I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE FIRST LESSON: ST. JOHN: 14-6 SECOND LESSON: ST. JOHN: 6-50 GOLDEN TEXT; ST. MATTHEW: 11-28 After reading the three lessons, which are identical, the subject of our revelation can be envisaged. Jesus Christ declares to the world that he is the way, the truth and the life. Why then do they not follow him? This is a question, which every individual must answer. I note the great zeal and rapture, which the whole world has in seeking the way of life and their votary to God. The only solution to the problem is to follow Jesus who is the only way, and who is now here with us. All those who yearn for life are advised to follow Christ who is life. It is ridiculous to observe that the world wants life through the doctors, herbalist’s secret societies and wealth that they can never find. Why do you look for something where it cannot be found? ESSENTIALS OF LIFE Jesus Christ who is denied and rejected by you is only way, truth and life. Everybody wants truth but have you seen it in the government, among the millionaires, parents, husbands, wives, and the doctors? There is no other truth apart from Jesus. If you want the truth and a truthful man, go to Christ. All the prime factors of life consisting of the way, the truth and life are all en -shrine in Christ. If this house has no door, you cannot enter into it. The door or way is indispensable in every matter. Truth is a precious treasure because it is unchangeable and life in the intrinsic value which exists forever. Christ alone possesses all these virtues. As you do not know him or believe in him, where will you get truth and life, and who will lead you? The entire catastrophe, which has beset the world today, is that they reject Christ. Since he is the only way, anybody who does not follow him is lost in transit. You have to follow his footprints, examples, and teachings. His teachings are words of life, which you must practise. You are to imitate him by going from house to house to minister the word of God, and you must love everybody as he loves you. Apart from these, there is no life in you. The only person the world should follow before they get life is Jesus Christ. If you deny him, you have gone astray and you will land in destruction. CHRIST IS THE ONLY FOUNDATION The life and teachings of Christ are recorded in the Holy Bible, which is widely publicized throughout the world. It has been so diffused that even the person who has never been to church, the skeptics, the fanatics and people from all walks of life have heard about Jesus. It is inevitable that all those who want eternal life and those who seek God must practise the life and teachings of Christ, which is the only dogma for the world. Most of you do not understand the meaning and importance of the assertion by Christ that he is the way, truth and life. The way comprises his own extrovert characteristics, virtues and ways of life. Truth indicates that all his words, teachings and exhortations are true and are immutable. Life is the induction that if you practise his life and teachings, you will inherit eternal life. You follow him by going to receive his teachings daily and applying them to your daily life. It is a misconception to sit down in your house and think that God live in the heart. Anybody who does not go to school to learn will not know the subjects taught in school. If you do not go and receive these divine teachings from him, how will you be saved? Do not think that since Christ is a man, his teachings are human ideology. They are the true teachings of God, which must be fulfilled. Whatever is the weight of your trouble and however slothful your sin is, go to him and listen to his words and you will be resuscitated. His words of exhortation are true and there is no falsehood. Your parents, money and the entire world will deceive you, but Christ will never. He is the Prince of life for without him there is nothing at all. He is the everlasting truth who is working in the world today. He is unchangeable and cannot die. We must hold firm to the truth and speak it forever for Christ is the truth. Since Christ lives forever, you who are the children and witnesses to the truth must live forever. The truth cannot change a thousand years he will remain the same. This confirms the statement which says: “ Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Anything that does not change or die is the truth, and anything, which leads you into life, is the way. Why do you reject the Prince of life? He says that he is the door and that there is no other way to God and to Salvation. Do not regard the three concepts apart, for they are one. They are sub-divided to illustrate the stages of approach to God. The way of the first stage is that you must follow God to hear his words. Henceforth when you believe in these authentic oracles of God and put them into practice you will enter into eternal life. Jesus is the door, which is the word of God. He is the life in that anybody who practises these words has life. He is the truth for when you practise these words and teach the same to others, you are the truth. You must teach exactly without seeking your own glory. In the world today, when