I Am Making You Ready By The Hard Path Susan OMarra - TopicsExpress


I Am Making You Ready By The Hard Path Susan OMarra Transcript of Prophecy given during the Prayer Watch at SOG on 1-31-14 (Begins at 30:50 minutes on the audio recording) Yes Children, you are being made ready. You are being made ready to manifest My Kingdom. Everyday, I make you more ready than yesterday. Everyday, as you yield to Me, I am able to do every one of My Fathers decrees. I am able to work them out through your life and in your life. I am making you ready. My Kingdom is within you, and My Kingdom flows through you. I have been bringing you by a very hard path, and I have been bringing you through very strong tests, and by very rigid preparations to test your faith. To test your determination. To test your vision. To test your sincerity before Me, and I have made you ready. This year, I have chosen to reveal My Name in you, and My Name upon you, and My Name through you. To say, This is My beloved, listen to him, listen to her. I am ready to reveal who I am through your life, through your worship, through your prayer. I am ready to be revealed everywhere. My Omnipotent Hand is upon you, and I have been shaking everything loose. I have been uprooting things, and I have been cementing things even within you, because I have been girding you, and clothing you, and beautifying you, and I have been fortifying you through prayer. So I have been forcing you to pray, and to call upon Me night and day, to build your prayer life. To build you into a Fortress of Prayer that cannot be taken, by any situation, by any person, or enemy. I have brought you through that hard path, to make you worthy of My Name, and My Kingdom, to show forth My pleasure through your life, even through your sufferings, I am glorified. I have made you into a Fortress, strong. Strong in persistence, through the things I made you go through, and now I am saying press forward, by the way I have trained you, teach them! Teach them how to follow through. Teach them how to press through, and seek until they receive. By the very manner that I trained you, is the very manner that you will model to others. That you will disciple the nations to learn of Me, and walk with Me in integrity. I am causing you to break open as never before. This is My city, and you are in My Door. I am shaking this city. I am forcing everything to the surface. I am causing all darkness to tremble and shake before My Voice in this city. You shall see things in this nation break open. You shall see things shake at My Voice. You shall see gnashing of teeth and hearts and voices at my Glory, as I begin to uncover the very depths that you have been crying out for Me to uncover. They are coming up in 2014. You are going to see the great, great fruit of your prayers, for I am going to erupt everywhere. The power that darkness has had on the holds of the minds of the people, I shall shatter this year. I shall begin to deal across this nation. I shall begin to judge the enemy, who I have allowed to judge you for a season, to get you ready. Now I will allow you to turn upon the enemy, and to judge him, and to be a vessel of judgment, for and because of My Word given to you. He shall be food. He shall be booty unto you. He shall be your inheritance. You shall inherit what he has stolen and taken, and what he has destroyed and corrupted, for I have given Light unto your hands! I say, by your word, this nation will stand. By your word, this city will stand, By your word, your home will stand. By your word, you will stand, or you will not. But I have raised you up for this hour, My People, for I have called you to stand in your command. I have trained you with a very hard hand, and though you thought you failed, and though you thought you were mistaken, and though you thought things were so hard you could never accomplish it, and though you came under disillusionment and depression, and though you came and said, Lord, I failed. I say, Child, you didnt fail, I forced you to prevail! I forced you to see, in your own works, you can do nothing. I forced you to understand, that no word but Mine will stand in the earth, and in the heavens, and now you understand. But Child, look, you have not failed Me, you have prevailed with Me, and I have broken those things in your life that kept you from this day. That kept you from accomplishing what I am about to set you into, because I will be glorified through you. I am ready now to move. I am ready to shake the pillars of My House again. I am ready to fill My House with smoke, and fire, and blood, and water, and oil, and wind! I am going to come and manifest Myself again, because I have made you ready. I have made entire cities ready for My Visitation, for My Manifestation, for My Habitation! I will shake cities with wind, with fire, with oil, with rain. I will shake cities with thunder, and lightning, and snow. I will shake cities with ice. I will shake cities all over the earth, because I am thundering over the enemy who prevents their birth! I will shake the very foundations of darkness that has opposed My Will for you, and My People, and My Scroll for this earth. I shall accomplish My Word! That is why I had you decree those things today! My angels are harkening to My Scriptures, and they are moving, by the things I say. Do not look at your nation, and feel that it shall come to naught. Shall the nations of the earth fail? No! I am God of the earth! I am God of the nations! I am God of every generation! In very generation, I have moved, and I have revealed who I was to that generation, and it is no different in yours. I have a design for this generation and you will fulfill it, if you are faithful to Me. I have come to glorify Myself in the earth. I have come to glorify Myself in this city, in this state, in your life. I am here to reveal Myself, and I shall shake everything, but I shall remove all that opposes Me, whether it is man, or enemy. I shall bring forth My Will, as you faithfully pray with Me everyday. You shall stand and you shall rejoice in this day, and you shall say, Surely I did not know it would be like this! Surely, I did not know that God could save us! Surely, I did not know how glorious and great His Hand is, but now, I see and I declare His Glory all over the earth! We shall do it Father! So Children, do not think that the things that you went through, and the things that you lost during that time are lost. The things that did not matter for your future, they are gone. But the things that I held in reserve for you while you went through your trials are not lost, they shall come forth, they shall be found, they shall be restored, they shall come forth new! I am in charge of everything concerning you. There is nothing that shall be stolen from you as you walk obedient to Me. I shall be your Justice! I shall be your Glory! I shall be your Judge! I shall give you those things that I have ordained for you. I shall be build you new! I shall fashion you, and shape you, and beautify you this year. You shall be amazed by the end of the year, the things that I brought you through, the things that I made you into, and that I caused you to inherit, because I am here to build My House, and My House is not cheap. Its not broken down, but My House shall be glorious, and within My House, I shall be found. My House shall again be Holy ground, and there shall not be nothing before My Face that is unsound. So I say, watch and see Me shake this city. Watch and see Me sweep through cities all over the earth. Some will crumble, some will tumble, but many will shine, because the earth is going to realign, according to My Design. Nation by nation I shall sweep the earth in a great fiery birth, and furnaces of prayer shall erupt everywhere, for I shall fall upon you as you have asked. As you have cried out, I shall make you into that prayer furnace at last! I shall have My Gatekeepers! I shall have My Ministers! I shall have My Priests, and I shall have My Worshippers! I shall have My House in order, so that the earth can be lit with the knowledge of Me! I am pleased with your desire, and I say, Children, let Me take you higher. Let Me show you the things that I have for you in the days ahead. For I shall visit you. I shall give you bread. I shall give you wine and strong meat, and you and I shall meet, and together, we shall pray, and we shall seek, and you will sit in your seat, and your heart shall be complete. Your desires shall not be unmet, but I shall meet them as you meet Mine. You shall know the joy of Loves wine. You shall know union with Me, divine. You, My Children, shall be a sign, because you are My Body, and you are no longer broken, but you are healed, and you are an Endtime Token. You are My Sign. You are My Wine! So Children, seek Me in this hour, seek Me in the watch, seek Me wherever you go, and you will hear My Voice in the wind blow. You will see My Face in the cloud, in the sky, and everywhere you look. You will see My People, you will see those that are Mine, and you will understand My Design. The end of the prophecy is at 46:00... The podcast for the prayer watch can be found at: revsusanthebrave.podomatic/entry/2014-02-01T04_24_52-08_00 Scriptures the Lord showed us regarding the prophecy: Colossians 2:10 Colossians 4:12 - Susan OMarra - 01-31-14
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:25:27 +0000

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