~I Am What I Am: A Writer And Author First and - TopicsExpress


~I Am What I Am: A Writer And Author First and Foremost!~ Oh...kay... I feel the need to verify something here! First off, I am a writer and published author no matter what other profession or job I am currently into. I am saying this due to the fact that my book consultant from my publisher, Partridge Singapore, called me this afternoon to check on me and he was very concerned when he learned that I havent actually started work on my second novel yet. He even went as far as to question my passion for writing by asking me what I know about passion and explaining it to me!!! Which IS a BIG deal to me, naturally, since I value and see myself above everything else as a writer with the natural talent for written words and concepts most others do not have! And they are original too, mind you! Okay, I know he has my interests at heart and all that but seriously, Im a bit hurt and I DO know what Im doing, Jo! So my book consultant and friend (whom I havent met yet but will soon this coming March or so, cant wait!) made a long-distance call to me from his companys SEA office somewhere in Cebu, Philippines, about the usual as well as to ask for an update of my current status on my second book. And while its true I havent actually started work on it yet, Im not really worried at all. Come on, this is Just Dave we are talking about here and I know what Im doing! Its more or less the same as with my first book. I already have all the juicy details and plots (main and subs) all worked out in my mind already. All I need to do is translate everything from thoughts to words and get them published (online and in physical book forms) and I must confess, that is the hard part for me now. So its true I will be busy the next few months working as a food-promoter for the Cold Storage branch @ Suntec City starting tomorrow the 28th of January, 2015 and thus wont have much time to write or even blog. Will be working from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 am to 8 pm so will only have 2 days free per week for the next few months which I believe I will spend mainly on my first love in life. In fact, I dont even think I will have time to walk my new pet Ruffy in the morning before going to work! Or after coming home from work either, which will be quite late in the evening too. The other thing that is stopping me from working on my second book is the very important and also sad fact that my first book hasnt been noticed yet. But the saddest part of all is that it may take many years and up to decades even before I will even receive recognition as an author simply because of my unknown status. Or so claimed Jo... But like I have said so many times before, I will NEVER give up my dream of becoming a writer and established author! My plan for now is simple, really. First step: Find a job to finance my passion for writing and publishing my second book which has to be completed by end of this year, no matter what! (No worries, Dave, you can do it!) Status of first step: Getting there with my first job in 2015. Second step: Buy the Coral Package from Partridge Publishing again once I have saved up enough cash and probably get a discount for it. (Note to self: No instalments as that will only delay progress.) Status of second step: Sure to happen in three to four months time! Third step: Hope enough interest will be generated from my YT video for my first book in the next few months. Status of third step: Slow and painful with only 10 views (mostly from myself, OMG!!!) and no comments so far... Fourth step: Keep on fuelling my passion for writing even with limited time due to a normal day job like updating my FB status (on a daily basis, maybe?) and short blog posts on my personal blog site. Status of fourth step: Happening every day with every breath I take. So, you see, despite the fact that I WILL be busy earning my keeps like just about every other normal and boring human being in this world the next few months, I havent forgotten my first commitment in life and thats to continue living and expanding my passion for writing and creativity and status as an author and novelist by writing more books and novels in the future! Of course, I will be updating my FB status as often as I can even when (almost) no one reads them and writing interesting short blog posts on my blog site whenever I have the time and feel like it, as usual. Peace out! Just Dave, Author of Phantasy-Land of the Beyond. youtu.be/ABQYJqLXB18
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:12:23 +0000

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