you go to preach to people they thrust you out. When will they receive the word of God and gain salvation? You are witnesses that when a murderer receives the word of God, his eyes will be opened, and he will be filled with love and peace. “I am the Way, the Truth and Life” does not denote three Gods in one person, but one God who is the Word. The word of God is the only way of salvation. It is the only life, when you practise it, and it is the only truth, when you practise it, there will be no more variables in you. You can’t change people by quarrelling and abusing them. If you shoot a sinner dead, imprison some and starve others as disciplinary measures to change them, you have not use the correct way and the Truth. You cannot be a Christian and you cannot be with God if you do not practise the word of God. FIRST LESSON: ST. JOHN: 14-6 “JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME.” Who else can teach you the Way of Life? There is no other teacher in heaven or earth except Christ. If you want to know God, take up your Bible and read the words of Jesus, and believe and practise them. You cannot follow God if you do not practise his teachings. Do not ask questions or feel that you cannot practise his teachings because when you do this, you do not follow him. People do not know the teachers are the Way. If you go to school and there is no teacher, you will not learn anything. On the other hand, teachers have misled the whole world. Bad teachers cause the troubles in the world. The only teacher who can give life is Jesus, and his teachings only can immortalise you because they are true. SENSUAL PHILOSOPHY Today Satan has filled the whole world with his teachings and doctrines and has led you into perdition. You go to Universities to learn and there by spoil yourself with sensual philosophy and deceit, which are after the tradition of men and rudiments of the world. The only way and truth is Christ. Therefore, all the teachings and research in Universities lead to destruction and death, likewise all the admonitions you receive from your parents. Any advice, which is given to you by a man on earth, is injurious and will lead you into the grave. The only Leader who can lead you into all Truth is Jesus Christ. There is no other personality in the heaven of heavens, on the earth, beyond the primeval deeps, in the astral planes and among the white and black nations, except Our Lord Jesus Christ. There is no angel either in heaven or on earth that can lead you to eternal life. That Jesus says he is the Way shows that he is the only teacher who can lead you to eternal life. After God had created Adam and Eve, He warned them not to receive any instruction from any angel, and that He would be their only teacher. The disobedience of this order brought destruction and death to them which the bequeathed to their progeny. Eve went to Lucifer, the chief angel, and asked why God forbade them to eat the fruit in the centre of the garden. The angel used his ideology and told Eve that God did not want them to be like Him, and that if they ate it, they would be as wise as God. Eve went and induced Adam with the false delusion to eat the forbidden fruit. What was the result, were they like God or were their eyes opened? This example is analogous to the statement that “ I am the Way.” If they had hearkened to God and failed to learn from the angel, and stopped eating the fruit, they would have lived forever. CHRISTOLOGY Today Christ has instructed you not to call any man teacher for He is the only teacher from whom you have to learn and attain eternal life. If you want to know God and reach the knowledge of truth, study the doctrine of Christ. If any angel descends from the sky and pose like Christ but teaches a different doctrine from that of Christ, do not listen to him. If you attend any Church and a preacher, be he black or whites, preaches anything contrary to Christ doctrine, go out from such a cursed place for he is the son of perdition. There is no other person who knows God and his mysteries, and there is no other person who has the truth and life, except Christ. There is no university, which existed before or will exist after, and there is no society or mystic establishment, which will be compared with the teachings of Christ. If you want eternal life, truth, peace, humility, love and to be liberated from the earth borne cares so that you may be in heaven and in God’s right or left hand, and be perfect and blameless, follow the teachings of Christ. But if you reject them you have gone astray and you will lose your life. The narrow gate, which you must strive to enter, is Christ. Study his ways of life and comply accordingly. Listen and assimilate his teachings, revelations, and exhortations for they are true and must be fulfilled and established. He promised that after his departure, He would come again and receive you unto himself. How will He receive you other than teaching and leading you to the knowledge of Truth, so that if you practise the teachings, you will become immortal? The fundamental of Christology is not connected with mystical signs of raising the dead or walking on top of water, but the underlying principle consists of