I AND MYSELF My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in - TopicsExpress


I AND MYSELF My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best as I can. Cary Grant This philosophy obviously worked very well for Car Grant, but for me..... After working on Saturday I was looking forward to spending Sunday in solitude, I woke up late, walked around the house aimlessly, in my flannel pajama, three sizes bigger than I am. In winter it works like built in mittens and sox. Clocks turned back one hour last night, giving me that one extra hour to do absolutely nothing. It was still dark outside, I wrapped myself up in a big coat so no one gets a glimpse of my bright red pajama with Santa Clause and Reindeers. I dont buy clothes to correspond with specific Holidays, though admire the ppl who do. Some have clothes for each Holiday and accessories to match. I call it a Holiday spirit or just a spirit, when I see ppl with red sweater with Santa Clause on it, reindeer antlers head band and to finish the look, wear necklace and earrings with little light bulbs which light with tiny batteries. Last seasons Christmas pajama two days after Halloween works for me, No fear of running into Santa who objected to it, I figure he is too busy making toys for all those good little, and not so little and not so good, girls and boys. Besides anyone coming to Starbucks that early on Sunday morning is not in any position to judge me. My friendly baristas handed me that hot concoction customized to my taste. Happy with my chai and dreams of lounging around, dancing in my head, I returned home. Everything was going as planned rather as unplanned. Last two moths my social calendar was fully booked, in fact, I had to, reluctantly turn down few invitations. I must get everyone to coordinate these events so there is no overlapping, how hard is that? Only person who suffer is me who has to make difficult choices of missing some of these functions. Weddings are my favorite, I try not to miss any, I call them days of senses overload, listening to music, at times completely out of tune, but who am I to judge? and along with it, non stop conversations, touch of delicate fabrics like silk, organza, satin, list goes on and on, inhaling intoxicating fragrances of flowers, incense, perfumes (some cheap), tasting, in my case overeating skillfully cooked food, admiring the color coordination, some ppl criticizing, the vibrant colors. Experience is priceless, new friendships are made and old renewed. Love and laughter is everywhere. Even though as Mae West said, Too much of good thing can be wonderful. For me too much of a good thing is bad, at least eating too much has immediate bad effects on my body. So I looked at not having any Social engagement this weekend as a blessing. I even thought of going on a liquid diet, killing two birds in one stone, dont have to cook any food and Starbucks chai comes only in a liquid form so I dont have to compromise or cheat and may be, just may be shed few ounces, of unwanted fat in the process. Happy and content, feeling warm and fuzzy, I sat in my bed with my Agatha Christie, Hercule poirot novel. I was fully aware it was Diwali. Avoid long phone calls, I reminded myself, convinced myself everyone must be busy, and decided to text everyone good wishes for Diwali. They all love me, at least I think they do, and have gotten used to my unconventional ways of doing things. It is like ppl who see me all the time and talk to me often, send me Christmas cards, I dont see any point in that and they dont see my point of view, stop sending the cards, save the trees. With my purpose or lack of it in mind, I felt relaxed, what could go wrong? Murphys law Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. If you dont take necessary precautions such as turning your phone off. Check your fb, e mail, texts and all other unnecessary things on I pad. Never underestimate the strong desire of others to want to connect with you, for no good reason at all. Well I neglected to turn the phone off, it was too late when I got a call from a friend. She just wanted to say Hi not a good sign, women never call just to say Hi same as they never can say Good bye without spending additional 1/2 hour at the door, talking, kids getting restless and husbands sitting in the car with engine running. conversation started with how are you? before I could answer, she went on and on with the complains about every single person in her life, I call that equal opportunity hater, it included every family member to so called friends and even the neighbors, mind you, I have never met any of these ppl yet considered them very lucky and almost wished I was one of those ppl she hated and wouldnt want to talk to me, instead I politely acted like I was listening. She was not looking for any input, advice or to that matter any attention, unless I was going to agree her. I weighed my two options either to agree or disagree and chose the third option to watch a movie while occasionally saying really? Or I cant believe it. In my case these movies I have seen before, most, several times. I dont rent movies, dont subscribe to movie channels or Netflix, networks say you watch what you get and that is fine with me, I dont have to pay a lot of attention, not missing a story. After a short 50 some minutes conversation and missing parts of the movie I have seen before, I finally said, I got to go there is someone on the other line she hung up with the promise to call again soon, I released a sigh of relief, thank God for the call waiting, the best invention of a mankind to cut short unwanted conversations. I wondered, when my friends and family say I got to go, there is someone on the other line are they trying to get rid of me? I decided in the future to keep my conversations short, not to complain about other ppl and always stick to the juicy gossip.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:11:49 +0000

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