I AM SOMEBODY! In the 1950s Reverend William Holmes Borders, - TopicsExpress


I AM SOMEBODY! In the 1950s Reverend William Holmes Borders, the Senior Pastor of Wheat Street Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia wrote a poem entitled I Am Somebody which has been recited on many occasions by Reverend Jesse Jackson and also appears in one of my favourite documentaries When We Were Kings profiling the classic fight, the Rumble in the Jungle between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire in 1974. I am Somebody! I am Somebody! I may be poor, but I am Somebody. I may be young, but I am Somebody. I may be small, but I am Somebody. I may have made mistakes, but I am Somebody. My clothes are different, My face is different, My hair is different, but I am Somebody. I am black, brown, or white. I speak a different language but I must be respected, protected, never rejected. I am Somebody! Today my simple assignment is to remind you that regardless of what you may have gone through, accomplished or not accomplished, and regardless of your social standing or lack thereof, you have intrinsic value determined by God and you must never ever EVER forget that. There are dimensions to you that you have never discovered. And if you havent discovered them yet, you can be sure that those who look down on you or dont have time for you, certainly havent discovered them either. Ill let R. Buckminster Fuller, that wisest of sages, remind you of the depths within you that you must discover and mine in 2015: Ninety-Nine Percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable. Have a great weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 09:21:18 +0000

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