His teachings. All those who practise them are Christ like, and will live forever. The gospel of today will lead you to Christ hood for it is the only way, Truth and Life which should be engrafted indelibly in your hearts. THE ANTI- CHRIST Since Satan has been excluded from this way of salvation, His alternative teachings are false, and lead to destruction and death. He opposes the teachings of Christ because when Christ teaches you to refrain from stealing he will come around and advise you to steal for God does not forbid it. Christ illustrates the allegory of this satanic opposition through the parable of the wheat and tares. He says that a man sowed good seeds in His field, but after He had gone away, an enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. When the seeds germinated, the tares also sprung up. The servants asked their master from where the tares came because they planted only good seeds, and the master told them that an enemy did the havoc at night. They asked whether they could be allowed to weed the tares, but the master advised them to allow both to grow together until harvest. Then the reapers would be instructed to gather first the tares into bundles and burn them, but the wheat would be gathered into the barn. You are taught not to commit fornication, drink, smoke or indulge in concoctions, but when you go out Satan will induce you to commit them, and that you will go and confess to God, and He will forgive you because He is a merciful Father. He will teach you to tell lies because Abraham who was the friend of God was a liar, and that the lies are only for self-defence. He will use enticing words to lure you to commit sins by saying that God does not punish a man because he does not commit the sins but by Satan. He will ask you to drink a little wine but that you should not be intoxicated. This is the enemy who comes in the night because he passes through your friends and relations and will use them to execute his diabolical caprices. He is the one who deceived Adam and Eve and led them into destruction. If you are advised not to marry two wives, he will cite the patriarchs like Abraham and Solomon who had many wives, and to buttress his argument, he will quote relevant portions written by him from the scriptures. Satan is an eloquent preacher, but his aim is to lead you astray. If you practise his teachings, you must be a liar, and hypocrite, and at last you die. From the foundations of the world, he was a murderer and the father of lies. His teachings are sensual and not from God. But today Christ has declared himself, as the only way of salvation, and anybody who wants life should follow Him. If Job had listened to Satan, he would have perished, but he listened to Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. From the beginning, there were mockers and scoffers who derided on people during the time of adversity. Job’s wife urged Job to deny God so that he might live. The wife was not responsible for this intrigue, but Satan used her as a tool. All the friends of Job came and mocked at him and told him that his sins were so grievous that God had forsaken him. But Job loathed all their slanderous and derogatory remarks and maintained his votary in God. If Job had deviated from the words of Christ he would have perished. From today, do not listen to your parents, angel, spirit or any being who poses as Christ, and who will teach you to commit fornication. It is not unusual for Satan to transform himself into an angel of light. Satan has angels and prophets who see visions and prophecy. Everybody knows that Brotherhood does not observe or partake in funeral obsequies, but Satan will appear to you in the form of the Leader with a red garment, and will inform you that he does not forbid you from partaking. When you wake up you will inform people that you saw the Leader in the dream and he told you to observe the funeral rites. Paul advises you that you should not be shaken in mind, or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word, nor by letter purported to come from us, saying that the day of Christ is at hand. There were false prophets from the beginning of the world. They can pass through more than one thousand people to confirm their false prophecy. Recall the incident of the lying spirit who entered into Ahab’s prophet and stirred them to prophesy lies to Ahad. When Ahab wanted to wage war, he consulted his four hundred prophets, and all of them with one accord prophesied that he should wage the war for he would conquer. But one true prophet of God, prophesied that if he went, he would be killed. He was annoyed with this true prophecy, so he locked up the prophet in the prison until his safe return from battle. To fulfil the prophecy, he was killed in the battle. The prophets do not know what they prophesy because they are only tools for the spirits who work in them. They only prophesy what they see and hear, their authenticity, notwithstanding. Since Truth is only one, do not be deceived by the tradition of majority wins, so that you ignore minority. Since the world has adopted the principle of majority in ascertaining the truth, Satan has found this a fertile ground for exploitation. That