I AM Spiritual. I AM Love. I Love God/Goddess/Spirit the - TopicsExpress


I AM Spiritual. I AM Love. I Love God/Goddess/Spirit the Supreme Creator Most High. I AM Humbly Surrendered to the Highest Divine Will and Service of Truth. I Share this first before sharing the story of meeting and discussing religion (beliefs) with a Dear Soul today. It was clear she was firm on her belief in Christianity and that others were not. I did not take a side and remain neutral in my questions. I Love Yeshua, Jesus and What He taught. However, I Believe what was originally taught when He roamed this Planet and What is being indoctrinated to so many blind followers are different messages of TRUTH. I Suggest that His Teachings have been hijacked, institutionalized by religion and striped of its Pure Truth with a deluded version of spiritual scripting for the purpose of Controlling its devotees. I Personally do not claim to have the answers, Yet, I cannot trust another to give me the answers which I must find for myself. Birds of a feather, flock together So Tell me who your friends are, Ill tell you who you are. In other words, Jesus live a very very different life and carrying of himself than most of those who claim him. Living the example of what One claims to be, is the highest Honor to such a submission. This is not a judgment statement but One of observation. Christ taught Love, Compassion of your fellow man and forgiveness to no end. Love. Love. Love. Love is the Highest Law. Universal Love is the Law. And that Law is One. If it is the question of study, please take this fact into consideration, One only learns the History and perceived truth of the One who won the war. Remember, History is writing by winners. So what of the truth of those who did not win the war? Do it make their story, TRUTHS in less valid? any less True? Lastly, what I know, is that I dont Know. The more I Learn the more humbled I become to the vastness of ALL that is.... Anything that can be defined is not infinite. For Infinite is Oneness that is Beyond all words, definitions and knowing. It is clear that when we define anything, it is bound and confined by that definition. So When another claim to me they Know, all there is to know of this Creation when the Human body and brain itself is not even completely turned on (more than 80 percent of the brain is unknown to and unused by the human) Beloved Ones, Think,... every thing you are is the result of Beliefs, Scripting from birth as to who and what you are, your traditions, culture and what is the heritage of your race.... All Beliefs formed for outside of the self and accepted by the self as absolute. It is only when We get to this point of understand do We begin to find the Truth of what is within. Yet, We tend to find to hard to break free from such strong convictions. Darling Souls, follow your Heart and ask for Divine Guidance. For I believe Our Highest Supreme Creator is so Pure in Infinite Love, that anything desired with truth and reverence, Will come to you. Find Your own Truth. I Love You Darling Souls. May the Infinite Blessings of the Supreme Creator Most High give You Love, Light and Sacred Truth. Namaste ~ Amen
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:57:28 +0000

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