to development - there is a lawsuit now against the government. Explanation here: news.nationalgeographic/news/2014/01/140124-canada-yukon-peel-watershed-wilderness-mining-first-nations/ It broke my heart when I read that in January, so Im really glad now Ill be helping take up the cause for raising some awareness. My teammates and I will be doing some writing, photography, and fundraising over the next couple months and all money raised will go to the lawsuit. And for the caribou and other critters too of course! Well soon be registered with CPAWS as one of their Big Wild challenges, and who knows what else well cook up. Some of our friends are doing a similar paddle trip, from the Oglivie tributary, all the way down the Peel River - theyre going full on!!! - they are a hand picked group of artists that will be doing a major project. Theyre still accepting applications I think... Calder Cheverie (and woah hey Tony Wallace too!) and another girl (I wont say her name, its not up on the website yet) and I worked together or have mutual friends, and theyll be on the trip. (Their website is here. thepeel.ca) Super cool. So! Maybe theres a party coming up to send us off on our trip at the end of June...keep your eyes open!
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 18:20:30 +0000

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