is why the whole world has been led astray. But they forgot that there is only One God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ. It is demonic teaching that one tree cannot form a forest and there is no truth in such hypothesis because one tree can form a forest and can fill the whole world. This as you can see is a statement of fact. Let us hear the second lesson again. SECOND LESSON: ST. JOHN: 6-50 “THIS IS THE BREAD WHICH COMETH DOWN FROM HEAVEN, THAT A MAN MAY EAT THEREOF AND NOT DIE.” The bread from heaven is the teaching of Christ, His ways of living and the eternal truth. In our previous example, the Prophet emphasised that if the King returned with life, he should know that he did not speak the oracle of the true and the living God. But the King was content with the evil surmising and imaginations of the false prophets. The word of God is not much and is always compared to the mustard seed. Only one man is ordained to speak it, but the world always reject Him. He is the only living bread from heaven for all other preaching is misleading. He declares that He is the living bread, and that all those who eat of this bread will not die. Therefore, anybody who hears the words of Christ and practises them will not be sick, poor, and will weep no more, He sees no more sorrow or death. FAMINE OF THE WORD OF GOD Paul charged Timothy to be instant in season and out of season preaching the word of God, to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all long- suffering and doctrine. For the time would come when they would not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. They shall turn away their ears from the truth unto fables. Today the whole Christendom and the world Churches militant on earth including the Roman Catholic Church, the Presbyterian, the Apostolic, etc. Collect people and establish schools, seminars theological colleges and Universities and thoroughly indoctrinate them according to their tradition, ideology and lusts. Have they got this everlasting life? Christ had forewarned you that you should not call any man teacher, but contrary to this decree, you have heaped upon yourselves miniature teachers who have led you into destruction. Such false teachers are also found in the hospitals where they deceive their victims that God does not forbid the drinking of medicine and taking of injection. They also induce people to commit fornication and that God will forgive them. The propagation of false doctrine has so gained momentum in the world that all the doctors, nurses, ministers, politicians, farmers and millionaires, through all are professed Christians and full communicants. But they join secret societies including the Freemason, Armoch Lodge, Ekpe, Obon, Ogboni, and Ekpo and indulge in other abominable sorcery and charms. In the government circles, the governor, ministers, Commissioners, Presidents, and top civil servants are all Christians yet they swear the Bible, indulge in drinking and fornication, and console themselves that God is not against such malpractice. They are the false teachers. If you tell anybody that he is a pagan, he will be exasperated, and will tell you that he has been a Christian from his youth. Why do you deny the Prince of Life by failing to practise his animating teachings? He warns you not to tell lies, or commit fornication, or consult a soothe- sawyer or herbalist, and that you should not resist any evil. Which one have you practised? Since he is the Way, Truth and Life, these teaching lead you to eternal life. When the woman who followed Christ on the road to Calvary wept, he advised them not to weep for him, but to weep for themselves an their children. Today do you weep for the sick or the dead, or do you weep for yourselves, who reject the words of life but follow after fables? The word of God can take away sickness; sins, hatred and death from you and can give you peace, joy, truth and love. The word of God is everlasting life, so let us practise it for they are not grievous. Do not seek for God anywhere for He and Christ are the world. If a man or Spirit comes to you and claim to be Christ do not believe because Christ is the Word of God. But if a man comes and teaches you not to drink, fornicate or lie, and you observe that he does not do these thinks, bow down and worship him for you have seen both God and Christ face to face. Let us re- examines the golden text. GOLDEN TEXT: ST. MATTHEW: 11-28 “ COME UNTO ME, ALL YE THAT LABOUR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST.” Brethren, what an inspiring invitation. When Christ was asked what would be the sign of His coming, He told them that where so ever the carcasses is, there would the eagles be gathered together. The significant of this statement is that all the sinners and weary will throng to God to receive his inestimable and comforting words, and when they put them into practise, their troubles will be taken away. Christ alone can convince you not to fornicate, or lie, or marry two wives, or kill, or hate people, or be proud for He tells and practise the truth and teaches other to do likewise. He alone has love, therefore He teaches us to love one another, as He loves us. There is no other righteous person except Christ. Why should you who are murderers, rogues, fornicators and drunkards not draw near to him and receive the gospel so that you may have life. Which school, society or instrument of governments forbids people from fornicating drinking, stealing and making juju? Instead of forbidding you they encourage you to do what you like. In your offices, if you discharge your official duties, it does not bother them whether you are a rogue, murderer or fornicator. Likewise in the churches, if you pay your dues promptly, they will certify you as a full member and that you will go to heaven when you die. If you preach that they should not commit fornication, drink any medicine; consult a doctor or snuff that will be your last chance of preaching in that church. They will say that you have come to cause people to die. If you tell them that what they do is not good and that they know the truth, they will dismiss you with ignominy. WHAT IS TRUTH? Truth is to point out people’s mistake to them. If a person goes astray, show him the truth and restore him with the spirit of meekness. Herod married his brother’s wife and the whole Israel saw the felony, but because of his status as King, they feared him and said nothing. But since John the Baptist was the Son of the truth and his ace witness, he went and rebuked Herod that it was not lawful for him to marry his brother’s wife. Because of this probity and sincerity, Herod was annoyed and he remanded John in custody. Herod himself developed personal animosity against John because of this truth and sought ways of revenge. Her chance came when Herod celebrated his birthday and Herodia’s daughter danced and pleased Herod. He promised her that whatsoever she demanded would be given her. On her mother’s advice, instead of asking for the Kingdom, she demanded the head of John the Baptist in a charger. You will observe that, Satan, the enemy of truth did the work, because the woman was not going to eat the head of John the Baptist. In your offices, the head of your department is a fornicator, rogue and drunkard, but you cannot rebuke him so that you may not be dismissed. The world hates the truth, but the only people who speak the truth are those who bear witness for Christ. Till today if you praise a person who is righteous and rebuke the one who does evil, he will bear a grudge against you. The Word of God is to tell people the truth when they go astray. Jesus was hated because He said that what the world did was not good. Stephen was killed because he witnessed for the truth that Jesus is both Lord and Christ. They hate Brotherhood because they rebuke the world that drinking, fornicating, stealing and lying are not good. If they hate you know that they first hated Christ for the same reason. WITNESSES TO THE TRUTH Why do you claim to be witnesses to the truth, but you do not rebuke your parents who are juju doctors and drunkards? Why do you profess to be Christians when you do not practise the word of God and teach others to do the same. If you are a follower of Christ you will not steal again, or murder or tell lies, but if you continue to commit these sins you have not followed Christ. All those who follow Him must be like Him because they see him as He is. He is merciful, humble, harmless, loving, and He obeys only the statues of God and not of men. We were previously told that those who will be qualified to follow Christ are those who are not defiled with woman, for they are virgins. Many of you were sad while others rejoiced. What of the truth? If you are a virgin, but you do not follow and live a Christ like life, will you be saved, and if you do not practise the gospel, will you have eternal life? If you practise the gospel, but you see others who go astray and you do not reprove them, are you truthful? You are to rebuke, reprove, and exhort with all long- suffering and doctrine. You fear enemies, war and death but you do not fear to tell lies. It is said that no guile is found in their mouths, for they are without fault before the throne of God. Therefore, no falsehood will be found among the 144,000 elects who will be with Christ. So do not rejoice because you are a virgin, but rejoice because no guild is found in your mouth. The most important thing is to be truthful for all things shall pass away, but the truth shall abide forever. Tell your parents and the governments that they should not use the Bible as Oath, that they should either be black or white, and that their yes should be yes and their no, should be no. Show the governments, churches, schools, firms and the entire world that they have strayed from Christ, and because of this they have no life. All the angels and spirits should follow Christ and receive the words of life. All the governments, missions, companies and other institutions should follow the teachings of Christ for it is the only foundation. Any departure from this will plunge the world into dreary oblivion and drown them completely in perdition. He, who has ears to hear, let him hear and may God bless his Holy Words. AMEN THANK YOU FATHER.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 22:11:56 +0000

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